If all or part of any structure or the equipment for operation, including, among others, the heating plant, plumbing, electric wiring, stairways, elevators and fire protection equipment, shall be found by the Enforcement Officer, with concurrence of the chief executive of the Village of Dobbs Ferry, to have significant defects hereinafter described, it shall be deemed a dangerous structure.
Dangerous structures include:
One which is so damaged, decayed, dilapidated, unsanitary, difficult to heat, structurally unsafe or vermin infested that it creates a hazard to the safety or welfare of the occupants or to the public, or which contains lead-based paint that is dangerous or likely to become dangerous to the health of small children.
One which lacks illumination, ventilation or sanitary facilities adequate to protect the safety or welfare of the occupants or of the public.
One which, because of its general condition or location, is unsanitary or otherwise dangerous to the safety or welfare of the occupants or of the public.
One which is so overcrowded with occupants that it constitutes a public nuisance or is a health hazard to its occupants.
One which is in a state of dilapidation, deterioration or decay, faulty construction such that the removal, movement or instability of any portion of the ground necessary for the purpose of supporting such building, or the deterioration, decay or inadequacy of its foundation, or other similar cause, is likely to partially or completely collapse the structure.
One in which the exterior and interior walls or other vertical members lean, buckle or twist to such an extent as to endanger life, limb and property.
One which is being used in such a manner and condition as to constitute a public nuisance.
One which is vacant, open to trespass, unoccupied and an attractive nuisance to anyone on or near the premises, thereby endangering life, health and property.
One which has been damaged by fire, wind or other causes so as to no longer provide shelter from the elements and has become or threatens to become dangerous to life, safety or the general health and welfare of anyone on or near the premises.
Notice. Whenever the Enforcement Officer and the chief executive of the Village of Dobbs Ferry determine that a structure or dwelling unit is dangerous and unfit for human habitation, the Enforcement Officer shall give notice to the owner of condemnation and of his intent to placard and vacate the structure or dwelling unit if compliance with the provisions of the notice of condemnation is not secured. Any person affected by any such notice may request and shall be granted a hearing on the matter before the Enforcement Officer or the Board of Appeals.
Placarding. The Enforcement Officer or the Assistant Enforcement Officers shall post in a conspicuous place on the affected dwelling unit or structure a placard bearing the words: "Condemned as unfit for human habitation."
Vacating. Any dwelling unit or structure which has been condemned as unfit for habitation shall be vacated within a reasonable time as required by the Enforcement Officer and shall not be used for human habitation again until written approval is secured from the Enforcement Officer. The owner or operator of such unit or structure shall make such unit or structure safe and secure in whatever manner the Enforcement Officer shall deem necessary. Any vacant building open at doors and windows, if unguarded, shall be deemed dangerous to human life and a nuisance.
Order to disconnect utilities. Whenever any dwelling unit or structure has been placarded and vacated, the Department shall order services and utilities to be turned off or disconnected and all utility meters to be removed.
Order to make repairs or demolish. Whenever the Enforcement Officer with concurrence of the chief executive of the Village of Dobbs Ferry designates a building unfit for human habitation or unsafe to the community in its vacant state and determines that the cost necessary to correct the violation is not reasonably related to the value of the building, the Enforcement Officer shall order the demolition of the structure. A copy of such notice shall be served on the owner and copies sent to other agencies, including the Police and Fire Departments. The owner may demolish such structure, convert the structure into another use in conformance with zoning regulations, rehabilitate the structure or correct the violation regardless of cost, provided that the requirements of this chapter and of the Building Code in effect at the time of attempted compliance are satisfied.
Department to make repairs or demolish. Whenever a notice or order to remove a violation or to secure, vacate or demolish a building has not been complied with, and when such failure to comply is deemed by the Enforcement Officer and chief executive of the Village of Dobbs Ferry to constitute a danger to the tenants and the community, the Enforcement Officer may proceed to have the building demolished, repaired, rehabilitated, converted, altered, secured or vacated or take such action as is necessary to abate the nuisance. Abatement authorized by these provisions shall not commence until at least 10 days after service of such notice. Such procedures and recovery of expenses shall be served as provided in Article X, Emergency Repair Program, and work shall be completed within the time specified by the Enforcement Officer.