The Planning Board is hereby authorized, pursuant to § 7-725-a of the Village Law, to review and approve, approve with modifications or disapprove preliminary site plans and final site plans.
[Amended 11-10-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
Prior to issuing a building permit for the construction of a building, or for the alteration of a building if the area of any floor would be increased 25% thereby, and prior to the issuance of a zoning permit or certificate of occupancy for a change of use or occupancy of land or a building such that the off-street parking facilities required for that parcel would be changed, the Zoning Officer shall refer the site plans of the lot to the Planning Board for its review and approval. Site preparation or the commencement of construction prior to the termination of proceedings under this article is prohibited. The construction or alteration of a one- or two-family dwelling is hereby exempted from this article; and, except for a one- or two-family dwelling, no zoning permit, building permit or certification of occupancy shall be issued except in compliance with the standards and procedures set forth in this article.
Any preliminary application for site plan approval shall be made, in writing, to the Zoning Officer and shall be accompanied by the following information prepared by a licensed engineer, architect, landscape architect or surveyor, drawn to a scale of not greater than one inch equals 20 feet or smaller than one inch equals 100 feet, submitted on a sheet 20 inches by 20 inches:
One area map shall be provided showing the applicant's entire holding, that portion of the applicant's property under consideration, and all properties, subdivisions, streets and easements within 500 feet of the applicant's property.
If grades exceed 3% or if portions of the site have a moderate to high susceptibility to erosion or a moderate to high susceptibility to flooding and ponding, one topographic map, showing contour intervals of not more than five feet of elevation, shall be provided.
Fifteen copies of a preliminary site plan shall be provided, which shall include the following information:
[Amended 11-10-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
The title of the drawing, including the name and address of the applicant.
The North point, scale and date.
The boundaries of the property plotted to scale.
The existing watercourses.
A site plan showing the location, proposed use and height of all buildings; the location of all parking and truck loading areas, with access and egress drives thereto; the location of outdoor storage, if any; the location of all existing or proposed site improvements, including drains, culverts, retaining walls and fences; a description of the method of sewage disposal and the location of such facilities; the location and size of all signs; the location and proposed development of buffer areas; and the location and design of lighting facilities. In addition, the site plan must state the gross floor area and net floor area for each building and delineate and state the area of each use therein, including flex space, if any.
A tracing overlay shall be provided showing all soil areas and their classifications and those areas, if any, with a moderate to high susceptibility to erosion. For areas with potential erosion problems, the overlay shall also include an outline and description of existing vegetation.
The Planning Board may, in its discretion, waive such of the foregoing as may not be necessary in the interest of the public health, safety or general welfare, or for proper review of the application.
[Amended 11-10-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
The Planning Board shall comply with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR)[1] and implementing regulations thereunder. An application for preliminary site plan approval shall not be considered complete, and the review period shall not begin to start, until either a negative declaration has been made or a draft environmental impact statement has been filed.
[Added 11-10-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
Editor's Note: See Environmental Conservation Law § 8-0101 et seq.
Where a preliminary site plan contains one or more features which do not comply with the provisions of this chapter, applications may be made to the Zoning Board of Appeals for an area variance without the necessity of a decision or determination of an administrative official charged with the enforcement of zoning regulations.
[Added 11-10-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
The Planning Board's review of a preliminary site plan shall include but is not limited to the following considerations:
The adequacy and arrangement of vehicular traffic access and circulation, including intersections, road widths, channelization structures and traffic controls.
The adequacy and arrangement of pedestrian traffic access and circulation, including the separation of pedestrian from vehicular traffic, walkway structures, control of intersections with vehicular traffic and pedestrian convenience.
The location, arrangement, appearance and sufficiency of off-street parking and loading areas.
The location, arrangement, size and design of buildings, lighting and signs.
The adequacy, type and arrangement of trees, shrubs and other landscaping constituting a visual and/or a noise-deterring buffer between these and adjoining lands.
In the case of an apartment house, townhouse or multiple dwelling, the adequacy of usable open space for playgrounds and informal recreation.
The adequacy of stormwater and sanitary waste disposal facilities.
The adequacy of structures, roadways and landscaping in areas with a moderate to high susceptibility to flooding and ponding and/or erosion.
