[Added 11-13-2018 by L.L.
No. 6-2018]
A front porch shall be allowed on preexisting, nonconforming
single- and two-family residential properties in residential zoning
districts, subject to the following regulations:
A. Front setback. Front porches may be constructed no closer than 10
feet from the right-of-way.
B. Maximum depth. Front porches that do not meet the minimum front setback
for the zoning district cannot exceed eight feet in depth.
C. Stairs. Stairs leading to a front porch must be set back at least
five feet from the right-of-way. Stairs must be constructed to the
minimum allowance of the Uniform Building Code.
D. Side setbacks. Front porches shall not be constructed closer to the
side setback than the existing home and shall in no event encroach
closer than five feet to the side lot line.
E. Roof required. A front porch must be covered by a roof.
F. Corner lots. Houses on corner lots may have a front porch in the
front yard. Said porch may meet the setback requirements allowed in
this section, provided that said porch does not extend further than
a line connecting the adjacent streets drawn at a forty-five-degree
angle past any corner of the house facing said streets, as shown on
Figure 550E.
G. Variances. Porches on one- and two-family homes in nonresidential
districts shall be reviewed by the Zoning Board of Appeals as area
variances, not use variances. Porches on nonconforming two-family
homes in residential districts unable to meet the criteria in this
section shall be reviewed by the Zoning Board of Appeals as area variances,
not use variances.
[Added 1-9-2006 by L.L. No. 1-2006]
A. The following general principles shall regulate the
location and width of driveways in residential districts:
(1) The width of a driveway shall be no more than the
width of the garage door to which it leads, plus two feet on either
(2) The width of a driveway that does not lead to a garage
door shall be no more than 16 feet.
(3) The Chart of Driveway and Dwelling Configurations is incorporated herein as a guide in applying these provisions.
(4) Except in cases where the architecture so requires,
a driveway shall not be located directly in front of the residential
structure on the lot. (Configuration Nos. 1, 2 and 5 depict driveways
"not directly in front of a residential structure." Configuration
Nos. 3 and 4 are examples of where architecture requires the location
of a driveway "directly in front of a residential structure.")
B. Conversion of attached garage to habitable space.
(1) Any driveway leading from a public way to living quarters
converted from an attached garage prior to the effective date of this
May remain in its current location;
May not be altered unless in compliance with
this chapter.
(2) Any existing driveway leading from a public way to
living quarters converted from an attached garage after the effective
date of this chapter shall become subject to all the provisions of
this chapter.