A Department of Electric Light and Power is hereby created.
The head of such Department, acting under the City Manager, shall be
the Superintendent.
The Department, through its officers and employees, shall be responsible
for the enforcement of the applicable provisions of the Charter of the City
of Watertown pertaining to the Municipal Electric Light and Power Department
and shall have jurisdiction and power to take such steps as may be necessary
to carry out the provisions of ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City
Council, as well as any other orders of the City Council, pertaining to the
Municipal Electric Light and Power Department.
[Added 7-16-1990; amended 8-6-1990]
The rate for metered electric service shall be as follows:
A. Monthly meter rates, Board of Education:
(1) Service Classification No. 2: Usage x rate = bill.
(2) Service Classification No. 3: Energy charge + demand
charge = monthly bill.
(a) Energy charge = usage x rate.
(b) Demand charge = first 40 kilowatts + (remaining kilowatts
x $6.05).
[1] First 40 kilowatts = $450.
B. Miscellaneous accounts:
(1) Service Classification No. 2: Kilowatt hours x $0.067671
= monthly bill.
(2) Service Classification No. 3: Energy charge + demand
charge = monthly bill.
(a) Energy charge = usage x rate.
(b) Demand charge = first 40 kilowatts + (remaining kilowatts
x $6.05).
[1] First 40 kilowatts = $450.