The sketch plan initially submitted to the Planning Board shall be based on Tax Map information or some other similarly accurate base map at a scale (preferably not less than 20 feet to the inch) to enable the entire tract to be shown on one sheet. The sketch plan shall be submitted, showing the following information:
The location of that portion which is to be subdivided in relation to the entire tract and the distance to the nearest existing street intersection.
The general location of all existing structures, wooded areas, streams and other significant physical features, within the portion to be subdivided and within 200 feet thereof, if topographic conditions are intervals of not more than 20 feet.
The name of the owner and of all adjoining property owners as disclosed by the most recent municipal tax records.
The Tax Map sheet, block and lot numbers, if available.
All the utilities available, and all streets which are either proposed, mapped or built.
The proposed pattern of lots (including the general lot width and depth), street layout, recreation areas, systems of drainage, sewerage and water supply (see § 170-22C).
All existing restrictions on the use of land including easements, covenants or zoning lines.
The application fee as determined by the Town Board.
[Added 7-15-1999 by L.L. No. 1-1999]
An abstract of title of the parcel to be subdivided and any information relating to any conditions of any subdivision previously granted by the Town of Chatham and any restrictions and/or covenants which may run with the land. Such information shall be used for the purpose of, among other things, determining the classification of the application into a major or minor subdivision.
[Added 4-20-2006 by L.L. No. 2-2006]
The Planning Board may require the submission of an electronic image copy to scale of such preliminary plat and application materials in a format to be determined by the Planning Board (e.g., pdf), except if the applicant chooses to instead pay a reasonable fee for the Planning Board to produce such an electronic image copy.
[Added 4-15-2021 by L.L. No. 2-2021]
In case of minor subdivision only, the subdivision plat application shall include the following information:
A copy of such covenants or deed restrictions as are intended to cover all or part of the tract.
An actual field survey of the boundary lines of the tract, giving complete descriptive data by bearings and distances, made and certified to by a licensed land surveyor. The corners of tract shall also be located on the ground and marked by monuments as approved by the Town Engineer and shall be referenced and shown on the plat.
All on-site sanitation and water supply facilities shall be designed to meet the minimum specification of the Columbia County Board of Health, and a note to this effect shall be stated on the plat and signed by a licensed engineer.
Proposed subdivision name, name of the town and county in which it is located.
The date, North point, map scale, name and address of record owner, subdivider and licensed engineer or land surveyor, including license number and seal.
For lot line adjustments, the applicant shall submit a plat or map of the lot line affected by the proposed adjustment, showing all existing buildings, the location of existing utilities, easements and rights-of-way, wells and septic systems within 200 feet of the lot line to be adjusted. The map shall show the existing lot lines, the location of the proposed new lot line, and the existing and new setback distances to any existing structures within 200 feet of the new lot line. The map shall have the title "LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT between properties of (name) and ( name)," shall clearly show the intent and the effect of the lot line adjustment, shall include the tax identification designation of each lot and the area of the lots both before and after adjustment, and shall include a note to the effect that each resulting lot shall be a single and separate lot for zoning and tax purposes.
[Added 4-15-2021 by L.L. No. 2-2021[1]]
Editor's Note: This local law also redesignated former Subsection F as Subsection H.
The Planning Board may require the submission of an electronic image copy to scale of such preliminary plat and application materials in a format to be determined by the Planning Board (e.g., pdf), except if the applicant chooses to instead pay a reasonable fee for the Planning Board to produce such an electronic image copy.
[Added 4-15-2021 by L.L. No. 2-2021]
The plat to be filed with the County Clerk shall be no larger than 34 inches by 44 inches.
[Amended 7-15-1999 by L.L. No. 1-1999]
The following documents shall be submitted for conditional approval:
Three copies of the preliminary plat prepared at a scale of not more than 100 but preferably not less than 50 feet to the inch, showing:
[Amended 7-15-1999 by L.L. No. 1-1999]
Proposed subdivision name, name of town and county in which it is located, date, true North point, scale, name and address of record owner, subdivider and engineer or surveyor, including license number and seal.
The name of all subdivisions immediately adjacent and the name of the owners of record of all adjacent property.
Zoning District, including the exact boundary lines of district, if more than one district.
All parcels of land proposed to be dedicated to public use and the conditions of such dedication.
Location of existing property lines, easements, buildings, watercourses, marshes, rock outcrops, eroded areas, single trees with diameter of 12 inches diameter at breast height or more, and other significant existing features for the proposed subdivision.
Location of existing sewers, water mains, culverts and drains on the property, with pipe sizes, grades and direction of flow.
Contours with intervals of five feet or less as required by the Board, including elevations on existing roads.
The width and location of any streets or public ways or places shown on the Master Plan, if such exists, within the area to be subdivided, and the width, location, grades and street profiles of all streets or public ways proposed by the developer.
