[Added 6-1-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-4]
Purpose. The purpose of the Open Space Governmental Use Zone (OSGU) is to establish a zone to regulate the use of public open space and lands. This will insure local protection of the financial resources, environmental resources, water resources and rural character of the Township of Hardyston.
Permitted uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the Open Space Governmental Use District:
Public recreation and open space.
Timber management as approved under a forest management plan approved by the State Forrester.
Public parks.
Public or private schools.
Educational centers.
Single-family detached dwellings of one unit per 25 acres.
Public utilities excluding television and radio towers.
General requirements.
Minimum lot area: 25 acres.
Minimum front yard: 300 feet.
Minimum side yard: 200 feet.
Minimum rear yard: 300 feet.
Maximum impervious coverage: 5%.
Maximum building height: 2 1/2 stories or 35 feet.