In the Multifamily Residential Zone (R-4), no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used except for one or more of the following uses and complying with the requirements so indicated.
Purpose. The purpose of the R-4 Zone is to provide for medium- to high-density multifamily dwellings and supporting uses. This zone is located in areas of the City where medium- to high-density development patterns are generally established or where services and facilities will be adequate to serve the anticipated population. The zone will permit development of townhouses that will yield high densities in selected areas, multifamily dwellings and single-family dwellings.
Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in the R-4 Zone:
All uses permitted in the R-1, R-2, and R-3 Zones, provided that all R-1, R-2, and R-3 regulations are complied with, respectively.
Multifamily dwellings, provided that the entire lot occupied by a multiple dwelling shall be maintained in single ownership throughout the life of the building, or in multiple ownership under the provisions of the laws of the State of Delaware relating to condominiums.
Permitted accessory uses. Sales of the following commodities and services are permitted as accessory uses and appropriate adjuncts to a multifamily building, which are designed to serve the tenants' daily needs: medication, food, sundries, and personal services, provided that said use and design are approved by the Planning Commission and provided that:
Such uses are limited to the main floor of the building or below; and
There is no direct entrance thereto from the outside of the building; and
No part of such accessory use or the entrance thereto is visible from the sidewalk; and
No sign or display indicating the existence of such accessory use is visible from the outside of the building; and
The accessory uses authorized under this subsection are intended to supply tenants of the multifamily dwelling with commodities supplementary to those established in the commercial zones.
Bed-and-breakfast houses are permitted as a conditional use. See Article XVI, Conditional Use Permits.
Dimensional and density standards.
Dimensional and density standards. See § 440-141, Dimensional and density Standards, Table 13.3.
Building setbacks.
[Amended 2-13-2024 by Ord. No. 23-07]
All buildings and structures shall be set back a minimum of 30 feet from the right-of-way line of any public street or adjacent property lines. This setback shall be exclusively devoted to landscaping and open area and shall not be occupied by any building, structure, or off-street parking area.
The minimum distance between any two principal multifamily buildings shall be 60 feet as to facing walls and 12 feet as to end walls. This distance shall exclude any driveway or vehicular access, which shall be in addition to the combined side yard width. Setback between buildings in multifamily projects designed in a courtyard fashion may be approved on a case-by-case basis.
Accessory buildings and structures. See § 440-140, Accessory uses, buildings, and structures, Table 13.1, Dimensional Standards for Accessory Buildings and Structures for Residential Uses and C-1, C-2, C-3, and TND Zones.
Projections into required yards. See § 440-144, Projections into required yards, Table 13.4, Permitted Projections into Required Yards.
General design standards.
When there are common entries, they shall be clearly identifiable and visible from the street with well-defined walkways from pedestrian routes to building entries.
Front yards shall include an entrance sequence between the sidewalk and the building including elements such as trellises, site furnishings, low hedges, landscaped borders, or special paving.
Pedestrian scale lighting shall be provided to create conditions of personal security.
All common areas not occupied by buildings, roads, parking areas, service areas, or other required or permitted uses shall be landscaped by lawns, trees, shrubs, gardens, or other suitable ground cover.
All common areas or other common facilities shall be maintained by the property owners within the townhouse group.
Additional regulations may apply, including, but not limited to:
Parking. See Article XV, Parking and Access;
Signage. See Article XIV, Signs;
Building standards. See Chapter 102, Building Standards;
Impact fees. See Chapter 175, Fees, Impact (community service); § 330-9, Sewer impact and connection fees; and § 425-10, Impact fees (water);
Floodplains. See Chapter 212, Floodplain Regulations;
Manufactured homes. See Chapter 250, Manufactured Homes, and Chapter 255, Manufactured Home Licenses;
Building permits and certificates of occupancy. See Chapter 292, Permits and Approvals;
Portable storage units. See Chapter 297, Portable Storage Units;
Property maintenance. See Chapter 305, Property Maintenance;
Sewers. See Chapter 330, Sewers;
Source water. See Chapter 350, Source Water Protection;
Standard specifications. See Chapter 357, Standard Specifications for Utility Construction Projects and Subdivision Pavement Design;
Streets and sidewalks. See Chapter 365, Streets and Sidewalks;
Recreational vehicles. See Chapter 417, Recreational Vehicles;
Water. See Chapter 425, Water.