The following regulations apply in the R-A Residential
A. Permitted uses:
(3) Municipal buildings, community centers, public parks
and playgrounds.
(4) Churches and similar places of worship, parish houses,
convents, cemeteries and other such facilities of recognized religious
(5) Temporary buildings for uses incidental to construction
work, provided that such buildings are removed upon completion or
abandonment of the construction work.
B. Permitted accessory uses:
(1) Private garages and carports.
(2) Noncommercial workshops as part of the principal building
or private garage.
(3) Signs, as permitted by Chapter
408, Signs, of the Code of the Village of Fairport.
(4) Fences, subject to the provisions of Article
X, §
(5) Other normal residential secondary structures, such
as outdoor barbecues, fireplaces, trellises, lampposts and the like.
(6) Off-street parking facilities, subject to the provisions of Article
X, §
(7) Radio and television antennas.
An antenna (other than a reflector or parabolic
antenna) designed to receive radio or television signals, provided
The antenna is incidental to the residential
The maximum height of the antenna is not greater
than 10 feet above the ground or the structure on which it is mounted;
The antenna assembly contains no more than two
active elements; and
The antenna assembly does not encroach upon any required yard area as provided in §
550-8 of this chapter.
A reflector or parabolic antenna designed to
receive radio or television signals, provided that the antenna is
one meter (39.37 inches) or less in diameter in any area.
[Amended 11-10-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
(8) Minor home occupations.
[Added 10-15-1996 by L.L. No. 7-1996]
C. Area and bulk requirements: as specified in the schedule referred to in §
550-8 of Article
IV of this chapter.
D. Uses requiring a special use permit application, subject to §
[Amended 8-10-1992 by L.L. No. 4-1992; 10-15-1996 by L.L. No. 1996; 11-10-1997 by L.L. No.
(2) Parochial or private schools.
(3) Communication structures.
The following regulations apply in the R-B Residential
A. Permitted uses: all uses permitted in R-A Residential
B. Permitted accessory uses: as specified in the R-A Residential District, §
C. Area and bulk requirements: as specified in the schedule referred to in §
550-8 of Article
IV of this chapter.
D. Uses requiring a special use permit application, subject to §
(1) As specified in the R-A Residential District, §
(2) Shared living residence for the elderly, as provided in §
(3) Child day-care services.
[Added 11-8-1999 by L.L. No. 7-1999]
The following regulations apply in the R-B 50/35
Residential District:
A. Permitted uses: all uses permitted in the R-A Residential
B. Permitted accessory uses: as specified in the R-A Residential District, §
C. Area and bulk requirements: as specified in the schedule referred to in §
550-8 of Article
IV of this chapter for the R-B Residential District, except:
(2) Side yards:
Street side of corner lot: 35 feet.
D. Uses requiring a special use permit application, subject to §
550-52: as specified in the R-B Residential District, §
The following regulations apply in the R-C Residential
A. Permitted uses:
(1) Any use as specified for in the R-A and R-B Residential Districts, §§
550-24A and
(2) Boardinghouses, provided that one off-street parking
space is provided for each border.
B. Permitted accessory uses: as specified in the R-A and R-B Residential Districts, §§
550-24B and
C. Area and bulk requirements: as specified in the schedule referred to in §
550-8 of Article
IV of this chapter.
D. Uses requiring a special use permit application, subject to §
550-52: as specified in the R-B Residential District, §
The following regulations apply in the R-D Residential
A. Permitted uses:
(2) Garden apartments and garden apartment developments, subject to the standards and provisions of §
(3) Townhouse developments, subject to the standards and provisions of §
B. Permitted accessory uses: as specified in the R-A, R-B and R-C Residential Districts, §§
550-25B and
550-27B of this chapter.
C. Area and bulk requirements: as specified in the schedule referred to in §
550-8 of Article
IV of this chapter and §
550-28E and
D. Uses requiring a special use permit application, subject to §
550-52: as specified in the R-B Residential District, §
E. Additional requirements for garden apartments:
(1) Area and yard requirements.
Tract size. No garden apartment development
shall be permitted on a tract of less than three acres.
Density. No garden apartment development shall
exceed a density of more than 17 dwelling units per gross tract acre.
Recreation area. A minimum of 10% of the total
tract area, exclusive of the normal dwelling yards, buffer strip and
parking areas, shall be designated for common recreational purposes.
