The following is a list of the acts which were listed in Appendix A of the 1965 Code of Public Local Laws with the addition of those acts which were listed in footnotes in the 1965 Code as repealed:
Administrative Director. Chapter 147 of 1961 repealed by Laws of Wicomico County, 1965, ch. 10.
Alcoholic Beverages. Local laws repealed by Chapter 46, Special Session of 1933, and by Chapter 501 of 1947. Previously, Chapter 229 of 1933 had proposed amendments to these laws, but it was vetoed by the Governor; see 1933 Session Laws, p. 402. The local laws which were repealed had been cited in Ruppert v. Caffey, 251 U.S. 286, 64 L. Ed. 284, 40 S. C. 145 (1919).
Almshouse Farm. Sections 1 and 2 of the 1930 Edition of the Local Laws of Wicomico County, authorizing the sale of the almshouse farm, were repealed by Chapter 69 of 1959.
Bridges. Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 14 in the 1930 Code, concerning bridges across Wetipquin Creek, the Wicomico River and the Nanticoke River, were repealed as obsolete by Chapter 85 of 1959.
Certification of unpaid taxes. Sec. 224 In the 1930 Code of Public Local Laws of Wicomico County set the compensation of the Treasurer. This section was amended by ch. 967 of 1943 (see also p. 1997, 1945 Session Laws), and ch. 412 of 1953; and the section was repealed by ch. 81 of 1957. The Treasurer's compensation is set in section 51 (i) of Article 25 in the 1957 Edition of the Annotated Code.
Coal. Chapter 311 of 1935 added Sections 15A-15G to the 1930 Edition of the Code of Public Local Laws of Wicomico County, prescribing certain regulations and license fees for the sale, delivery and weighing of coal in the city of Salisbury. These sections were repealed by Chapter 30 of the Special Session of 1936. Chapter 27 of 1937 authorized the Mayor and City Council of Salisbury to refund license fees collected from certain coal dealers.
Costs. Chapter 29 of 1937 added Sections 18A and 18B to the 1930 Code of Public Local Laws of Wicomico County, providing for the payment of certain clerk's and sheriff's costs before docketing actions at law in the Circuit Court for Wicomico County. This Act was repealed by Chapter 759 of 1943, which enacted similar provisions in what is now Section 10 of Article 24 of the Annotated Code (1957 Edition).
County Commissioners. Sec. 227 in the 1959 Code, as amended by ch. 147 of 1961, was repealed by L. Wic. Co., 1965, ch. 10. In the 1959 Code the section had the following annotations:
Statutory duties, imposed upon the County Commissioners to manage the county finances and allow no claim against the county not properly chargeable thereto, remain unaffected by duties of Clerk appointed by said County Commissioners and specified by subsequent statute, same being clerical duties. Larmore et. al. v. State, 180 Md. 347, 24 A, 2D 284 (1942).
County Commissioners, by acceptance of their offices, accept statutory duty to ver indebtedness and expend the money of the county, and such duties could not be delegated to Clerk appointed by them under statutory law. Larmore et. al. v. State, 180 Md. 347, 24A. 2d 284 (1942).
Where County Commissioners are derelict in their duties, which enabled their Clerk to steal the county's funds, evidence that they were following a system used by prior Boards and that they neither received any of the stolen funds nor had any knowledge of the Clerk's dishonesty or any reason to suspect same, is irrelevant and was properly excluded. Larmore et. al. v. State, 180 Md. 347, 24A. 2d 284 (1942).
County Commissioners. Law for expense allowances enacted by ch. 156 of 1955 and ch. 146 of 1961. It was repealed by L. Wic. Co., 1965, ch. 8.
Cruelty to Animals. Local laws repealed by Chapter 88 of 1959.
