Every shallow well-type hand pump and every deep well-type hand pump head, stand or similar device shall be so constructed that no unprotected opening connecting with the interior of the pump exists. The spout shall be of the closed type. See § A167-26.
A hand pump shall be mounted firmly to the well-casing pipe or pump-mounting sleeve in such manner as to effectively seal the top of the casing or sleeve.
Any power-driven pump located over the well shall be mounted on the well casing, a pump foundation or a pump stand in such manner as to effectively seal the top of the well. In case the pump unit is not located over the well and the pump delivery or suction pipe emerges from the top thereof, a watertight expanding or equivalent seal shall be provided between the well casing and the piping. A similar seal shall be provided at the terminal of a conduit containing suction, submersible or jet pump piping. See §§ A167-9B and A167-26.
On aboveground pump installations the extension of the well casing at least one inch into the pump base will be considered an effective seal, provided that the pump base is mounted on a base plate or foundation in such manner as to exclude entrance of insects into the well and the elevation at the top of the well is at least two feet above any known floodwater level.
The structure housing a power-driven pump shall be constructed so as to permit access to the pump for maintenance and repair work. The pump house floor shall be constructed of concrete. On aboveground installations the surface thereof shall be located not less than four inches above the established ground surface.
The pump, discharge line and accessory equipment shall be protected against freezing by insulation of structure and piping and installation of dependable heating facilities, preferably of a thermostatically controlled type.
Any well vent opening shall be piped watertight to a point not less than 24 inches above any known floodwater level but at least 12 inches above the top of the well. Such vent opening and extension thereof shall be not less than 1/4 inch in diameter, the extension pipe to be firmly attached. The terminal of the vent pipe shall be shielded and screened so as to prevent entrance of foreign matter. Any opening in a pump base shall be sealed watertight.
In all pressure water systems, provision shall be made for collection of water samples by installation of a faucet or petcock at the discharge side of the pump.
Upon completing the installation of the pump equipment, the installer thereof shall obtain a sample of water taken from the sampling faucet (see § A167-27) and have the same tested by a qualified laboratory and submit to the Board three certified copies of the test report for approval by it.
If the result of analysis indicates unsafe water (see definition of "safe water" in § A167-7A), such additional measures as approved by the Board shall be taken until succeeding analyses indicate a safe water supply. The cost per analysis is nominal, and all such costs shall be borne by the applicant. The sample shall be collected and packaged as directed by the Board.