In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-197, the following municipal and Board of Education property, off-street parking areas shall be designated as handicapped parking. Such spaces are for use by persons who have been issued special identification card, plates or placards issued by the Division of Motor Vehicles, or a temporary placard issued by the Chief of Police. No other person shall be permitted to park in these spaces.
Number Spaces
Hardyston Township
As per sketch on file
Municipal Complex -
in the Township
County Route 515
Clerk's office and the NJDOT
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-197, the following municipal and Board of Education property shall have the movement of traffic controlled by the type of regulation indicated. No person shall operate or park a vehicle in violation of the regulation indicated.
Hardyston Township Municipal Complex - County Route 515
1. All vehicles must park in the designated area between the painted lines
2. The speed limit of traffic in the parking lots shall be 15 mph
Wallkill Valley Regional High School County Route 673
1. All vehicles must park in the designated area between the painted lines
2. The speed limit both directions of traffic in parking lots shall be 10 mph
3. The speed limits for both directions of travel on the following roads are:
High School Drive
Entire length
High School Lane
Entire length
Lot #4 - Lane
Entire length
Lot #4 - Drive
Entire length
Service Road
Entire length
One-way streets. The following streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as one-way streets in the direction indicated.
Name of Street
Direction of Travel
Hardyston Township Municipal Complex - County Route 515
High School Drive
From High School Lane to County Route 673
Lot #4 - Lane
From Lot #4 Drive to High School Drive
Lot #4 - Drive
From High School Lane to High School Drive
Wallkill Valley Regional High School County Route 673
Tow away. Any vehicle parked in violation of this chapter shall be deemed a nuisance and menace to the safe and proper regulation of traffic. Any peace officer may provide for the removal of such vehicle. The owner shall bear reasonable costs of removable and storage which may result from such removal before regaining possession of his or her vehicle.
Stop intersections. Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-140, the intersections described are hereby designated as stop intersections. Stop signs shall be provided therein.
Stop Sign On
As per attached sketch attached to and made part of Ordinance No. 98-5 and on file with the Township Clerk and the NJDOT
Wallkill Valley Regional High School County Route 673
High School Drive and Service Road
Service Road
Yield intersections. Pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:4-140, the intersections described are hereby designated as yield intersections. Yield signs shall be installed as provided therein.
Yield Signs On
High School Drive and High School Lane (both intersections)
High School Lane
High School Drive and Lot #4 Lane (as per attached sketch)
Lot #4 Lane
Reserved parking. This parking lot has reserved parking for certain vehicles. All vehicles must be properly identified.
Parking Lot
Reserved For
Hardyston Township Municipal Complex -County Route 515
Lot #1
Police vehicles only
Lot #2
Visitors and employees
Wallkill Valley Regional High School County Route 673
Lot #1
Lot #2
Students and visitors
Lot #3
Students and visitors
Lot #4
School buses
Lot #1 (1 space)
(As per attached sketch)
Parking prohibited at all times. No person shall park a vehicle at any time upon any street or parts of streets hereof described.
Name of Street
Hardyston Township Municipal Complex - County Route 515
Lot #1
As per attached sketch attached to and made part of Ordinance No. 98-5 and on file with the Township Clerk and the NJDOT
Wallkill Valley Regional High School County Route 673
High School Drive
From the northerly curbline of the Service Road to a point 260 feet northerly therefrom
In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 39:5A-1, the regulations of Subtitle 1 of the Title 39 are hereby made applicable to the properties listed below.
The Indian Fields at Hardyston
1. All vehicles must park in designated areas and between painted lines
2. The speed limits for both directions of traffic in the parking lots shall be 15 mph
3. The speed limits for both directions of travel on the following roads are:
Forest Hill Way
Entire length
All other roads
Entire length
Through streets. The following streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as through streets. Stop signs shall be installed on the near right side of each street intersecting the through street except where yield signs are provided for in the designation:
Name of Streets
Forest Hill Way
Entire length
Meadow Pond Road
Entire length
Stop intersections. The following described intersections are hereby designated as stop intersections. Stop signs shall be installed as provided therein.
Stop Sign On
Mountain View Court and Cliffside Court
Cliffside Court
Bitter Root Trail and Short Grass Place
Short Grass Place
Restricted parking.
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle upon any of the streets or parts streets described below.
Name of Street
All roads
Entire length
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle upon any of the streets or parts of streets except as described below:
[Added 10-20-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-17]
Twenty-six marked parallel parking spaces on straightaway across from intersection with Bitter Root Trail.
Handicapped parking. All stalls shall be twelve-foot wide as shown on the attached site plan and signed with R7-8 and R7-8P (reserved parking sign and penalty plate) in the designated parking areas for persons who have been issued the handicapped parking permits by the Division of Motor Vehicles.
