The maps and drawings required with an application to the Board for approval of a subdivision plat or plan of development shall be prepared by the subdivider in accordance with these regulations and shall be submitted to the Board together with written application on forms supplied by the Board.
The sketch plan may be drawn in pencil and shall be at a convenient scale, not less than one inch equals 200 feet, and shall show:
Boundary survey of the property and municipal boundaries, if any, within 300 feet of the property.
Contour lines at intervals of no more than 10 feet (may be obtained from field survey or county topographic maps at contour interval of two feet).
Sketch of:
Proposed layout of lots and streets.
Existing streets and natural features.
Existing permanent buildings and structures.
Such other features as the subdivider may deem pertinent or the Board may require.
If the sketch plan covers only a part of the subdividing owner's entire holding, a sketch map of the entire tract (may be shown on the Village Tax Map or on a print of a county topographic map), at a scale of not less than one inch equals 400 feet, showing the platted area with its proposed streets and the probable future street, lot and drainage systems in the entire tract.
Preliminary layout. The preliminary layout may be prepared in pencil, shall be drawn to a convenient scale, not less than one inch equals 100 feet, and shall show or be accompanied by the following information:
Name or identifying title of subdivision, graphic scale, North point and date.
Name and address of the record owner of the property and of his authorized agent, if any, and the name of the land planner responsible for the layout and of the engineer responsible for the property survey.
The property lines of the land to be subdivided and existing permanent buildings thereon, the names of all subdivisions immediately adjacent, if any, and the names of all record owners of all adjacent lands.
Zoning districts, including exact boundary lines if more than one district, and location of any special district and/or municipal boundaries within 300 feet of the property.
Topographic map as described in Subsection B and a tentative grading plan.
The locations and widths of all proposed streets and of all existing streets (noting whether public or private) in and within 200 feet of the proposed subdivision.
Proposed lot lines with approximate lot dimensions and areas.
Location and size of all proposed and of any existing water mains, drainage systems, including culverts, drains and sewers, other underground utilities and sanitary sewers, if any. Direction of flow shall be shown for drains and sewers.
Existing and proposed easements, if any, with designation of the purposes therefor.
Any land intended to be dedicated for public use or reserved in the deeds for the use of property owners in the subdivision, as well as any land which the owner may propose to reserve, with designation of the purposes therefor.
Preliminary cross sections and center-line profiles for each proposed street and preliminary designs for all improvements, including any bridges or culverts that may be required.
Plans for water supply and sewage disposal.
Preliminary plan for surface drainage of the subdivision.
Results of test hole borings and percolation or other tests, when required by the Board.
Where the preliminary layout covers only a part of the owner's entire holding, a sketch of the prospective future street system of the submitted part shall be furnished, and the street system of the submitted part will be considered by the Board in the light of adjustments and connections with future streets in the unsubmitted part.
Topographic map. The subdivider shall prepare and submit to the Board, with his application for conditional approval of the preliminary layout, a map showing the topography for the area covered by the proposed subdivision and such surrounding area as the Engineer may designate as necessary to determine drainage requirements. The map shall show:
Contour interval. On the topographic map the contour interval shall be not more than five feet for land with a natural slope of 10% or greater and not greater than two feet for less steeply sloping land.
Watercourses and drainage. The topographic map shall show existing watercourses, drainageways, streams and ponds.
Natural features. The natural features, if any, mentioned in §§ 145-16F and 145-30C, including single trees with a diameter of eight inches or more, shall be shown on the topographic map.
Streets. The location of existing and proposed streets shall be shown on the topographic map, and the boundary line of property proposed to be subdivided.
Preparation of map.
The topographic map shall be prepared by a professional engineer or land surveyor duly licensed by the State of New York. The name, address and signature of such engineer or surveyor shall appear upon said map, as well as identifying title of the subdivision, date, North point and graphic scale.
In appropriate cases and when approved by the Engineer as being sufficient for the particular situation, the Board may accept a reproduction, enlarged to the required scale, of the county topographic map in lieu of the above requirements. A map so prepared shall be properly identified, as required above, and shall bear an appropriate description of the method of reproduction. The Board may designate such of the above information as it will require the subdivider to show upon the reproduced map.
General. Construction plans shall be prepared for all required improvements and submitted to the Board with application for approval of the subdivision plat. All engineering drawings and designs shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer, whose name, address and signature shall appear upon such plans and drawings. When feasible, the scale of construction plans shall be the same as that of the plat, and plan sheets shall not exceed 36 inches by 48 inches.
Information shown. The construction plans shall show:
Typical cross sections and profiles of all proposed streets, showing existing and proposed grades as approved by the Engineer. The cross sections shall show pavements and, where required, gutters, curbs and sidewalks.
Profiles along the center lines of streets showing existing and proposed elevations. Where a proposed street intersects an existing street, the elevation along the center line of the existing street within 100 feet of the intersection shall be shown. All elevations shall be referred to Nassau County datum.
