Editor's Note: Former Art. VII, Rates and Charges, was deleted at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I. A copy of the current rates and charges is on file in the Village Clerk's office.
Notice to Department. A customer may have his water service discontinued by notifying the Department at least 48 hours in advance of the desired date of discontinuance. Water charges to that date will be billed to the owner at the next regular billing date.
Effect of failure to notify Department. If the Department is not made aware of such discontinuance of service, the owner will be required to pay the customary and usual charges covering a time period to the date the Department may reasonably terminate service following notification.
The Department may refuse or discontinue service for any of the following reasons:
Nonpayment of bills or charges. Nonpayment of any bills or charges due the Department, including quarterly bills, connection fees, meter charges, etc., will be cause for disconnection.
Willful waste; use of unsafe equipment, etc. For willful waste or where apparatus, appliances or equipment using water are dangerous, unsafe or not in conformity with laws or ordinances. The Department does not assume liability for inspecting apparatus on customer's property. The Department does reserve the right of inspection, however, if there is reason to believe that unsafe apparatus is in use.
Excessive demand. Where demand is greatly in excess of past average or seasonal use, and where such excessive demand by one customer is or may be deemed detrimental or injurious to service furnished to other customers.
Use of water through branch connections, etc. For use of water other than requested in the application or through branch connections on the street side of a meter.
Damage to Department equipment. For damaging any service pipe, seal, meter or other appurtenance owned or maintained by the Department.
Cross-connections. For cross-connections with pipe carrying water supplied by the Department with another source of supply or with apparatus which may endanger the quality of the public water supply or for any violation of the Sanitary Code of the State of New York.
Refusing access to property. For refusal of reasonable access to the property for the purpose of inspection of fixtures or piping or for reading, testing or removing meters.
Submetering, reselling water. For submetering or reselling water.
Protection of Department. To protect the Department against fraud and abuse.
Wasteful, negligent use of water. Where water is wastefully used or negligently used on a customer's premises, seriously affecting the general use.
Violation of regulations. Violation of Chapter 90, Sewers, may result in discontinuance of water service.
Failure to comply with chapter regulations. The Department may, unless otherwise provided, discontinue water service to a customer for noncompliance with any of the regulations established in this chapter if the customer fails to comply with such regulations within five days after receiving written notice. If such noncompliance affects matters of health or safety and conditions warrant, the Department may discontinue water service immediately and without notice.