As a condition of approval and the continuance of any use, occupancy of any structure and operation of any process or equipment, the applicant shall certify compliance with the following performance standards. Permits and certificates required by other government agencies shall be submitted to the Board as proof of compliance with applicable codes.
The regulations contained in this section shall not apply to one-family dwellings but shall apply to any home occupations contained in them.
All the requirements of this section shall be items covered in the developer's agreement.
In the event a determination cannot be made at the time of application that a proposed use, process or equipment will meet the standards established in this section, the Zoning Officer may issue a temporary zoning permit in accordance with § 185-89. The temporary zoning permit shall be based on submission of evidence that the proposed use, process or equipment will meet the standards established herein after completion or installation and operation.
The determination of the existence of nuisance elements shall be made at the following locations:
Nuisance Characteristics
Location of Test
Vent or smokestack
Fly ash, dust, fumes, vapors, gases
Vent or smokestack
Property line
Liquid waste
Property line
Solid waste
Property line
Vent or smokestack
Setback line
Building wall
Property line
Temperature change:
Vent or smokestack
Liquid or solid
Property line
Continued compliance with the performance standards stated herein shall be a requirement for the continued occupancy of any structure or the operation of any process or equipment.
Air pollution.
General. No substance shall be emitted into the atmosphere in quantities which are injurious to human, plant or animal life or to property or which will interfere unreasonably with the comfortable enjoyment of life and property anywhere in the Township. All provisions of Title 7, Chapter 27 of the New Jersey Administrative Code, or the regulations contained in this section, whichever shall be the more stringent, shall apply.
Smoke. In any nonresidential zone, no smoke, the shade or appearance of which is darker than No. 1 on the Ringelmann Smoke Chart, shall be emitted into the open air from any fuel-burning equipment; provided, however, that smoke emitted during the clearing of a fire box or the building of a new fire, the shade or appearance of which is not darker than No. 2 on the Ringelmann Smoke Chart, may be permitted for a period or periods aggregating no more than three minutes in any 15 consecutive minutes. Smoke emissions from the combustion of fuel in mobile sources and from stationary internal combustion engines shall not exceed the limits set forth in Title 7, Chapter 27 of the New Jersey Administrative Code.
Solid particles, fly ash, dust, fumes, vapors and gases.
In any zone, no discharge through a stack, duct or vent shall be permitted that is greater than 50% of the allowable emissions established by Title 7, Chapter 27, of the New Jersey Administrative Code.
No open burning shall be permitted in any zone.
All incinerators shall be approved by the State Department of Environmental Protection.
Any road, parking area, driveway, truck loading or unloading station or any other exterior area having a substantial movement of vehicles or equipment shall be paved or otherwise stabilized during construction sufficient to prevent the generation of dust from the movement of such vehicles or equipment.
Odors. In any zone, no odorous material may be emitted into the atmosphere in quantities sufficient to be detected.
Liquid wastes. No liquid waste shall be discharged into any watercourse in the Township. If the applicant proposes to construct facilities for the treatment of waste, he or she shall supply:
A statement by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection that such proposed facilities are in compliance with applicable state laws and regulations.
Approval by the appropriate officials of the installation of such facilities. No liquid waste shall be discharged into the public sewage collection and disposal system unless the appropriate Township or sewerage authority shall have first investigated the character and volume of such wastes and shall have certified that it will accept the discharge of such waste material into the system. The applicant shall comply with any requirements of said officials, including the pretreating of such wastes, the installation of processing methods, separation or screening of wastes, control of pH and other methods of improving such wastes prior to discharge, as a condition of approval of such facilities.
Solid waste. Each property owner shall be responsible for:
Adequate and regular collection and removal of all refuse except where the Township assumes such responsibility.
Compliance with all applicable provisions of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
Compliance with all provisions of Title 7, Chapter 26, of the New Jersey Administrative Code, where appropriate.
No accumulation on the property of any solid waste, junk or other objectionable materials.
Radiation. All use of materials, equipment or facilities which are or may be sources of radiation shall comply with all controls, standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, as well as the Radiation Protection Act, c. 116, P.L. 1958, as amended,[1] and Title 7, Chapter 28, of the New Jersey Administrative Code, whichever shall be more stringent.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 26:2D-1 et seq.
The purpose of this section is to ensure that the environmental character of the area surrounding the proposed use, with respect to noise, shall not be altered. The standards established herein shall be interpreted in any specific case with this objective in mind.
Measurements shall be made by a competent acoustical engineer using equipment meeting the United States of America Standards Institute Standard S 1.4:1961 or the latest revision thereof and S 2.22 or the latest revision. All measurements shall be made in at least eight frequency bands.
Ambient noise levels shall be made between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. for periods of at least one hour and on three separate occasions during the period when the proposed use shall be operated.
The permitted noise level of the proposed use, measured at the measuring line, shall not exceed the ambient noise levels in each frequency band.
In addition, noise shall be subject to standards established by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. Where standards are established and are more restrictive than contained in this chapter, the more restrictive standards shall be applicable.
The maximum continuous airborne sound set forth in Title 7, Chapter 29, of the New Jersey Administrative Code shall not be exceeded.
Vibration. In any zone, no vibrations discernible without instruments at the measuring point shall be permitted.
Glare. The standards promulgated at Article XXVIII, §§ 185-126 through 185-132, shall be enforced in order to regulate the nuisance elements potentially generated as a result of glare from outdoor lighting fixtures.
[Amended 10-10-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-10]
Temperature change. In any zone, any use or process shall not produce a temperature change discernible at the measuring point which shall produce a temperature change of greater than 3º measured at a point 10 feet from the point of discharge.
Fire and explosive hazards. If it appears that any proposed use, structure, process or resulting product or material may constitute a fire or explosion hazard, the Board may require the applicant to supply proof of:
Approval of the use, structure, process or resulting product or material from the State Department of Labor and Industry indicating that adequate safeguards against fire and explosion have been taken or installed.
Approval from the Township of Hardyston Fire Department that the applicant has complied with all applicable Township fire prevention regulations.