A grading plan showing present and proposed contours at intervals as per § 145-35B(1), referenced to Nassau County datum, together with natural features required to be preserved, if any. The Board may require, where steep slopes exist, that present elevations along all proposed streets shall be shown every 100 feet at five points on a line at right angles to the center line of the street, and said elevation points shall be at the center line of the street, each property line and points 25 feet inside each property line.
Plans and profiles showing the location and a typical section of street pavements, including manholes and catch basins; the location of street trees, streetlighting standards and street signs; the location, size and invert elevations of existing and proposed sanitary sewers, stormwater drains and fire hydrants; the exact location and size of all water mains, gas lines or other underground utilities or structures; and detailed description of all other required improvements.
Location, size, elevation and other appropriate description of any existing facilities and utilities at the point of connection to proposed facilities and utilities within the subdivision.
All specifications and references required by the Village's construction standards and specifications.
General. The subdivision plat shall be drawn in ink on tracing cloth, on a sheet or sheets which shall not exceed 36 inches by 48 inches, at a convenient scale which shall be not less than one inch equals 100 feet, and oriented with the North point at the top of the map. When more than one sheet is required, an index sheet of the same size shall be prepared at a convenient scale to show the entire subdivision, with lot and block numbers clearly legible.
Information to be shown on the plat. The subdivision plat shall show the following:
Subdivision name, graphic scale, North point and date.
The location and dimensions of all boundary lines of the property proposed to be subdivided, the name and address of the record owner or owners of the land to be subdivided and the name and address of the subdivider, if other than the owner.
The location and name of streets surrounding or adjacent to the proposed subdivision, the lines of adjacent properties and the names of the owners of record or the names of existing adjoining developments.
The location, name and width of all existing and proposed streets.
The lines, dimensions and areas of all proposed or existing lots and proposed block, lot and section numbers as assigned by the Assessors' office.
The location, width and purpose of all proposed or existing easements.
The lines, dimensions and areas of all property intended to be dedicated for public use or reserved in the deeds of property owners in the subdivision, as well as any land which the owner may propose to reserve, with designation of the purposes thereof.
The location and identification of existing watercourses, bodies of water and natural features (described in §§ 145-16F and 145-30C) and, subject to the discretion of the Board, contours at such interval as it may require.
Sufficient data acceptable to the Engineer to determine readily the location, bearing and length of each boundary line, street line and lot line and to reproduce such lines upon the ground. The lengths of all straight lines, the deflection angles, radii, lengths of curves and central angles of all curves, tangent distances and tangent bearings for each street and each lot shall be given. All dimensions shall be shown in feet and hundredths of a foot.
Permanent reference monuments.
Name, address and signature of the licensed professional engineer or surveyor making the plat.
Notations on the plat. The following notations shall be shown on the subdivision plat:
Endorsement of approval by the New York State Department of Health.
Endorsement of approval by the Commissioner of Public Works of Nassau County.
Endorsement of approval by other planning agencies, if any, having jurisdiction.
Treasurer of Nassau County as to payment of taxes.
Town Receiver of Taxes as to payment of taxes.
Engineer in the Department of Assessment certifying location on Nassau County Land Map.
Treasurer of Village as to payment of taxes.
Accompanying material. When submitted to the Board with application for approval, the subdivision plat shall be accompanied by the following:
Certificate of title showing the ownership of the land to be vested in the subdivider or other applicant for plat approval.
A certificate of the licensed engineer or surveyor making such plat survey to the effect that the plat is correct and that the error of closure does not exceed such amount as is required by the Engineer.
A statement duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgment of deeds and signed by the owner or owners of the property to the effect that the subdivision shown on the plat is made with his or their free consent and in accordance with his or their desires.
All offers of dedication and covenants governing the maintenance of undedicated open space, which shall bear the certificate of approval of the Village Attorney as to their legal sufficiency.
A copy of such private deed restrictions, including building setback lines, as may be imposed upon the property as a condition to sale, together with a statement of any restrictions previously imposed which may affect the title to the land being subdivided. Such restrictions shall be satisfactory to the Board and shall provide, in the case of any lot intended for residential use, against further division thereof by the grantee without approval by the Board.
Such other items or certificates of approval by proper public authorities as may have been required by the Board.
Stamped envelopes addressed to each of the owners of property abutting or across the street from the subdivision and containing a form letter and a copy of the notice of public hearing (to be published in the official Village newspaper) on forms provided by the Board.
An approved stormwater management pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) consistent with the requirements of Chapter 138, Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control, shall be required for preliminary and final subdivision plat approval. The SWPPP shall meet the performance and design criteria and standards of Chapter 138, Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control. The approved subdivision plat shall be consistent with the provisions of Chapter 138, Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control.
[Added 5-9-2007 by L.L. No. 3-2007]