The following regulations shall apply in all R Residence Districts.
Permitted uses shall be as follows:
One-family detached dwellings containing a minimum living area of 1,200 square feet.
Two-family dwellings.
Multiple dwellings [each unit to contain not less than 800 square feet].
Boarding- and rooming houses, tourist homes which contain no more than three rental units or rooms.
Customary home occupations, provided that there shall be no external evidence of such occupation except one announcement sign as permitted.
Accessory structures or uses, including a private garage, garden house, greenhouse, tool house and similar uses for the beneficial use of the resident only.
The cultivation of plants and plantings when conducted by the occupants of the premises and incidental to the principal use.
Lot area and width. For the uses listed in Subsection A on each unimproved zoning lot and on each zoning lot upon which a structure hereafter is erected or enlarged, there shall be provided and maintained a lot area and lot width not less than prescribed in this section. However, any parcel of land with an area or width less than that prescribed for a lot in the district in which such lot is situated, which at the time of the adoption of this chapter was under one ownership and when the owner thereof owns no adjoining land, may be used as a lot for any purpose permitted in the district, provided that all other regulations prescribed for the district by this chapter shall be complied with.
(square feet)
Lot width
One-family detached dwelling
Two-family dwelling
Multiple dwelling
5,000 per family
Nonresidential uses
Yards required. For the uses listed in Subsection A, on each unimproved zoning lot and on each zoning lot upon which a structure hereafter is erected or enlarged, there shall be provided and maintained yards not less than prescribed in this section.
New development areas.
Principal buildings.
Front yard: 30 feet set back from the walk or, if no walk, 30 feet set back from the roadside.
Rear yard: 30 feet set back from the property line.
Side yard: 10 feet set back from the property line on both sides.
Accessory buildings and structures.
Front yard: No accessory building or structure shall be permitted in front of a principal building.
Rear yard: three feet set back from the property line.
Side yard: three(3) feet set back from the property line.
For established areas; any new building or structure may extend as near the street line as the average existing building within the same block and on the same side of the street.
Permitted uses shall be as follows:
Retail uses, such as food, variety drug, hardware, liquor, furniture, appliance, clothing and shoe stores.
Service uses, such as barbershop, beautician, cleaner, laundromat, shoe repair and similar personal service establishments.
Offices: financial, professional, business and governmental.
Public buildings: post office, fire station, etc.
Restaurants and taverns.
Theaters and other places of public amusement (i.e., bowling alley, skating hall, arcades, pool halls, etc.)
Hotels or motels, tourist homes over three units, multiple dwellings over three units and boardinghouses and rooming houses over three units.
Lodges and fraternal organizations.
Residential dwellings.
Accessory uses and structures customarily incidental to a permitted principal use when located on the same lot.
No processing or fabricating of goods shall be permitted except as incidental to the principal retail use conducted on the premises.
Gasoline service stations may be permitted upon the issuance of a special permit as provided in Article IX, § 125-41, of this chapter.
Churches and other places of worship, including Sunday School buildings and rectories.
Cemeteries and the buildings and structures incident thereto.
Public elementary and secondary schools, parochial schools, nursery schools and colleges.
Public parks, playgrounds and open recreational areas and similar recreational uses when operated by membership organizations for the benefit of their members and/or the public and not for gain.
Libraries and other municipal buildings.
Funeral homes.
Philanthropic and charitable institutions.
Hospitals, nursing homes and rest homes may be permitted upon the issuance of a special permit as provided in Article IX, § 125-39, of this chapter.
Electrical distribution substations and other public utility structures may be permitted upon the issuance of a special permit as provided in Article IX, § 125-40, of this chapter.
Adult entertainment businesses require a special permit.
Lot setbacks required. For all uses listed in Subsection A, on each unimproved zoning lot and upon each zoning lot upon which a structure hereafter is erected or enlarged, there shall be provided and maintained a rear setback of not less than 10 feet. More may be required depending on the structure maintenance method(s).
The following regulations shall apply in all C-2 Commercial Service District.
Permitted uses shall be as follows:
Automobile sales-service establishments.
Gasoline service stations.
Farm supply and implement sales.
Building material sales.
Warehouse and wholesale establishments.
Processing and packaging of bakery goods, dairy products and other foods.
Veterinarian hospitals.
Accessory uses and structures customarily incidental to a permitted principal use when located on the same lot.
Residential dwellings.
Lot setbacks required. For all uses listed in Subsection A, on each unimproved zoning lot and upon each zoning lot upon which a structure hereafter is erected or enlarged, there shall be provided and maintained a rear setback of not less than 10 feet. More may be required depending on the structure maintenance method(s).
The following regulations shall apply in all I Industrial Districts.
Permitted uses shall be as follows:
Assembly of appliances, instruments and other products.
Bakeries and food processing.
Cold storage and similar plants.
Bottling works.
Dry-cleaning plants; laundries.
Printing, lithographing, typesetting and binding establishments.
Any manufacturing, fabricating, processing and maintenance establishments, provided that such use shall not be noxious or injurious to adjoining property by reason of the production or emission of dust, smoke, refuse matter, odor, gas, fumes, noise, vibration or similar substances or conditions; provided, however, that any uses may be permitted if approved by the Board of Appeals and subject to the securing of a special permit therefor and to such conditions, restrictions and safeguards as may be deemed necessary by said Board of Appeals for the purpose of protecting the health, safety, morals or general welfare of the community.
Accessory uses and structures customarily incidental to a permitted principal use when located on the same lot.
Residential dwellings.
The following uses shall not be permitted:
Fat rendering.
Dead animal and offal reduction.
Automobile wrecking yard.
Scrap paper or rag storage.
Bone distillation.
Curing, tanning or storage of hides.
Manufacture of ammunition, vinegar, acids, ammonia, chlorine, fertilizer, glue, gypsum, lime, soda dyestuffs, grease, lard or tallow or matches.
Lot setbacks required. For all uses listed in Subsection A, on each unimproved zoning lot and upon each zoning lot upon which a structure hereafter is erected or enlarged, there shall be provided and maintained a rear setback of not less than 10 feet. More may be required depending on the structure maintenance method(s).