[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Hainesport 7-30-1991 by Ord. No. 1991-5-6. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter shall be cited as the "Purchasing Ordinance of the Township of Hainesport."
The purpose of this chapter is to prescribe the manner in which the Purchasing Agent shall implement procedures and supervise the purchase of all materials, supplies, equipment, work and contractual services for the Township of Hainesport.
[Amended 4-12-1994 by Ord. No. 1994-4-3; 10-13-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-7]
There is hereby established by the governing body of the Township of Hainesport, under the general supervision of the Township Administrator, a Purchasing Department, and the Purchasing Agent will work with the Chief Finance Officer and Township Administrator on all purchasing functions.
[Amended 4-12-1994 by Ord. No. 1994-4-3]
The Purchasing Agent shall have general supervision of the Purchasing Department. The Purchasing Agent shall have the powers and duties prescribed by this chapter, subject to the review and supervision of the governing body generally unless otherwise limited by N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq. The Purchasing Agent shall have the power, and it shall be his/her duty, to:
Develop municipal purchasing goals, objectives, policies, programs, procedures, rules and regulations for the acquisition of materials, supplies, equipment and services.
Develop and prepare a purchasing procedures manual to be promulgated by the governing body and distributed to all municipal departments, nonautonomous using agencies and boards, containing procedures and instructions for initiating the purchasing cycle.
Stimulate both bid and quotation competition in order to obtain the highest quality goods and services at the least expense to the municipality.
Discourage uniform bidding and to endeavor to obtain as full and open competition as possible on all purchases.
Explore the possibilities of buying in bulk so as to take advantage of discounts.
Prescribe and maintain such forms as necessary for the successful operation of the purchasing function.
Consolidate requisitions of like or common items to obtain the maximum economic benefit.
Monitor and evaluate vendor performance.
Maintain a centralized organization of qualified procurement personnel.
Acquaint with and, when necessary, train appropriate municipal personnel in purchasing procedures.
Establish and supervise storerooms and warehouses and to maintain current inventory records of all materials, supplies and equipment placed in storerooms and warehouses.
Arrange, after governing body approval, for the disposal of surplus materials and equipment either by transfer to other municipal agencies or by public sale.
Prepare, adopt and maintain a vendor's catalogue file.
Assist and confer with appropriate municipal personnel in the preparation and adoption of standards and written specifications.
Interview and correspond with vendors.
Institute reporting systems necessary to permit analysis of purchasing performance.
Disseminate to appropriate municipal personnel information needed to promote efficient operations.
Explore the possibilities of joining with other local contracting units in cooperative purchasing systems when the best interest of the municipality would be served.
Keep informed on current developments in the field of purchasing, prices, market conditions and new products and services.
Secure for the municipality the benefits of research done in the field of purchasing by other governmental jurisdictions and state and nationally recognized professional associations.