No one recreational area shall be less than 6,000 square feet in area,
nor less than 60 feet in width. Areas shall be located so as to be
convenient to all dwelling units.
Lot coverage. Not more than 20% of the lot area
shall be occupied by buildings.
Lot frontage. The front building line along
each street accepted for public maintenance shall be not less than
75 feet from the public right-of-way. Such garden apartments shall
have lot frontage of not less than 200 feet on at least one street
accepted for maintenance by the Village of Fairport.
Yard requirements.
Front yard. No dwelling unit or accessory building
or structure shall be located closer than 75 feet to the front lot
Side and rear yards. No dwelling unit shall
be located closer than 30 feet to the side or rear lot lines. No accessory
building or structure shall be located closer than 20 feet to the
side or rear lot lines.
Buffer strip. There shall be a buffer strip
along the entire perimeter of the property, except the front yard.
No buildings, including garages, other accessory
structures, interior streets and driveways, parking areas, drying
yards or play areas may be located in the buffer strips. Ingress and
egress driveways may be permitted in the front yard, but nothing herein
contained shall be construed to permit parking areas in the front
The distance between garden apartment dwelling
unit buildings shall not be closer than the distance noted in the
following schedule:
[a] Building end to building end: 25
[b] Building front or end to building
front or end: 50 feet.
[c] Building front to building back:
100 feet.
Every building shall have a minimum setback
of 15 feet from all interior development roads, driveways and parking
Garages not a part of a garden apartment dwelling
structure and accessory buildings shall be located at least 30 feet
from the nearest building wall of a garden apartment dwelling structure.
Courtyards. Courtyards bounded on three or more
sides by the wings of the same building or by the walls of separate
buildings shall have a minimum court width of two feet for each one
foot in height of the tallest building.
(2) Building requirements.
The total number of one-bedroom or efficiency
apartments shall not be less than 60% of the entire project.
No dwelling unit shall have more than two bedrooms.
Each dwelling unit shall contain complete kitchen
facilities, as well as living space, and shall have a minimum gross
floor area in accordance with the following schedule:
Unit containing cooking and living room area
without separately partitioned bedroom, commonly known as "efficiency":
550 square feet of living area.
Unit containing, in addition to Subsection
E(2)(c)[1] above, one separately partitioned and completely enclosed bedroom: 675 square feet of living area.
Unit containing, in addition to Subsection
E(2)(c)[1] above, two separately partitioned and completely enclosed bedrooms: 800 square feet.
Storage space. In addition to any storage area
contained inside individual dwelling units, there shall be provided
for each dwelling unit 200 cubic feet of storage area in a convenient,
centrally located area in the basement or ground floor of the dwelling
structure or elsewhere where personal belongings and effects may be
kept locked and separated from belongings of other occupants. There
shall be a further minimum common storage area in each building for
bicycles, perambulators and similar types of equipment, of 50 cubic
feet per dwelling unit.
Off-street parking. Two parking spaces shall be provided for every dwelling unit. Parking areas shall be located within reasonable proximity of the dwelling structures which they serve. Parking spaces shall be nine feet wide and 19 feet in length and shall conform to the Schedule of Parking Space Dimensions referred to in §
550-8 of.Article
IV of this chapter. Drives and aisles shall have a minimum width of 24 feet.
[Amended 11-10-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
Private swimming pools. Private swimming pools shall be permitted for the use of the residents of the garden apartment development, subject to the provisions of Chapter
462, Swimming Pools, of the Code of the Village of Fairport.
Private shelters or pavilions. Shelters or pavilions,
open to the air and sun, shall be permitted for the common use of
the residents of the garden apartment development. No shelter or pavilion
shall exceed 300 square feet in area or one story in height.
Sufficient laundry, drying, garbage pickup and
other utility areas must be provided and shall be located with a view
both to convenience and to minimizing the detrimental effect on the
aesthetic character of the development and shall be enclosed and shielded
from view by fencing, walls or shrubbery of at least six feet in height
around the perimeter. Fencing and walls shall be not less than 30%
nor more than 50% of the vertical surface.
Private pedestrian walks shall be four feet
in width and shall be provided wherever normal pedestrian traffic
will occur; and public pedestrian walks shall be required along dedicated
road frontage and must be constructed pursuant to the utility specifications
of the Village of Fairport.
Interior development roads and pedestrian walks
shall be provided with shade trees which are of optimum size and character.