Deeds. Sections 30 and 31 of the 1930 Edition of the Code of Public Local Laws of Wicomico County contained requirements for the recording of deeds. The two sections were amended by Chapter 70 of 1935 and repealed by Chapter 385 of 1945 (the latter of which enacted what is now Section 10 of Article 21 in the 1957 Edition of the Annotated Code). Section 32 in the 1930 Code was repealed by Chapter 91 of 1957.
Drugs. Local laws repealed by Chapter 89, 1959.
Ferry. Section 89 of the 1930 Code of Public Local Laws of Wicomico County, concerning the ferry across the Nanticoke River at Vienna, was repealed as obsolete by Chapter 74 of 1959.
Fruits and Vegetables. Section 94 of the 1930 Edition of the Code of Public Local Laws of Wicomico County was repealed as obsolete by Chapter 70 of 1959.
Jurors. Local laws repealed by ch. 891 of 1963, which amended and enacted sections in Article 51 of the Annotated Code.
Licenses. Sections 118A and 118B in the 1930 Code were repealed as obsolete by Chapter 80 of 1959.
Livery Stables. Section 135 In the 1930 Code of Public Local Laws of Wicomico County was repealed as obsolete by Chapter 79 of 1959.
Livestock. Sections 136, 136A and 137 in the 1930 Code of Public Local Laws of Wicomico County were repealed as obsolete by Chapter 78,1959.
Oysters. Local laws repealed by Chapter 929 of 1945.
Police. Section 26B in the 1930 Code, as enacted by Chapter 534 of 1937 and providing for the appointment of a police officer in the Willards, Dennis and Pittsburg districts, was repealed as obsolete by Chapter 82 of 1959.
Powellsville. Charter repealed by Chapter 183 of 1937.
Publication of Local Laws. Section 195 in the 1930 Code of Public Local Laws of Wicomico County was repealed as obsolete by Chapter 73 of 1959.
Railroads. Chapter 509 of 1886, codified as Section 421 in the 1930 Code of Public Local Laws of Wicomico County and authorizing the county to endorse the bonds of the Baltimore and Eastern Shore Railroad Company, was repealed by Chapter 591 of 1941.
Roads and improvements. Sec. 244 in the 1930 Edition of the Public Local Laws of Wicomico County (repealed by ch. 724 of 1953) had this annotation: Where the County Commissioners, in condemnation procedures, take land for the construction of a road, etc., without observing all the provisions required by law, they fail to acquire title to the land and may be treated as wrongdoers for any trespass on the land. Pettit v. County Commissioners, 123 Md. 130, 90 A. 993 (1914).
Salisbury. In the 1930 Edition of the Code of Public Local Laws of Wicomico County, the Charter of Salisbury was in Sections 258 to 342, inclusive. These sections were repealed by Chapter 534 of 1951, which enacted 172 new sections as the City Charter. Following is a list of the amendments to the old Salisbury Charter after the publication of the 1930 Code and up to the time of the revision in 1951:
1941, ch.235
1939, ch.217
1935, ch. 57; 1941, ch. 133
1935, ch. 57; 1941, ch. 132; 1943, ch. 676; 1951, ch. 442.
1941, ch. 101
1939, ch. 597 (referendum); 1941, ch. 82
1941, ch. 98
1941, ch. 97
1947, ch. 432
1943, ch. 143
1941, ch. 151
1941, ch. 181
1939, ch. 597 (referendum); 1941, ch. 128
1945, ch. 770; 1951, ch. 448
1933 Sp. Sess., ch. 105; 1941, ch. 100
1947, ch. 474
1933 Sp. Sess., ch. 105
1941, ch. 96; 1945, ch. 352
1945, ch. 353; 1947, ch. 278
1939, ch. 598 (referendum); 1941, ch. 127
1947, ch. 246
1941, ch. 99
1947, ch. 383
1947, ch. 248 (repealed)
1947, ch. 248 (repealed) 3021933, ch. 353; 1945, ch. 832; 1947, ch. 247; 1949, ch. 73