The intent of this chapter is to regulate and control the use of the water service system facilities of the Village of Greene, to regulate the installation of water services and water connections, to provide specifications for all work pertaining to water connections, to regulate private water facilities, and in general, to control and regulate the water use within the Village of Greene.
All properties within the Village of Greene shall be connected to the Village water system where feasible. Any exception must have prior Board approval.
The regulations set forth in this chapter may be amended, revised or repealed from time to time by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Greene in the manner provided by law.
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meanings of terms used in this chapter shall be as follows:
The New York State Sanitary Code, Chapter 1, Part 5, and any amendments and additions thereto.
The owner of property or his agent.
The American Society for Testing and Materials.
The Village Board of Trustees or its agent.
The provision of water to premises where the customer is engaged in trade.
The connection at the curb.
A person connected to the water system of the Village of Greene.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
The Water Department of the Village of Greene.
Provision of water for household residential purposes, including water for sprinkling lawns, gardens and shrubbery, washing vehicles and similar and customary purposes.
An acquired legal right for the specific use of land owned by others.
Provision of water to premises for sprinkler system fire protection.
Provision of water in unmeasured quantities.
Provision of water to a customer for use in manufacturing or processing activities.
The pipe between a residence and a water main.
Any water escaping from the Village of Greene's system.
A meter to measure water where a single meter is used to measure many separate services.
The meter which will, in most cases, be supplied by and owned by the Village of Greene and installed by the Village of Greene when possible to measure residential, commercial and industrial water usage.
The New York State Department of Health or other duly authorized official of said Department.
Water obtained through an unmetered line.
The person or persons who legally own, lease or occupy private property with water service facilities.
Any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporation or group.
Galvanized iron Schedule No. 40 with threaded couplings.
Copper pipe Type K ASTM No. B88.
Plastic pipe high-density polyethylene, 200 pounds, test minimum.
Copper tube size P.E. 3408, S.D.R. 9, ASTM 2737. This must be used with compression fittings with insert stiffeners.
The man-made or man-induced alteration of the chemical, physical or geological leakage of chemical or radiological integrity of water.
The integral property or area, including improvements thereon, to which water service is or will be provided.
The Public Service Commission or, where appropriate, a designation for the Administrator or the duly authorized official of said Agency.
The entire body of effective rates, rental charges and regulations per the Village of Greene.[1]
All premises used only for human residency.
The latest edition of Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, published by the American Public Health Association, Water Pollution Control Federation and or American Water Works Association.
The Water Superintendent or his duly authorized deputy, agent or representative.
The Village of Greene Water Department.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency or, where appropriate, a designation for the Administrator or the duly authorized official of said Agency.
A district who purchases the Village of Greene's water for resale.
The pipe conveying water through the Village of Greene's water system.
Editor's Note: The rate schedule is on file in the Village Clerk's office.
Supply. The Department will exercise reasonable diligence and care to deliver a continuous and sufficient supply of water to a customer at a proper pressure and to avoid any shortage or interruption in delivery. The Department has, however, the right to limit the amount of water furnished.
Quality. The Department will endeavor to furnish a safe and potable water for human consumption at all times.
Classes of services. All services installed by the utility shall be classified as follows:
Municipal or public use.
Fire protection.
Types of rates available. The types of service available from the Department are:
Flat rate.
Metered rate.
Form. All applications for the use of water must be made, in writing, on forms provided by the Department.
Acceptance to constitute contract. On acceptance by the Department, the application shall constitute a contract between the Department and the applicant, obligating the applicant to pay the Department its established rates and to comply with its rules and regulations.
Existing main prerequisite to acceptance. Applications will be accepted subject to there being an existing main in a street or right-of-way abutting on the premises to be served, but acceptance shall in no way obligate the Department to extend its mains to serve the premises, except as hereinafter provided.
Separate application required for each premises. A separate application must be made for each premises. The word "premises," as used herein, shall be defined as follows:
A building under one roof owned or leased by one customer and occupied as one residence or one place of business.
A combination of buildings owned or leased by one customer, in one common enclosure, occupied by one family or one corporation or firm as a residence or place of business.
Each unit of a multiple house or building separated by a solid vertical partition wall occupied by one family or one firm as a residence or place of business.
A building owned or leased by one customer, having a number of apartments, offices or lofts which are rented to tenants, and using in common one hall and one or more means of entrance.
