[Adopted 10-23-1998 by Ord. No. 98-2]
[Amended 2-19-2009]
Pursuant to the authority granted by General Statutes § 7-148(c)(2), as amended by Public Act No. 98-188, no application for a building permit, certificate of occupancy, sewer or septic permit or any other municipal permit required for improvement to or construction or demolition on real property and no application for approval of a subdivision on which construction is intended or for site plan approval shall be granted unless the applicant presents to the official who or the agency which is to act upon the application a certification of the Revenue Collector stating that taxes, sewer assessments and sewer use charges then due on the premises to which the application relates are not delinquent.
[Amended 8-6-2009]
Upon the written request of the applicant to the Town Manager setting out just cause therefor and the submission of such other information as the Town Manager may require, the Town Manager may waive the requirements of § 320-12 of this article when he or she determines that the interests of public health, safety or welfare are better served by allowing the proposed improvements to or demolition upon the real property concerned to proceed notwithstanding the delinquency.