The protection of adjacent properties against noise, glare, unsightliness or other objectionable features.
In its review, the Planning Board may consult with the Village Engineer and other Village, town and county officials, as well as with representatives of federal and state agencies, including the Soil Conservation Service and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The Planning Board may require that the exterior design of all structures be made by or under the direction of a registered architect, whose seal shall be affixed to the plans.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
When reviewing a site plan because of a change in the use or occupancy of land, a building or any portion thereof, the Planning Board shall consider the impact of the proposed change upon other uses within the same building or parcel. To the extent practical, the Planning Board may require such modification thereto as will promote the most efficient use of land consonant with compliance with the provisions of this chapter. In no event shall the Planning Board waive the direct application of a local law provision to the changed use or occupancy under review.
The Planning Board may require such additional provisions and conditions that appear necessary for the public health, safety and general welfare.
[Amended 11-10-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
Upon receipt of an application for preliminary site plan approval the Planning Board shall refer such application to the Monroe County Department of Planning and Development in accordance with General Municipal Law § 239-m.
The Planning Board shall comply with the provisions of SEQR and implementing regulations thereunder. An application for preliminary site plan approval shall not be considered complete, and the review period shall not begin to start, until either a negative declaration has been made or a draft environmental impact statement has been filed.
Within 62 days of receipt of a complete application for preliminary site plan approval, the Planning Board shall act on it. The Planning Board's action shall be in the form of a written statement to the applicant stating whether the preliminary site plan is conditionally approved. A copy of the appropriate minutes of the Planning Board shall be a sufficient report.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The Planning Board may recommend in its statement desirable revisions to be incorporated in the final site plan, conformance with which shall be a condition of approval. If the preliminary site plan is disapproved, the Planning Board's statement shall contain the reasons therefor. The Planning Board may recommend further study of the site plan and resubmission of the preliminary site plan to the Planning Board after it has been revised or redesigned.
No modifying of existing stream channels, filling of lands with a moderate to high susceptibility to flooding, grading or removal of vegetation in areas with a moderate to high susceptibility to flooding, grading or removal of vegetation in areas with a moderate to high susceptibility to erosion or excavating for or constructing of site improvements shall begin until the developer has received final site plan approval. Failure to comply shall be construed as a violation of this chapter and, where necessary, final site plan approval may require the modification or removal of unapproved site plan improvements.
The Planning Board shall have the authority to impose such reasonable conditions and restrictions as are directly related to and incidental to a preliminary site plan. Such conditions must be met in connection with the issuance of permits by applicable enforcement agents or officers of the Village.
After receiving conditional approval from the Planning Board on a preliminary site plan and approval for all necessary permits and curb cuts from state and county officials, the applicant may prepare his final detailed site plan and submit it to the Planning Board for approval; except that if more than six months has elapsed between the time of the Planning Board's report on the preliminary site plan and if the Planning Board finds that conditions have changed significantly in the interim, the Planning Board may require a resubmission of the preliminary site plan for further review and possible revision prior to accepting the proposed final site plan for review.
The final detailed site plan shall conform substantially to the preliminary site plan that has received preliminary site plan approval. It should incorporate any revision or other features that may have been recommended by the Planning Board at the preliminary review. All such compliances shall be clearly indicated by the applicant on the appropriate submission.
[Amended 11-10-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
Within 62 days of the receipt of the application for final site plan approval for a site plan in substantial conformity with the previously approved preliminary site plan, the Planning Board shall render a decision to the Zoning Officer. If no decision is made within the sixty-two-day period, the final site plan shall be considered approved.
If the final site plan is not in substantial conformity with the previously approved preliminary site plan, the Planning Board may determine to treat the application as an application for preliminary site plan approval and act thereon pursuant to § 550-21.
Upon approving an application for final site plan approval, the Planning Board shall endorse its approval on a copy of the final site plan and shall forward it to the Zoning Officer, who shall then issue or cause to be issued a building permit to the applicant if the project conforms to all other applicable requirements.
Upon disapproving an application, the Planning Board shall so inform the Zoning Officer and he shall deny or cause to be denied a building permit to the applicant. The Planning Board shall also notify the applicant, in writing, of its decision and its reasons for disapproval. A copy of the appropriate minutes may suffice for this notice.