[HISTORY: Adopted by the Annual Town Meeting of the Town of Marblehead 5-6-1996 by Arts. 65 and 66. Amendments noted where applicable.]
For purposes of this article, the definitions of "person," "poles and overhead wires and associated overhead structures" and "utility" shall be the same definitions as those set forth in Section 22A of Chapter 166 of the General Laws.
No utility shall install or construct, except of way of replacement or upgrading of existing facilities, any poles and overhead wires and associated overhead structures upon, along or across any public way within the parts of the Town listed in § 124-3. Any poles and overhead wires and associated overhead structures installed or constructed in violation of this By-Law shall be immediately removed by the utility responsible therefor.
This By-Law applies to the following parts of Town:
Any public way approved by the Planning Board.
Any way in which the wires and utility facilities are underground as of the effective date of this By-Law.
Any person who fails to remove immediately any poles and overhead wires and associated overhead structures which are in violation of this By-Law shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1,000 and not more than $5,000 for each consecutive fifteen-day period during which the failure continues.
This By-Law implements General Laws, Chapter 166, Section 22C and shall be construed in a manner consistent with the definitions in Section 22A of Chapter 166.
For purposes of this By-Law, the definitions of "person," "poles and overhead wires and associated overhead structures" and "utility" shall be the same definitions as those set forth in Section 22A of Chapter 166 of the General Laws.
Any utility presently owning or operating poles or overhead wires and associated overhead structures within the Town of Marblehead shall remove said poles or overhead wires and associated overhead structures. Said removal shall occur in the following locations and sequence: Washington Street from Town House Square to Rockaway Street, State Street from Town House Square to Front Street, Pleasant Street from Washington Street 125 feet.
Any utility that fails to remove any poles or overhead wires and associated overhead structures required to be removed pursuant to § 124-7 of this By-Law shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1,000 and not more than $5,000 for each fifteen-day period during which such failure continues; provided, however, that no utility shall have been deemed to have violated this article, provided that:
If replacement facilities for poles or overhead wires and associated overhead structures required to be removed will be needed in order for a utility to continue its service, the utility shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this article, petition the Select Board of the Town of Marblehead pursuant to Section 22 of Chapter 166 of the General Laws for permission to install, erect, or construct under the public ways of the Town of Marblehead replacement facilities for such poles or overhead wires and associated structures; and
The utility shall file with the Select Board of the Town of Marblehead a plan (which shall be consistent with § 124-7 of this By-Law) for removal of poles or overhead wires and associated overhead structures and, if needed, for their replacement with underground facilities; and
In each calendar year beginning with the calendar year next following the effective date of this By-Law and until all such poles or overhead wires and associated overhead structures shall have been removed and [the] utility shall, in carrying out its plan, allocate and expend for the direct cost of demolition and construction (over and above the reasonable value of salvage) an amount which shall not be less than 2% of its gross revenues derived during the next preceding calendar year from its customers in the Town of Marblehead; and
The utility shall, on or before the last day of March in each year, file with the Select Board of the Town of Marblehead a statement signed under the penalties of perjury by its treasurer setting forth in detail: the amounts spent by the utility during the immediate preceding calendar year in carrying out its plan; the purposes for which such expenditures were made; the gross revenues derived from its customers in the Town of Marblehead during the immediately preceding calendar year; provided, however, that no utility which enters a cooperation agreement under Section 222 of Chapter 166 of the General Laws[1] shall be deemed to have violated this By-Law during the term such payments are to be made so long as said utility shall not be in default of said cooperation agreement.
Editor's Note: See MGL c. 166, § 22E, Cooperative agreements to remove overhead wires. Chapter 166 does not contain a § 222.