The policies in this manual shall guide and govern the Carthage Village Board in the conduct of the affairs of the Village of Carthage, New York, and shall supplant any and all past policies.
The Village Board may review any and all policies at its discretion, and may amend, delete or add to policies according to procedure as defined in Policy No. 1 (Article II, Village Board, § A150-2).
While policies are intended to conform to the Carthage Village Charter and the General Village Law of the State of New York, it is understood that should a policy be found in nonconformity with either the Charter or the General Village Law, the superior instrument will prevail.
A copy of this manual shall be available in the Village Office for public examination. Additionally, a copy of the manual shall be provided to:
Each member of the Village Board.
The Village Clerk/Treasurer.
The Chief of Police.
The Superintendent of Public Works.
The Water Treatment Plant Operator.
The Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator.
The Building Codes Enforcement Officer.
The Village Attorney.