The maintenance responsibilities for permanent stormwater runoff control facilities shall be determined based upon the type of ownership of the property which is controlled by the facilities.
Single-entity ownership. In all cases where the permanent stormwater runoff control facilities are designed to manage runoff from property in a single-entity ownership as defined below, the maintenance responsibility for the stormwater control facilities shall be with the single-entity owner. The single-entity owner shall enter into an agreement with Whitpain Township which specifies that the owner will properly maintain the facilities consistent with accepted practice as determined by the Municipal Engineer. The agreement shall provide for regular inspections by Whitpain Township and contain such provisions as necessary to ensure timely correction of any maintenance deficiencies by the single-entity owner. A "single entity" shall be defined as an individual, association, public or private corporation, partnership, firm, trust, estate or any other legal entity empowered to own real estate.
Multiple ownership.
In cases where the property controlled by the permanent stormwater control facilities shall be in multiple ownership (i.e., many individual owners of various portions of the property), each owner shall be responsible for that portion of the stormwater control facilities which are constructed on each owner's property and shall be considered as a single-entity owner in accordance with Subsection A above for maintenance purposes.
In certain multiple ownership situations, Whitpain Township may benefit by transferring the maintenance responsibility to an individual or group of individuals residing within the controlled area. These individuals may have the permanent stormwater control facilities adjacent to their lots or otherwise have an interest in the proper maintenance of the facilities. In these instances, Whitpain Township and the individual(s) may enter into a formal agreement for the maintenance of the facilities. Whitpain Township shall be responsible for periodic inspections.
Upon presentation of the proper credentials, duly authorized representatives of Whitpain Township may enter at reasonable times upon any property within Whitpain Township to investigate or ascertain whether proper maintenance is being provided for any stormwater management facilities for which Whitpain Township is not directly responsible for maintenance as provided as § 125-35.