Open space adjacent to buildings and malls between buildings to be
utilized by residents and border strips along interior development
roads and along the sides of pedestrian walks shall be graded and
seeded to provide a thick strand of grass or other plant material.
Approaches to garden apartment dwelling structures and entrance areas
shall be attractively shrubbed.
Interior development roads, parking areas, dwelling
entrance ways and pedestrian walks shall be provided with sufficient
illumination to minimize hazards to pedestrians and motor vehicles
utilizing the same and shall, where necessary, be shielded to avoid
disturbing glare to occupants of buildings.
Top soil shall not be removed from the site
during construction but shall be stored and redistributed to areas
most exposed to view by occupants and the public, and such areas shall
be stabilized by seeding or planting.
The land shall be so graded, paved areas so
pitched and storm drains and catch basins so located as to provide
for the rapid runoff of stormwaters and to avoid undue accumulations
of water disturbing to occupants under normal weather conditions.
Other standards and conditions to the site plan
and to curbing, driveways, parking areas, pedestrian walks, landscaping
and planting not otherwise specified herein may be attached as conditions
by the Planning Board.
All telephone and electric service utilities
shall be installed underground in all garden apartment developments.
All utility construction, including but not
limited to water, sewer and storm drainage systems, shall be completed
in conformance with existing utility specifications of the Village
of Fairport and to specific requirements as may be determined by the
Village Engineer.
F. Additional requirements for townhouse developments:
(1) General requirements. The townhouses must be in harmony
with and complementary to adjacent single-family residences or multifamily
(2) Size of lot; density of development.
There shall be at least one acre for each townhouse
No ground shall exceed an average density of
more than eight townhouse units per acre. On small, irregular or otherwise
marginal parcels, the Planning Board may further restrict the average
density if, in its judgment, conditions warrant it.
(3) Size of individual family unit: minimum of 800 square
feet of enclosed living area.
(4) Parking spaces. Each individual unit shall have two
parking spaces which must be related to that unit, at least one of
which must be wholly enclosed.
(5) Yards. Each unit shall have a yard adjacent to it,
which shall be reasonably secluded from the view of neighboring property
or streets and shall have a minimum depth of 20 feet.
(6) Front, side and rear setback. No front, side and rear
setbacks are required, except when units are related to dedicated
streets, in which case the front setback shall be 50 feet from the
nearest dedicated street line. No buildings shall be closer than 40
feet to the exterior boundaries of the townhouse project.
(7) Stairways. All stairways shall be located inside the
(8) Access to public streets. No individual unit shall
have direct access to a dedicated street.
(9) Lot occupancy. The aggregate occupancy of townhouse
buildings and all appurtenant structures shall not exceed 30% of the
total project area.
Distance between buildings in a townhouse group.
The minimum distance between separate buildings in a townhouse group
shall be 20 feet or shall be equal to the height of the highest adjacent
building, whichever is greater.
Utilities. There must be an adequate supply
of public water for domestic consumption and fire-fighting purposes.
Adequate provision must be made for the disposal of storm and sanitary
sewage by connection to approved trunk sewers. Provisions for the
disposal of storm and sanitary sewage must be approved by the Village
Engineer and/or the Monroe County Department of Health before a permit
shall be issued for the construction of any units. All utilities shall
be installed underground. There shall be no exterior receiving or
transmitting antenna of any type.
General design criteria.
The layout of units shall not form long unbroken
lines of exterior walls.
Groups shall be arranged to make efficient,
comfortable and convenient use of land and open space.
Commencement of construction. No site preparation
or construction shall commence until final subdivision approval has
been granted by the Planning Board, the Subdivision Map has been filed
in the Monroe County Clerk's office and site plan approval has been
granted by the Planning Board.
Outdoor storage. No personal property shall
be stored outside of a residence or garage. This provision shall not
prevent the proper parking of licensed motor vehicles on driveways
or areas specified for parking.
The following regulations apply in the R-E Residential
A. Permitted uses:
(2) Two-family dwellings, subject to the applicable standards and provisions of §
(3) Multifamily dwellings, subject to the applicable standards and provisions of §
(4) The conversion of single-family dwellings existing at the time of the adoption of this chapter into two-family and multifamily dwellings, subject to the standards and provisions of §
B. Additional requirements for two-family and multifamily
(1) Area and yard requirements.