Tow away. Any vehicle parked in violation of this section shall be deemed a nuisance and a menace to the safe and proper regulation of traffic and any peace officer may provide for the removal of such vehicle. The owner shall bear the reasonable costs of removal and storage which may result from such removal before regaining possession of the vehicle.
Loading zones.
The locations described are hereby designated as loading zones. No person shall park or stand a vehicle in said location during the times indicated other than for the loading or unloading of goods and materials.
All signs, posts or other necessary materials shall be installed and paid for by the applicant. All signing shall conform to the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:4-198 and 39:4-183.27.
Unless another penalty is expressly provided by New Jersey Statute, every person convicted by a violation of this section or any supplement thereto shall be liable to a penalty of not more than $50 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 days, or both.
If any part of this regulation is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of the regulation.
[Added 8-15-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-15]
General parking.
All vehicles must park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
Restricted parking.
[Amended 5-5-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-06]
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle upon any of the streets or parts of streets described below:
Name of Street
Forest Hill Way
Entire length
Sundance Terrace
Entire length
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle upon any of the below listed streets or parts of streets at any time, except in the areas described below:
Name of Street
On-Street Parking Exception
Pale Star Court
Both sides/entire length
Two marked parallel spaces within cul-de-sac
Sweetwater Lane
Southbound side and in cul-de-sac
Seven marked parallel spaces on northbound side
Wind Meadow
Both sides/entire length
Six head-on marked spaces on north side of cul-de-sac
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle upon any of the streets or parts of streets except as described below:
[Added 10-20-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-17]
Sixteen marked parallel parking spaces on the straightaway east of Lodge Pole Lane.
Handicapped parking. All stalls shall be 12 feet wide as shown on the attached site plan and signed with the R7-8 and R7-8P (reserved parking sign and penalty plate), in the designated parking areas for persons who have been issued the handicapped parking permits by the Division of Motor Vehicles.
Through streets and stop intersections.
Through streets. The following streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as through streets. Stop signs shall be installed on the near right side of each street intersecting the through street except where yield signs are provided for in the designation.
Name of Street
Forest Hillway
Entire length
Meadow Trail
Entire length
Stop intersections. The following described intersections are hereby designated as stop intersections. Stop signs shall be installed as provided therein.
Stop Sign(s) On
Sundance Terrace and Pale Star Court
Pale Star Court
Speed limits.
The speed limits for both directions of travel on the following roadways are:
Name of Roadway
Speed Limit
Forest Hill Way
Entire length
All other roads
Entire length
Regulatory and warning signs shall be erected and maintained to effect the above designated speed limits authorized by the Department of Transportation.
Tow-away zones. Any vehicle parked or standing as to obstruct or impede a normal flow of traffic, block entrances or exit ways, loading zones, oil fills, any grassy area, pedestrian walkway or present in any way a safety of traffic hazard may be removed by towing the vehicle at the owner's or operator's expense.
Signage. All signs, posts or other necessary materials shall be installed, paid for and maintained by the owner. The signs shall be installed within 30 days of approval of this section by the Township governing body. All signing shall conform to the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:4-198 and N.J.S.A. 39:4-183.27.
[Amended 5-5-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-06]
Violations and penalties. Unless another penalty is expressly provided for by the New Jersey statute, every person convicted of a violation of this section or any supplement thereto shall be liable to a penalty of not more than $50 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 days, or both.
[Added 6-19-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-08]
The provisions of Subtitle 1 of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes of New Jersey be made applicable to the semipublic roads, streets, driveways and parking lots at The Crystal Springs located in the Township of Hardyston, County of Sussex, and the following regulations shall be enforceable:
General parking.
All vehicles must park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle upon any of the streets or parts of streets described below except for other parking regulations as provided therein.
Name of Street
Clubhouse Road
Entire length
Crystal Springs Boulevard
Entire length
Through streets. The following streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as through streets. Stop signs shall be installed on the near right side of each street intersecting the through street except where yield signs are provided for in the designation.
Name of Street
Clubhouse Road
Entire length
Crystal Springs Boulevard
Entire length
Speed limits.
The speed limit for both directions of travel on the following roadways are:
Name of Roadway
Speed limit
Clubhouse Road
Entire length
Crystal Springs Boulevard
Entire length
Regulatory and warning signs shall be erected and maintained to effect the above-designated speed limits authorized by the Department of Transportation.
Tow-away zones. Any vehicle parked or standing as to obstruct or impede a normal flow of traffic, block entrances or exitways, loading zones, oil fills, any grassy area, pedestrian walkway or present in any way a safety or traffic hazard may be removed by towing the vehicle at the owners or operators expense.
