Communal cooking and dining facilities in a rooming house shall be permitted, provided that they comply with all the applicable state and local laws and are approved by the Health Officer.
Every communal kitchen and dining room located in a rooming house shall have adequate floor space and facilities and shall be so located as to be accessible to the occupant of each rooming unit sharing the use of such facilities without going through the dwelling unit or rooming unit of another occupant.
Communal kitchens and dining rooms shall comply with the following requirements:
Where cooking is permitted, communal kitchens shall have a minimum gross floor area of 60 square feet and a minimum width of five feet.
Communal kitchens used for combined cooking and eating purposes shall have a minimum gross floor area of 100 square feet and a minimum width of seven feet. Dining space and eating facilities shall comply with the requirements of this chapter for communal dining rooms.
Required facilities for communal kitchens.
At least one sink.
At least one gas or electric stove containing at least two top burners and an oven.
At least one electric, gas or other mechanical or suitably constructed ice refrigerator with adequate food storage capacity.
At least 12 linear feet of shelf storage space.
Communal dining rooms shall have a minimum gross floor area of 70 square feet.
Required facilities for communal dining rooms.
At least one dining chair and two linear feet of dining space for each occupant permitted in said dining room at any particular time.
At least one each: flush water closet, lavatory and bathtub or shower, affording privacy and properly connected to water and sewer systems approved by the Health Officer and in good working condition, shall be supplied for each six persons or fraction thereof residing within the rooming house, including members of the operator's family whenever they share the use of said facilities, except that in a rooming house where rooms are let to males only, flush urinals may be substituted for not more than 1/2 of the required number of water closets greater than one.
All such facilities shall be available on each and every floor and shall be so located as to be accessible from a common hall or passageway to all persons sharing such facilities.
Every lavatory and bathtub or shower shall be supplied with heated and unheated water under pressure at all times.
No such facilities shall be located in a basement except by written approval of the Westchester County Health Department.
The floor surfaces of such shall be constructed or covered with a moisture-resistant finish or material. Such floors shall be kept dry, clean and sanitary.
The walls of every such facility to a height of four feet above the floor shall be constructed or covered with such material impervious to water as may be approved by the Enforcement Officer.