No single-family dwelling containing less than
1,500 square feet of floor area convertible to living space, exclusive
to basement and attic space, may be altered and converted so as to
include two dwelling units. Where such dwelling contains not less
than 2,000 square feet of floor area convertible to living quarters,
exclusive of basement and attic space, it may be altered and converted
so as to include an increased number of dwelling units.
Each dwelling unit shall have a minimum lot
area of 3,500 square feet per family.
No major structural changes shall be made to
the front or sides of such existing dwellings other than to provide
light and ventilation for the units therein.
Each dwelling unit shall contain a minimum of
floor area as follows:
Efficiency apartment: 550 square feet.
One-bedroom apartment: 675 square feet.
Two-bedroom apartment: 750 square feet.
For each additional bedroom over two: 120 square
Minor extensions to the rear of the dwelling
shall not exceed the existing height or width of the dwelling.
No outside stairway of any description shall
be permitted, except those required for emergency use by state or
local municipalities. In such event, such stairways shall, whenever
possible, be placed on the rear wall of the building.
Two off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit
shall be provided for the use of the occupants of the building.
[Amended 11-10-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
D. Uses requiring a special use permit application, subject to §
550-52: as specified in the R-B Residential District, §
The following regulations apply in the LC-R
Limited Commercial Residential District:
A. Permitted uses:
(2) Two-family dwelling, subject to the applicable standards and provisions of §
(3) Multifamily dwellings, subject to the applicable standards and provisions of §
(4) Retail stores.
Retail stores limited to the sale of:
Retail stores similar in character to the foregoing.
For the purpose of this subsection, the following
are declared dissimilar and are specifically prohibited:
Automotive supply stores.
(5) Specialized service shops limited to:
(6) Major home occupations.
[Amended 10-15-1996 by L.L. No. 7-1996]
(7) Professional offices, including offices for:
[Added 2-14-2017 by L.L.
No. 2-2017]
Other professions similar in character to the foregoing.
B. Permitted accessory uses:
(1) Private garages and carports.
(2) Noncommercial workshops as part of the principal building
or private garage.
(3) Other normal residential secondary structures, such
as outdoor barbecues, fireplaces, trellises and lampposts.
(4) Television antennae not exceeding 35 feet in height.
(5) Minor home occupations.
[Added 10-15-1996 by L.L. No. 7-1996]
(6) A reflector or parabolic antenna designed to receive
radio or television signals that is two meters (78.75 inches) or less
in diameter in any area.
[Added 11-10-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
C. Use limitations:
(1) Residential and nonresidential uses may be combined
in a structure, but no structure shall house more than three nonresidential
(2) No structure originally designed for residential use
shall be altered or converted in whole or in part to a nonresidential
use permitted under this section prior to review and approval of plans
therefor by the Planning Board.
(3) No building permit for new construction or for work
affecting the exterior of a structure shall be issued prior to review
and approval of plans therefor by the Planning Board.
D. Planning Board review. In any review of plans pursuant to Subsection
C of this section, the Planning Board shall consider the style and scale of the structure, its dominant architectural features, such as roof pitch and outline, porches, number and style of window and door openings, the color and texture of building materials. The Planning Board shall require such plans and specifications, details of construction and samples of materials as it may deem necessary. Approval of plans shall be given only after the Planning Board has determined that the proposed construction, alteration or change will retain, to the maximum extent practicable, the scale and style of residential structures within the district.
E. Area and bulk requirements:
(1) Minimum lot size: 6,000 square feet.
(2) Except as noted above, the building height, lot and
yard dimension requirements shall be the same as for the R-E Residential
District as specified in the Schedule of Lot, Yard and Bulk Requirements and §
F. Landscape and fence regulations:
(1) Fence regulations are as specified in §
(2) Section
550-48A, Landscaping, shall not apply to the LC-R Limited Commercial-Residential District.
(3) Each parking area for four or more vehicles shall
be shielded by a compact evergreen hedge having an initial height
of four feet and maintained at six feet or a solid fence six feet
in height, so as to minimize the visual impact of said area from all
(4) Each owner and tenant of property required by this
section to provide and maintain fencing or hedging shall maintain
the same in a clean, trim, well-nourished or well-painted upright
G. Off-street parking:
(1) The following subsection of §
550-49, Off-street parking, and no others, shall apply to the LC-R Limited Commercial-Residential District: Subsection
(2) and
(2) Adjoining properties may combine off-street parking areas as provided in §
550-49A(6). Legal cross-easement agreements must be approved by the Village Attorney.