Signage. All signs, posts or other necessary materials shall be installed and paid for by the applicant. All signing shall conform to the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:4-198 and N.J.S.A. 39:4-183.27.
Violations and penalties. Unless another penalty is expressly provided for by New Jersey statute, every person convicted of a violation of this section or any supplement thereto shall be liable to a penalty of not more than $50 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 days, or both.
[Added 10-15-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-12; amended 3-4-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-2]
The provisions of Subtitle One of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes of New Jersey shall be made applicable to the semipublic roads, streets, driveways and parking lots at Walden Village II located in the Township of Hardyston, County of Sussex, and the following regulations shall be enforceable:
General parking.
All vehicles must park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle upon any of the streets or parts of streets described below, except in areas covered by other parking restrictions.
Name of Street
All Roads
Entire length
Handicapped parking. In the designated parking areas for persons who have been issued a handicapped parking permit by the Division of Motor Vehicles, all stalls shall be 12 feet wide as shown on the Walden Village II site plan and have R7-8 and R7-8P (reserved parking sign and penalty plate) signs.
Through streets and stop intersections.
The following streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as through streets. Stop signs shall be installed on the near-right side of each street intersecting the through street except where yield signs are provided for in the designation.
Name of Street
Rolling Brook Way
Entire length
Stop intersections. The following described intersections are hereby designated as stop intersections. Stop signs shall be installed as provided therein.
Stop Sign(s) On
Moss Court and Fox Chase Lane
Moss Court
Magnolia Lane and Beechmont Terrace
Magnolia Lane
Cotton Court and Road A
Cotton Court
Speed limits.
The speed limit for both directions of travel on the following roadways is:
[Amended 10-20-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-16]
Name of Roadway
Speed Limit
Beechmont Terrace
Entire length
Cotton Court
Entire length
Druid Lane
Entire length
Fox Chase Lane
Entire length
Magnolia Lane
Entire length
Meadow Lane and Meadow Lane East
Entire length
Moss Court
Entire length
Rolling Brook Way
Entire length
Spruce Run
Entire length
Woodmere Court
Entire length
Regulatory and warning signs shall be erected and maintained to effect the above-designated speed limits authorized by the Department of Transportation.
Tow-away zones. Any vehicle parked or standing as to obstruct or impede a normal flow of traffic, block entrances or exitways, loading zones, oil fills, any grassy area, pedestrian walkway, or present in any way a safety or traffic hazard may be removed by towing the vehicle at the owner's or operator's expense.
No-passing zones. There shall be no passing on the following streets or part of streets.
Name of Street
Rolling Brook Way
Entire length
Crosswalks and children-at-play signs.
Statutory crosswalks shall be painted and delineated to MUTCD standards at the following intersections:
Magnolia Lane and Rolling Brook Way; crosswalk on Rolling Brook Way.
Druid Lane and Rolling Brook Way; crosswalk on Rolling Brook Way.
These two areas should also be signed "Caution Children at Play" due to the close proximity of the playgrounds to the roadway.
Signage. All signs, posts, or other necessary materials shall be installed and paid for by the association. All signing shall conform to the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:4-198 and N.J.S.A. 39:4-183.27.
Violations and penalties. Unless another penalty is expressly provided for by the New Jersey statute, every person convicted of a violation of this section or any supplement thereto shall be liable to a penalty of not more than $50 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 days, or both.
[Added 10-16-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-15; amended 11-25-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-11]
The Indian Fields at Hardyston Homeowners' Association has filed a written consent with the Township of Hardyston that the provisions of Subtitle 1 of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes of New Jersey be made applicable to the semipublic roads, streets, driveways and parking lots located at the Indian Fields at Hardyston (Phase III) as depicted on the attached site plan dated August 20, 2008,[1] located in the Township of Hardyston, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, and that the following regulations shall be enforceable:
General parking.
All vehicles must park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle upon any of the streets or parts of streets described below, except in areas covered by other parking restrictions.
Name of Street
All roads
Entire length
Through streets and stop intersections.
Through streets. The following streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as through streets. Stop signs shall be installed on the near right side of each street intersecting the through street except where yield signs are provided for in the designation.
Name of Street
Forest Hill Way
Entire length within the limits of Indian Fields at Hardyston (Phase III)
Indian Field Drive
Entire length
Stop intersections. The following described intersections are hereby designated as stop intersections. Stop signs shall be installed as provided therein.
Stop Sign(s) On
Indian Field Drive and Lodgepole Lane
Indian Field Drive
Speed limits.