The approximate location and size of all proposed water lines, valves, hydrants and sewer lines, and fire alarm boxes. Connection to existing lines or alternate means of water supply or sewage disposal and treatment as provided in the Public Health Law; profiles of all proposed water and sewer lines.
Storm drainage plan indicating the approximate location and size of proposed lines and their profiles; connection to existing lines or alternate means of disposal.
Plans and cross-sections showing the proposed location and type of sidewalks, streetlighting standards, street trees, curbs, water mains, sanitary sewers and storm drains, and the size and type thereof, the character, width and depth of pavements and subbase, the location of manholes, basins and underground conduits.
Preliminary designs of any bridges or culverts which may be required.
The proposed lot lines with approximate dimensions and area of each lot.
Where the topography is such as to make difficult the inclusion of any of the required facilities within the public areas as laid out, the preliminary plat shall show the boundaries of proposed permanent easements over or under private property, which permanent easements shall not be less than 20 feet in width and which shall provide satisfactory access to an existing public highway or other public highway or public open space shown on the subdivision.
An actual field survey of the boundary lines of the tract, giving complete descriptive data by bearings and distances, made and certified to by a licensed land surveyor. The corners of tract shall also be located on the ground and marked by substantial monuments of such size and type as approved by the Town Engineer and shall be referenced and shown on the plat.
If the application covers only a part of the subdivider's entire holding, a map of the entire tract, drawn at a scale of not less than 400 feet to the inch, showing an outline of the platted area with its proposed streets and indication of the probable future street system with its grades and drainage in terminating portion of the tract and the probable future drainage layout of the entire tract shall be submitted. The part of the subdivider's entire holding submitted shall be considered in the light of the entire holdings.
A copy of such covenants or deed restrictions as are intended to cover all or part of the tract.
The following documents shall be submitted for plat approval:
The plat to be filed with the County Clerk shall be no larger than 34 inches by 44 inches, including a margin for binding of two inches, outside of the border, along the left side and a margin of 1/2 inch outside of the border along the remaining sides. The plat shall be drawn at a scale of no more than 100 feet to the inch and oriented with the North point at the top of the map, wherever practical. When more than one sheet is required, an additional index sheet of the same size shall be filed showing to scale the entire subdivision with lot and block numbers clearly legible. The plat shall show:
[Amended 7-15-1999 by L.L. No. 1-1999]
Proposed subdivision name or identifying title and the name of the town and county in which the subdivision is located, the name and address of record owner and subdivider, name, license number and seal of the licensed land surveyor.
Street lines, pedestrian ways, lots, reservations, easements and areas to be dedicated to public use.
Sufficient data acceptable to the Town Engineer to determine readily the location, bearing and length of every street line, lot line, boundary line and to reproduce such lines upon the ground. Where applicable, these should be referenced to monuments included in the state system of plane coordinates and, in any event, should be tied to reference points previously established by a public authority.
The length and bearing of all straight lines, radii, length of curves and central angles of all curves and tangent bearings shall be given for each street. All dimensions and angles of the lines of each lot shall also be given. All dimensions shall be shown in feet and decimals of a foot. The plat shall show the boundaries of the property, location, graphic scale and true North point.
The plat shall also show, by proper designation thereon, all public open spaces for which deeds are included and those spaces title to which is reserved by the developer. For any of the latter, there shall be submitted with the subdivision plat copies of agreements or other documents showing the manner in which such areas are to be maintained and the provisions made therefor.
Construction detail sheets. Construction drawings, including plans, profiles and typical cross sections, as required, showing the proposed location, size and type of streets, sidewalks, streetlighting standards, street trees, curbs, water mains, sanitary sewers and storm sewers or ditches, pavement and subbase, manholes, catch basins and any other facilities which are to be provided.
All offers of cession and covenants governing the maintenance of unceded open space shall bear the certificate of approval of the Town Attorney as to their legal sufficiency.
Lots and blocks within a subdivision shall be numbered and lettered in alphabetical order in accordance with the prevailing town practice.
Permanent reference monuments shall be shown and shall be constructed in accordance with specification of the Town Engineer. When referenced to the state system of plane coordinates, they shall also conform to the requirements of the State Department of Transportation. They shall be placed as required by the Town Engineer and their location noted and referenced upon the plat.
All lot corner markers shall be permanently located satisfactorily to the Town Engineer, at least 3/4 inches (if metal) in diameter and at least 24 inches in length and located in the ground to existing grade.
Monuments of a type approved by the Town Engineer shall be set at all corners and angle points of the boundaries of the original tract to be subdivided, and at all street intersections, angle points in street lines, points of curve and such intermediate points as shall be required by the Town Engineer.
A map shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Planning Board, indicating the location of monuments marking all underground utilities as actually installed. If the subdivider completes all required improvements according to § 170-8A(2), said map shall be submitted prior to final approval of the subdivision plat. However, if the subdivider elects to provide a bond or certified check for all required improvements [as specified in § 170-8A(1)], such bond shall not be released until such a map is submitted in a form satisfactory to the Planning Board.