(3) Each parking area, except one servicing only a one-
or two-family dwelling, shall be provided with a turnaround so as
to permit cars to exit without backing onto a public street or sidewalk.
(4) Parking areas shall not be located and the parking
of vehicles shall not be permitted in a front yard. No parking area
shall be located closer than 10 feet to a public street.
(5) Any lighting used to illuminate off-street parking
shall be so arranged as to prevent direct glare of beams of light
onto any adjoining property or street.
(6) No display vehicle or trailer device for commercial
purposes shall remain in the district for longer than 24 consecutive
hours. Only passenger cars and pickup and panel trucks may be parked
on open driveways. All other vehicles must be parked inside an enclosed
(7) Two off-street parking spaces shall be provided for
each single-family dwelling. All other residential uses shall provide
two off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit.
[Amended 11-10-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
(8) Each retail store, service shop and business and professional
office shall provide one off-street parking space for each 300 square
feet of net floor area or major fraction thereof.
H. Special permit use. An inn shall be allowed as a specially permitted use subject to the provisions of Village Code §
[Added 7-11-2016 by L.L.
No. 3-2016]
[Added 4-6-1999 by L.L. No. 3-1999]
A. Purpose and intent.
(1) In accordance with the Fairport Comprehensive Plan,
the CD Canal District is established to provide unique opportunities
for the development and maintenance of uses within certain areas adjacent
to the Erie Canal in a manner which will protect unique and sensitive
environmental features that exist along the Canal, promote and encourage
public access to the Canal and encourage appropriate recreational
uses and other appropriate development within the Canal District.
(2) The Canal District permits certain recreational, open
space, business and residential uses which will generally benefit
from and enhance the unique aesthetic, recreational and environmental
attributes of the waterfront area.
(3) The Canal District is established for the following
Ensure that development and land use activities
along the Erie Canal, in those locations identified in the Comprehensive
Plan, will occur in harmony with the environmental and ecological
systems that exist in those waterfront areas.
Promote the most desirable and appropriate use
of land and building development based upon consideration of soil
characteristics and other natural features, environmental constraints,
neighborhood characteristics and overall community needs; protect
the character of the district; conserve the value of lands and buildings;
and protect the tax revenue base.
Provide a desirable mix of recreational opportunities,
business uses and residential uses which complement each other and
take advantage of the unique location and characteristics of the Erie
Canal; encourage flexibility of design and preservation of unique
environmental features; and maintain the aesthetic quality of waterfront
areas by establishing appropriate dimensional requirements for each
use, thereby promoting a more creative and imaginative design for
development of waterfront areas than would be possible under more
conventional zoning.
Preserve, to the maximum extent practicable,
existing vegetation and natural features along the Erie Canal and
prevent, as much as possible, erosion, sedimentation and problems
with drainage both during and after construction.
Promote public access to the Erie Canal in a
manner which is compatible with the primary purpose of the proposed
activity or development.
Encourage coordination with public agencies
and private organizations involved with canal-use planning or canal-related
B. Permitted uses.
(1) Residential uses:
Apartment houses and townhouses.
Single- and two-family dwellings.
(2) Commercial uses:
Retail stores, restaurants and specialized service
shops, at a scale to be determined by the Planning Board, which are
appropriate for the location given the nature of the site, surrounding
land uses and the specific purposes established for this district.
Boat, bicycle and other recreational rentals.
Theaters, playhouses and other entertainment
Commercial parking and storage areas, subject to the provisions of §
Bed-and-breakfast homes, subject to the provisions of §
C. Special permit uses (See §
(1) Residential uses:
Townhouses, subject to the provisions of §
Multiple-family dwellings, subject to the provisions of §
(2) Commercial uses:
Tour, excursion and hire boats.
Commercial uses permitted as of right, if located
within the "Blue Line" of the New York State Barge Canal.
Inns subject to the provisions of Village Code §
[Added 7-11-2016 by L.L.
No. 3-2016]
(3) Mixed uses; provided, however, that the Planning Board
shall approve the mix and the ratio of uses.
D. Accessory uses. The following accessory uses are permitted in the Canal District, provided that they are incidental to a use enumerated in Subsections
B and
C above:
(1) Signs, as permitted by Chapter
408, Signs, of the Code of the Village of Fairport.
