[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of College 3-7-1996 by Ord. No. O-96-01. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Alarm devices — See Ch. 77.
Building and construction code — See Ch. 82.
Electrical standards — See Ch. 100.
Fire lanes — See Ch. 105.
The Alpha Fire Company of State College, Pennsylvania (hereinafter called the "Company"), organized and existing in the Borough of State College, Centre County, Pennsylvania, is hereby designated as the officially recognized fire company for College Township.
The Company is authorized to provide fire, rescue and related services to College Township as may be necessary for the protection of persons and property situated therein. These services include, by way of example and not of limitation, the extinguishment of unwanted fires, prevention or reduction of loss of life or injury to persons or damage to property from fires, traffic accidents, building collapses, hazardous materials incidents, fire prevention programs, emergency operations and other dangerous situations.
The Company may also provide nonemergency and public service functions, such as, by way of example and not of limitation, traffic control after a storm or other related activities that assist in prevention, mitigation or abatement of injury, damage or other undesirable consequences, whether from natural or man-made situations.
The Company may also conduct and participate in such training activities and drills, either within or outside of College Township, as may be deemed necessary by the Fire Chief or his/her designee to maintain proficiency in providing service.
The Company may also respond to calls and provide services to jurisdictions outside of College Township.
The Company may also conduct regular and special meetings, work details, maintenance activities, fund-raising programs and public education programs. Social events are the exclusive responsibility of the Company.
The Company may also participate in other activities as may be approved by the Centre Region COG.
In addition to actually participating in the activities of the Company as authorized above, or in going to or returning from any activity, the members of the Company are also authorized to:
Engage in any type of drill, training, funeral detail, ceremony, practice, test or parade when authorized by the Fire Chief, President or his/her designee.
Engage in fund-raising activities for the Company and programs aimed at securing and retaining Company members, when authorized by the Fire Chief, President or his/her designee.
Engage in inspections and tours of private property, when invited, for fire prevention, planning and training purposes; preplanning; public education programs; testing of fire-protection equipment or systems; open houses; and other fire-prevention activities, when authorized by the Fire Chief, President or his/her designee.
Attend local, regional, state and national fire association meetings, conferences and conventions, when authorized by the Fire Chief, President or his/her designee.
Engage in the performance of any other function, duty or activity authorized by the Centre Region COG.
The Company shall select a Fire Chief and Assistants, in accordance with its bylaws. The names of these individuals shall be forwarded to the Centre Region COG General Forum for approval and appointment, after which the Chief of the Alpha Fire Company shall be designated as the Fire Chief of College Township. The Fire Chief shall be invested in powers under authority granted by College Township and shall carry a badge of authority when exercising his/her duties. The Fire Chief shall be responsible to the Centre Region COG General Forum for his/her actions and shall report to the Centre Region COG General Forum as necessary in conducting his/her duties, and at such times as requested to appear before it. Any change in policies and procedures for fire, rescue and related services within College Township shall be coordinated with the Centre Region COG.
The term "Fire Chief" as used in this chapter and the Articles of Agreement adopted by this chapter means the Fire Chief and his/her designees. The designees of the Fire Chief shall be identified in the policies, procedures or bylaws of the Fire Company.
When, in the opinion of the Fire Chief, there is actual and potential danger to the occupants or those in the proximity of any building, structure or premises because of fire, unsafe structural conditions or inadequacy of any means of egress, the presence of explosives, explosive fumes or vapors, or the presence of toxic fumes, gases or materials, the Fire Chief shall order the immediate evacuation of said building, structure or premises. All occupants so notified shall immediately leave the structure or premises, and persons shall not enter or re-enter until authorized to do so by the Fire Chief.
The Fire Chief is empowered to direct such operations as may be necessary to extinguish, mitigate or control any suspected or reported fires, gas leaks, rescue or other hazardous conditions or situations or of taking any other action necessary to save life, protect property and prevent further injury or damage, in the reasonable performance of his/her duty. The Fire Chief may prohibit any person, vehicle or object from approaching the scene and may remove or cause to be removed from the scene any person, vehicle or object which may impede or interfere with the operations of the Company. The Fire Chief may remove or cause to be removed any person, vehicle or object from hazardous areas. All persons ordered to leave a hazardous area shall do so immediately and shall not re-enter the area until authorized to do so by the Fire Chief. The Fire Chief shall also have the power to call upon any municipal police officer to aid and assist in the carrying into execution any measure he/she may deem proper and expedient.