The speed limit for both directions of travel on the following roadways are:
Name of Roadway
Speed Limit
Forest Hill Way
Entire length within the limits of Phase III
All other roads
Entire length
Regulatory and warning signs shall be erected and maintained to effect the above-designated speed limits authorized by the Department of Transportation.
Tow-away zones. Any vehicle parked or standing as to obstruct or impede a normal flow of traffic, block entrances or exitways, loading zones, oil fills, any grassy area, pedestrian walkway, or present in any way a safety or traffic hazard may be removed by towing the vehicle at the owner's or operator's expense.
All signs, posts or other necessary materials shall be installed and paid for by the applicant. All signing shall conform to the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:4-198 and N.J.S.A. 39:4-183.27.
Unless another penalty is expressly provided for by the New Jersey statute, every person convicted of a violation of this section, or any supplement thereto, shall be liable to a penalty of not more than $50 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 days, or both.
Editor's Note: Said site plan is on file in the Township offices.
[Added 10-20-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-15]
The roadways contained within Carlton Village are Township roadways and, thus, the Township desires to place the following traffic regulations on such roadways located in the Township of Hardyston, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, and cause such regulations to become enforceable:
Through streets and stop intersections.
Through streets. The following streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as through streets. Stop signs shall be installed on the near right side of each street intersecting the through street.
Name of Street
Shady Lane
Entire length
Wits End Road
Entire length
Stop intersections. The following described intersections are hereby designated as stop intersections. Stop signs shall be installed as provided therein.
Stop Sign(s) On
Shady Lane and Ridgefield Drive
Ridgefield Drive
Shady Lane and Shady Lane Extension (both ends)
Shady Lane Extension (both ends)
Wits End Road/Ridgefield Road/YMCA drive
Three-way stop: stop signs on southbound Wits End Road, Ridgefield Road and exit from YMCA
Speed limits.
The speed limit for both directions of travel on the following roadways are:
Name of Roadway
Speed Limit
Overlook Lane
Entire length (both sides)
Shady Lane
Entire length (both sides)
Shady Lane Extension
Entire length (both sides)
Wits End Road
Entire length (both sides)
Regulatory and warning signs shall be erected and maintained to effect the above-designated speed limits authorized by the Department of Transportation.
All signs, posts or other necessary materials shall be installed and paid for by the Township as the roadways are Township roadways. All signing shall conform to the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:4-198 and N.J.S.A. 39:4-183.27.
Unless another penalty is expressly provided for by the New Jersey statute, every person convicted of a violation of this section, or any supplement thereto, shall be liable to a penalty of not more than $50 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 days, or both.
[Added 2-16-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-03]
The Ridgefield Commons Homeowners' Association has filed a written consent dated May 28, 2009, with the Township of Hardyston that the provisions of Subtitle 1 of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes of New Jersey be made applicable to the semipublic roads, streets, driveways and parking lots located at the Ridgefield Commons development, as depicted on the attached site plan dated August 2009,[1] located in the Township of Hardyston, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, and that the following regulations shall be enforceable:
General parking.
All vehicles must park in designated areas and between the lines provided.
No person shall stop or stand a vehicle upon any of the streets or parts of streets described below, except in areas covered by other parking restrictions.
Name of Street
All roads
Entire length
Through streets and stop intersections.
Through streets. The following streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as through streets. Stop signs shall be installed on the near right side of each street intersecting the through street.
Name of Street
Ridgefield Road
Entire length
Winding Way
Entire length
Stop intersections. The following described intersections are hereby designated as stop intersections. Stop signs shall be installed as provided therein.
Stop Sign(s) On
Crestmont Court and Highview Knoll
Crestmont Court
Crestmont Court and Virginia Drive
Crestmont Court
Speed limits.
The speed limit for both directions of travel on the following roadways are:
Name of Roadway
Speed Limit
All other roads
Entire length
Ridgefield Road
Entire length
Winding Way
Entire length
Regulatory and warning signs shall be erected and maintained to effect the above-designated speed limits authorized by the Department of Transportation.
Tow-away zones. Any vehicle parked or standing as to obstruct or impede a normal flow of traffic, block entrances or exitways, loading zones, oil fills, any grassy area, pedestrian walkway, or are deemed by a Township police officer to present in any way a safety or traffic hazard may be removed by towing the vehicle at the owner's or operator's expense.
All signs, posts or other necessary materials shall be installed and paid for by the applicant. All signing shall conform to the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:4-198 and N.J.S.A. 39:4-183.27.
Unless another penalty is expressly provided for by the New Jersey statute, every person convicted of a violation of this section, or any supplement thereto, shall be liable to a penalty of not more than $50 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 days, or both.
Editor's Note: Said site plan is on file in the Township offices.