(2) Fences and landscaping, subject to the provisions of Article
X, §
(3) Loading and unloading ramps and structures, subject to the provisions of Article
X, §
(4) Off-street parking facilities, subject to the provisions of Article
X, §
(5) Major and minor home occupations, subject to the provisions of §
(6) Storage structures for nonresidential uses (e.g.,
rental boat storage).
(7) Sheds, private garages and other normal residential
accessory structures.
(8) A reflector or parabolic antenna, designed to receive
radio or television signals, that is two meters or less (78.75 inches
or less) in diameter in any area.
E. Area and bulk requirements.
(1) Generally. Except as otherwise required by special use permit criteria, area and bulk requirements shall be as specified in the schedule referred to in §
550-8 of Article
IV for the B-1 Commercial District.
(2) For existing residential structures. Area and bulk requirements shall be as specified in the schedule referred to in §
550-8 of Article
IV for the R-E Residential District.
(3) For parcels not fronting on a public street. Area and bulk requirements shall be as specified in the schedule referred to in §
550-8 of Article
IV for the B-1 Commercial District, except that front, rear and side yard minimum yard requirements shall be 10 feet.
(4) For parcels not fronting on a public street that abut the "Blue Line" of the Erie Canal. Area and bulk requirements shall be as specified in the schedule referred to in §
550-8 of Article
IV for the B-1 Commercial District, except that side yard minimum yard requirements shall be 10 feet and front yard (facing the Canal) minimum yard requirements shall be 15 feet.
F. Parking requirements.
(1) Parking provisions and standards.
The provision of required parking spaces may be accomplished by use of both on-site and off-site spaces. The required parking spaces listed in Subsection
F(1)(b) below shall be the minimum number of spaces that any proposed development in the Canal District shall provide. Fifty percent of the required spaces must be provided on site; the remaining 50% may be located off site.
The 50-50 stipulation shall not apply to required
spaces for residential use, all of which must be provided on-site.
In the case of a mixed use development, required spaces for residential
units shall not be considered in the calculation for the 50-50 stipulation;
i.e., the 50-50 stipulation applies only to those spaces required
for nonresidential uses.
The determination of the applicability of the
50-50 shared parking stipulation shall be made by the Planning Board
during the site plan review process. The Planning Board shall make
its determination based on a consideration of the following:
Whether there is adequate additional public
and private parking off-site that will accommodate the project's demands,
on the advice of the Village Administrator.
Whether the physical setting for the project
and off-site parking will provide adequate pedestrian safety and access.
The land on which off-site parking is located
shall be held in fee simple by the owner of the use served or in such
other tenure satisfactory to the Village Attorney as assures continued
availability for parking as long as the particular land will be needed
for such use.
That exclusive use of the private parking area
be enforced by the owner of the off-site parking area.
(2) Required parking spaces.
Townhouses: two spaces per unit, one of which
is enclosed.
Other multiple-family dwellings: two spaces
per unit.
Service, retail and office use: one space per
every 300 square feet of net floor area or major fraction thereof.
Hotel/boatels: one space per sleeping room plus
one space for each employee per shift; the Planning Board, as part
of the special use permit process, shall have the right to modify
this requirement in a manner consistent with the public health and
For mixed use developments, the number of parking
spaces shall be determined by the Planning Board after consideration
of the nature, times and seasons of the different uses. The Planning
Board may require an aggregation of the separate parking requirements
for each use, and of such lesser number as will provide safe, efficient
parking consistent with use patterns.
All other permitted uses: number of spaces as required by §
G. Canal Path access and protection. The Planning Board
shall seek to ensure that there is adequate access to and protection
of the Canal Path through the site plan review process. Specifically,
the Planning Board shall ensure that:
(1) To the extent feasible, each nonresidential use abutting
the canal shall provide and maintain an access to the Canal Path.
(2) Each parking area that is adjacent to the Canal Path shall be screened from the path by means of a buffer strip, as defined in §
(3) A public access way may be required by the Planning
Board from the building and/or parking area to the Canal Path.
H. Fences. Fencing regulations in §
550-48B shall be applicable to the Canal District, except for those developments which front on the Canal. For those developments, all subsections of §
550-48B shall apply, except for § 550-48B(3).
I. Loading requirements. The provision of standing, loading and unloading space shall be determined by the Planning Board during the site plan review process. The Planning Board shall base its decision on the projected need for loading space by the particular nature of the use proposed and the availability of loading/delivery areas on public roadways. The Board may require a designated loading zone, the dimensions of which shall correspond to §
550-51 for each structure having over 5,000 square feet of dedicated commercial use and an additional loading zone for each additional 20,000 square feet dedicated to commercial use.
