[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Old Westbury 10-4-1937 as Ch. 1, Art. XVII, of the General Ordinances. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 4-15-2024 by L.L. No. 7-2024]
No parade or exhibition shall take place in or upon the streets of the Village without a permit from the Mayor. Specifically, car shows/car exhibitions are hereby prohibited and no permit shall be issued for such events. Such prohibition shall not apply to any antique car event.
No person shall, for money or hire, exhibit or conduct or maintain any dance hall, carousel or merry-go-round, skating rink, bowling alley, billiard or pocket billiard room or shooting gallery or give any show, exhibition or performance or furnish music with mechanical organ or other musical instrument and other similar places of amusement or entertainment in the Village, except legitimate plays, vaudeville or motion pictures in a theater, without obtaining a license therefor from the Board of Trustees.
No person, either privately or for money or hire, shall conduct any performance or circus performance or caravan of animals or dog racing which shall cause a crowd to collect within the Village, without obtaining a license therefor from the Board of Trustees.
Any religious, educational, fraternal, charitable, civic, military or beneficial organization of the Village giving any form of entertainment may obtain a license free of charge.
The license fees are hereby fixed as follows:
For the exhibition or parade of a circus, menagerie or caravan: $50 per day.
For the performance or exhibition of a merry-go-round or carousel: $10 per day.
For the maintenance of a dance hall or skating rink, or a combination of both in the same building and by the same party, for one year or any part thereof: $100.
For the conducting or maintenance of bowling alleys, a billiard or pocket billiard room, shows, concerts, theatricals, moving pictures or other similar exhibitions or performances: $30 for one year or any part thereof.
Hand organ or mechanical organ: $1 per day.
[Amended 4-15-2024 by L.L. No. 7-2024]
Any person violating the provisions of this chapter or any part thereof shall be liable for and pay a penalty not exceeding $10,000 for each offense, and in addition thereto, such violation shall constitute and is hereby declared to be disorderly conduct, and any person violating the same shall be and is hereby declared to be a disorderly person.