The exterior of a residential building shall be maintained structurally sound and sanitary so as not to pose a threat to the health and safety of the occupants and so as to protect the occupants from adverse environmental conditions.
The exterior of a residential building shall be maintained so as to retain a neat appearance. Painting, protective coatings and other finishes on exterior surfaces shall conform to acceptable standards. Siding material shall be kept in good repair.
All foundation walls, exterior walls and roofs shall be maintained in good repair and be structurally sound.
Foundation walls shall be free from damage or defects, such as open cracks or breaks, and shall be capable of bearing imposed loads.
Exterior walls shall be free of holes, breaks, loose or rotting boards or timbers and any other conditions that might admit rain or dampness to the interior portions of the walls or to the interior spaces of the building.
Roofs shall be structurally sound, tight and shall have no defects that might admit rain or melted snow. Roof drainage shall be adequate to prevent rain, water or melted snow from causing dampness in the walls or interior portions of the building.
Stairways, porches and balconies, handrails and railings and parapet walls shall be kept in good repair and structurally sound, free of holes and cracks and capable of bearing normally imposed loads.
Stairways and landings shall be arranged, proportioned and maintained so as to provide safe ascent and descent.
Handrails shall be provided on at least one side of stairways that are more than three risers high.
Balustraded railings at least 33 inches above nosings and 36 inches above landings shall be provided on open portions of stairways and landings.
Handrails and railings shall be firmly fastened.
Properly balustraded railings or parapet walls shall be provided at open sides of porches, balconies, accessible roofs and motor vehicle parking decks and ramps where there is clear danger of accident or personal injury.
Railings and parapet walls shall be at least three feet six inches high. Fixed openings in same shall not exceed six inches in one dimension.
Every residential building shall be protected from adverse environmental conditions, as follows:
Watertight and weatherproof. Exterior walls, roofs and all openings around doors, windows, skylights, hatchways, chimneys and all other parts of the structure shall be maintained so as to keep water from entering the structure and to prevent undue heat loss. Damaged materials shall be repaired or replaced.
Dry-rot-resistant and rust-resistant. All parts of the structure that show evidence of dry rot or other deterioration shall be replaced and refinished.
All exterior wood surfaces that are not of a species inherently resistant to decay shall be treated periodically with a protective coating or other preservative to prevent structural decay.
Metal surfaces that show evidence of excessive rusting shall be refinished or replaced if necessary or removed.
The exterior of every residential building shall be so equipped and maintained as to be free of insects, vermin and rodents.
From May 1 to October 1, every window or other device with openings to the outdoors, used or intended to be used for ventilation, shall be effectively protected against the entrance of insects by equipping same with approved screening.
The owner of a dwelling unit shall be responsible for providing and hanging all screens in said dwelling unit whenever such are required under the provisions of this chapter or regulation adopted pursuant to same, except where there is a written agreement between the owner and occupant.
However, such screening shall not be required:
In rooms deemed by the Enforcement Officer to be located high enough in the building as to be free from insects.
In rooms located in areas of the Village of Dobbs Ferry that are deemed by the Enforcement Officer to have so few insects as to render screens unnecessary.
Where a vermin or rodent problem exists, every openable window, exterior door and any other opening that is two feet or less above ground level or can be reached by vermin or rodents by crawling or climbing pipes, wires, cornices, stairs, roofs, trees or vines or by burrowing shall be screened or protected with acceptable wire mesh or other approved materials. Defects, cracks and holes shall be tightly sealed to prevent the entrance of said pests.
Skirting, lattice or other non-ratproofed enclosure creating a possible rodent harborage under a porch or any portions of a building shall be ratproofed at all locations where a rat could find, burrow or gnaw an access opening.
Every window and exterior door shall fit reasonably well in its frame; weather stripping shall be used. They shall be kept in sound condition and in good repair.
Every window, exterior door and frame shall be so constructed and maintained in such relation to the adjacent wall as to exclude wind and rain from entering the building; they shall be kept in sound condition and good repair.
Every required window sash shall be fully supplied with approved glazing materials that are without cracks or holes.
Every window, other than a fixed one, shall be capable of being easily opened and shall be held in position by window hardware.
Every exterior door, door hinge and door latch shall be maintained in good and operable condition.
Every basement or cellar hatchway shall be so constructed and maintained as to prevent the entrance of rodents, rain and surface drainage water into the structure.
Every basement or cellar window that is openable shall be supplied with rodentproof shields or storm windows or other material affording protection against the entrance of rodents.
Every residential building and every accessory structure on its premises shall be free of loose or unsecured overhanging objects and materials. Such objects or materials shall be removed.
Dangerous accumulations of ice and snow shall be removed.
Exterior artificial lighting shall be provided at night at or near front entrances of multiple dwellings. Such illumination shall provide a minimum of 1/2 footcandle of light.
Lead-based paint with a lead content of more than 0.5% shall not be applied to any interior or exterior surface of a residential structure, dwelling unit or accessory structure on the premises.
Existing paint conditions conducive to lead poisoning shall be eliminated in accordance with procedures contained in Article 13, Title 10, of the New York State Public Health Law.
[Added 1-28-2020 by L.L. No. 1-2020]
Installation of an air-conditioning unit in any window in a downtown district, and in any other district where such unit will be installed within five feet horizontally from any property line, sidewalk, public right-of-way, patio, deck, driveway or other area where people can be expected to travel upon, visit, occupy or use, shall adhere to the following minimum standards:
The unit shall be installed in compliance with the specific unit manufacturer's instructions as to proper mounting hardware and support for the unit, including any adjustment necessary to adapt for the actual condition and composition of the surface into which hardware shall be affixed.
The unit shall be installed securely and shall be supported from underneath with the use of metal brackets or mounting rails.
All objects used to adjust the position of the unit in the window, such as shims, must have an independent source of fastening or attachment.
Leveling objects to prevent movement and shifting due to vibrations from the unit, wind and other weather conditions must be secure.
The unit shall be installed so it remains in place when the window is opened or affixed so that the window cannot be opened accidentally.
The unit must be tilted towards the outside to provide water drainage but must not be over-tilted to the point of hazard.
The use of loose objects, including but not limited to wood pieces, bricks, blocks or telephone books, for support or the levelling of the unit is prohibited.
The placement of anything on top of the unit, including but not limited to antennas, satellite dishes, bird feeders or plants, is prohibited.
The unit installation shall not block or otherwise interfere with any access point, exit or fire escape.