J. Site plan review.
(1) Any proposed development, change of use or building alteration in the Canal District shall be subject to site plan review by the Planning Board, following the procedures set forth in Article
(2) All proposed developments on lots abutting the Canal
shall be designed in such a way as to mitigate potential hazards of
seepage from the Canal and to maintain the stability of the Canal
bank. Proposed plans for development adjacent to the Canal must bear
the certificate of a licensed professional engineer or licensed civil
engineer that the development will not permit seepage from the Canal.
K. Other required approvals. Prior to final action by
any Village agency or board on a proposed development in the Canal
District, plans of such development shall be submitted to the Division
Engineer of the New York State Thruway Authority or other agency having
jurisdiction for review and approval of the following:
(1) Location, design and installation of any proposed
docks or boat slips.
(2) Any proposed development within the state-owned land
along the Canal, including any proposed trail or pedestrian connection
to the Canal Path.
(3) Any proposed development immediately adjacent to state-owned
land for review of potential drainage impacts on state-owned land.
The following regulations apply in the NB Neighborhood
Business District:
A. Permitted uses:
(1) One retail grocery store, having no more than 2,000
square feet.
(2) One retail liquor store, having no more than 800 square
(3) One restaurant, having no more than 2,500 square feet.
(4) Multifamily dwellings, subject to the provisions of §
(5) A change in use from one or more of the foregoing
to a compatible neighborhood service-oriented business, such as a
barbershop, beauty salon or drugstore.
B. Permitted accessory uses: as specified for the B-1 Commercial District, §
C. Area and bulk requirements. The building height, lot
and yard dimension requirements shall be the same as for the B-1 Commercial
District, as specified in the Schedule of Lot, Yard and Bulk Requirements.
D. Planning Board review. No building permit shall be
issued for new construction or for modifications or additions to existing
structures within the NB Neighborhood Business District except upon
prior approval of a site plan therefor by the Planning Board.
E. Special permit use. An inn shall be allowed as a specially permitted use subject to the provisions of Village Code §
[Added 7-11-2016 by L.L.
No. 3-2016]
The following regulations apply in the B-1 Commercial
A. Permitted uses:
[Amended 11-10-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997; 4-10-2023 by L.L. No. 4-2023]
(1) Stores, shops and markets where goods are sold or
personal services are rendered that are clearly incidental to the
retail business.
(2) Business and professional offices, banks and fiduciary
(5) Mortuaries or funeral homes.
(7) Assembly halls, bowling alleys and other similar commercial
recreational activities, provided that they are carried on within
a building.
(8) Municipal buildings, parks and playgrounds.
(9) Temporary buildings, parks and playgrounds.
Multifamily dwellings subject to the standards contained in §
B. Permitted accessory uses:
(1) Signs, as permitted by Chapter
408, Signs, of the Code of the Village of Fairport.
(2) Fences and landscaping, subject to the provisions of Article
X, §
(3) Loading and unloading ramps and structures, subject to the provisions of Article
X, §
(5) Off-street parking facilities, subject to the provisions of Article
X, §
(6) Minor home occupations.
[Added 10-15-1996 by L.L. No. 7-1996]
(7) A reflector or parabolic antenna designed to receive
radio or television signals that is two meters or less (78.75 inches
or less) in diameter in any area.
[Added 11-10-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
C. Area and bulk requirements: as specified in the schedule of this chapter referred to in §
550-8 of Article
D. Uses requiring a special use permit application, subject to §
[Amended 10-15-1996 by L.L. No. 7-1996; 11-10-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
(2) Motor vehicle service stations and public garages.
(5) Used-car lots and car salesrooms.
(7) Communication structures.
(8) Inns subject to the provisions of Village Code §
[Added 7-11-2016 by L.L.
No. 3-2016]
E. Additional requirements for B-1 Commercial Districts. Where the property line of a proposed commercial lot abuts or is across the street from a residential zone, a buffer or landscape area shall be established, which shall include an area of land 10 feet in width as measured from said property line. For the purpose of establishing a building setback line along the buffer area, all front, side and rear yard lines shall be increased by a depth of 20 feet. The buffer screen or landscaped area shall meet the standards set forth in Article
X, §
The following apply in the M-1 Industrial District:
A. Permitted uses:
[Amended 11-10-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
(1) All uses permitted in the B-1 Commercial District.