A building one or more stories high under one roof, owned or leased by one customer, having an individual entrance for the ground floor occupants and one for the occupants of the upper floors.
A garden apartment owned by one individual or firm and located in one common enclosure.
Plumbing plan to be submitted with application where service desired for certain uses. Where service is desired for a multiple dwelling or commercial or industrial use, a detailed plumbing plan showing service supply, fixtures and equipment and any other water use facilities must be submitted at the time of application.
Effect of application. The application is merely a written request for service, and does not bind the applicant to take service for any particular length of time, nor does it bind the Department to give service except under reasonable conditions.
Notice to Department. Customers making any material change in the size, character or extent of the equipment or operation utilizing water service or whose change in operation results in a large increase or decrease in the use of water shall immediately give the Department written notice of the nature of the change and, if necessary, amend the application.
Cost. The owner will be responsible for the cost of any change of installations brought about by such change in demand.
Conditions under which granted. Contracts, other than or in addition to applications, may be required prior to service under the following conditions:
When construction of special extension facilities is necessary.
For temporary service.
For standby service or fire service.
For service to premises at elevations higher than that at which the existing system will adequately furnish 20 pounds per square inch at the ground floor.
Change; modifications. Each contract for water service will contain the following provisions: "This contract shall at all times be subject to such changes or modifications by the Department as said Department may from time to time direct in the exercise of its jurisdiction."
The customer shall, at his own risk and expense, furnish, install and keep in good safe condition all equipment that may be required for receiving, controlling, applying and utilizing water. The Department shall not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by the improper installation of any such water equipment or the negligence, want of care or wrongful act of the customer or any of his tenants, agents, employees, contractors, licensers or permitters in installing, maintaining, using, operating or interfering with such equipment. The Department shall not be responsible for damage to property caused by spigots, faucets, valves and other equipment that are open when water is turned on originally or when the water is turned on after a temporary shutdown.
The customer shall be liable for any damage to a meter or other equipment or property owned or maintained by the Department which is caused by an act of the customer or his tenants, agents, employees, contractors, licensers or permitters, including the breaking or destruction of locks by the customer or others on or near a meter or any damage to a meter that may result from hot water or steam from a boiler or heater or frozen meter on the customer's premises. The Department shall promptly be reimbursed by the customer for any such damage within 30 days after receipt of bill.
The Department or its duly authorized agent shall at all times have the right to enter the customer's premises for any purpose properly connected with the service of water to the customer.
The Department shall not be liable for damage resulting from an interruption in service. Temporary shutdowns may be resorted to by the Department for improvements and repairs. Where possible, repairs or improvements shall be completed as rapidly as practicable.
Notices to customers. Notices from the Department to a customer will normally be given in writing and either delivered to him or mailed to him at his last known address. Where conditions warrant and in emergencies, the Department may resort to notification, either by telephone or by messenger.
Notices from customers. Notice from the customer to the Department shall be given by him or his authorized representative in writing or, by special circumstance, may be made orally.
Resale of water is not permitted unless authorized by the Village of Greene or its agents.
Required. Where working pressures at the water main adjacent to a property are excessive, the customer shall install and maintain a suitable pressure-reducing valve at his expense.
Location of valve. Such valve shall be located on the inlet side of the first valve or control point within the premises.
Size, type of valve. The pressure-reducing valve is to be suitable in size and type for the service required and installed with proper controls to facilitate maintenance.
There shall be no physical connection between the public potable water system and any other system without a written permit from the Department. Any connection must meet the requirements of Chapter 1, Part 5, of the New York State Department of Health Sanitary Code.
Responsibility for attachments. All ground wire attachments to any plumbing which is or may be connected to a service connection or main belonging to or maintained by the Department shall be the sole responsibility of the owner or consumer of water service.
Liability for damage. The consumer shall be liable for any damage to Water Department property occasioned by such ground wire attachments, and the presence of such attachments shall not be deemed a waiver of any of the rights of the Water Department.
Use of and damage to hydrants. No person or persons, other than those designated and authorized by the Department, shall open any fire hydrant, attempt to draw water from it or in any manner damage or tamper with it. No person shall place any obstruction that would prevent free access to any fire hydrant. Any violation of this regulation will be prosecuted according to law.
Cost for changes. If any property owner desires a change in the size, type or location of a hydrant, such property owner shall bear all costs and have prior Village Board approval concerning such changes.
Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall be punished as provided by these Village of Greene Water Regulations.