(2) Manufacturing uses of light machinery including but
not limited to:
Carburetors and small-machine parts.
Sewing machines and typewriters.
Printing and other office machines.
(3) Fabrication of metal products, including but not limited
Baby carriages, bicycles and other similar vehicles.
Metal foil (tin, aluminum, gold, etc.).
(4) Fabrication of paper products, including but not limited
Boxes and packaging material.
(5) Fabrication of wood products, including but not limited
Cabinets and woodworking.
(6) Food and associated industries, including but not
limited to:
Bottling of food and beverages.
Food and cereal mixing and milling.
Sundry food manufacturing.
(7) Laboratories, including but not limited to:
(8) The warehousing or storage of goods and products.
(9) Office buildings for executive or administrative purposes.
Other permissible industries, including but
not limited to:
Brush and broom manufacturing.
Electric light and power and other utility company
Farm machinery (sales and service).
Glass and glass products manufacturing.
Jewelry manufacturing, including gem polishing.
Leather goods manufacturing, except the curing,
tanning and finishing of hides.
Pharmaceutical products and manufacturing.
Pottery and ceramic products manufacturing.
Sporting goods manufacturing.
Thread and yarn manufacturing.
Municipal functions conducted in the public
Temporary buildings for uses incidental to construction
work, provided that such buildings are removed upon completion or
abandonment of the construction work.
Railroad rights-of-way and terminal facilities.
Truck terminal facilities.
B. Permitted accessory uses:
(1) Signs, as permitted by Chapter
408, Signs, of the Code of the Village of Fairport.
(2) Fences and landscaping, subject to the provision of Article
X, §
550-48 of this chapter.
(3) Loading and unloading ramps and structures, subject to the provisions of Article
X, §
550-51 of this chapter.
(4) A reflector or parabolic antenna designed to receive
radio or television signals that is two meters or less (78.75 inches
or less) in diameter in any area.
[Added 11-10-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
C. Uses requiring a special use permit application, subject to §
(2) Motor vehicle service stations and public garages.
(3) Commercial parking and storage areas.
(4) Communication structures.
[Added 11-10-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
(5) Veterinary hospital, dog day-care facilities and other similar facilities.
[Added 2-15-2018 by L.L.
No. 1-2018]
D. Area and bulk requirements: as specified in the schedule of this chapter referred to in §
550-8 of Article
E. Performance requirements for industrial uses. If the
performance characteristics of any proposed industrial use are questionable,
a building permit may be withheld until the application for such use
shall, upon request of the Planning Board, furnish any or all of the
(1) A site plan conforming to the requirements established under Article
VI shall be submitted to the Planning Board for its review and approval. The site plan, together with the Planning Board's recommendations, shall then be forwarded to the Board of Trustees for its approval.
(2) A detailed description of the proposed industrial
process and its product.
(3) Reports prepared by competent technical experts showing
Dissemination of smoke, dust, odors, fumes and
other obnoxious gases shall be within the limit of the industrial
tolerance standards of the State Department of Health Bureau of Adult
and Industrial Health.
Liquid wastes and effluents shall be discharged
into an approved existing sewage treatment plant in accordance with
the plant's regulations or shall be treated in a treatment plant or
process which is in compliance with the state statutes and with requirements
of the State Department of Health.
Precaution against fire hazards, radiation and
explosion, proper handling and storage of materials and structural
design and safeguards for health of workers shall comply with the
state statutes and requirements of the State Department of Labor and
No vibration or glare will be evident at any
point more than 150 feet from the source of said vibration or light.
(4) All industrial uses must stay within the tolerance
standards set forth above, and the user shall furnish proof of this
when asked to do so by the appropriate authorities.
F. Other requirements for industrial uses.
(1) Prohibited uses in the M-1 Industrial District shall
include but shall not necessarily be limited to the following uses:
Any use which, by its nature, would have a tendency
to create objectionable conditions due to the emission of smoke, noise
or odor or in any way result in a detrimental effect upon the surrounding
area and the general community.
(2) Buffering and landscaping. Whenever a property line of an industrial lot abuts or is across the street from a residential zone, a buffer area shall be established which shall include an area of land 50 feet in width as measured from said property line. For the purpose of establishing a building setback line along buffer areas, all front, side and rear yard lines shall be increased by a depth of 50 feet. The buffer screen shall meet the standards set forth in Article
X, §