The Fire Chief shall have the authority to establish barriers to control access in the vicinity of emergencies and to place, or cause to be placed, ropes, guards, barricades or other obstructions across any street or alley to delineate such emergency scene barrier. No person except as authorized may cross such barriers.
The duties of the Fire Chief and his/her designees include:
Supervise and control the Company at fires and other incidents where the Company is called to provide service.
Attend, if practical, all fires and other incidents where the Company is called to provide service.
Supervise and control the use of fire services program vehicles and equipment.
Provide for the maintenance of all records pertinent to emergency operations and training conducted by the Company.
Approve any use of special fire police for nonemergency service.
Perform all plan review activities as specified by ordinance of the participating municipalities.
Assist the Fire Administrator in the preparation of the annual budget for the fire services program.
Present recommendations to the Centre Region COG regarding Company activities or issues impacting the fire services program.
Engage in the performance of any other function, duty or activity authorized by the Centre Region COG and the laws of the commonwealth.
Within budgetary limitations, provide for the maintenance of all equipment supplied by the Centre Region COG.
Coordinate all major repairs and contract maintenance with the Fire Administrator.
Publish and distribute written rules, regulations, policies or procedures necessary to ensure safe and effective operations.
In accordance with the Joint Articles of Agreement for the fire, rescue and related services program, the Council of College Township herein authorizes the Executive Director of the Centre Region COG, with the advice and consent of the COG Executive Committee, to biennially appoint a Fire Marshal and Assistants for College Township, as well as three other municipalities, all of Centre County. For purposes of insurance liability only, the Fire Marshal shall be considered an employee of the Centre Region COG and subject to terms and conditions of appointment as it may approve.
The Fire Marshal shall investigate or cause to be investigated every fire or explosion occurring within College Township that is of suspicious nature or which involves the loss of life or serious injury or causes destruction or damage to property. Such investigation shall be initiated immediately upon the occurrence of such fire or explosion; and, if it appears that such an occurrence is of a suspicious nature, the Fire Marshal shall take charge immediately of the physical evidence and, in order to preserve any physical evidence related to the cause or origin of such fire or explosion, take means to prevent access by any person or persons to such building, structure or premises until such evidence has been properly processed. The Fire Marshal shall notify such persons designated by law to pursue investigations into such matters and shall further cooperate with such authorities in the collection of evidence and prosecution of the case and shall pursue the investigation to its conclusion. The Fire Marshal shall provide for the preparation and submission of reports and other information relating to his/her duties, as may be requested by the Executive Director of the Centre Region COG.
No person shall obstruct the operations of the Company in connection with extinguishing or control of any fire, or actions relative to other emergencies, or disobey any lawful command of the Fire Chief or any lawful order of a police officer assisting the Company.
In accordance with the Special Fire Police Act, the Council of College Township herein authorizes the General Forum of the Centre Region COG to confirm special fire police when nominated by the Company. Special fire police are subject to the terms and conditions of appointment as may be approved by the Centre Region COG. Special fire police may be removed upon recommendation of the Fire Chief or the Police Chief of College, Ferguson or Patton Townships or State College Borough.
After being nominated by the Company, confirmed by the General Forum and sworn, special fire police members may engage in crowd control, traffic control and related activities as described in the Special Fire Police Act. When on duty, all special fire police shall display a badge of authority and shall be subject to the control of the Chief of Police of the municipality in which they are serving or, if none, of a member of the Pennsylvania State Police.
On behalf of the Council of the municipality in which they are serving, the Police Chief may request the special fire police to perform traffic or crowd control at any event, function or parade conducted by an organization other than the Alpha Fire Company.
Unless otherwise provided in this chapter or by the College Township Council, neither the Alpha Fire Company nor its officers, members, representatives, agents, servants or employees shall have the power or authority either actual, apparent or implied, to contractually bind or create contractual liability on the part of any municipal entity.
However, it is recognized that the Alpha Fire Company is a governmental agency and that its officers, members, representatives, agents, servants or employees are included within the provisions of the Political Subdivision Immunity Act, 42 Pa.C.S.A. § 8541 et seq., and, as such, the Alpha Fire Company, its officers, members, representatives, agents, servants and employees are entitled to immunity from tort liability and to all rights and privileges as provided in said Act.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any lawful order of the Fire Chief, Fire Marshal or special fire police authorized by this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 or imprisonment for a term not to exceed 30 days, or both, at the discretion of the court. Each day that a violation continues after due notice has been served, in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof, shall be deemed a separate offense.
This chapter hereby repeals the Joint Articles of Agreement for Regional Fire Service and Fire Equipment Purchases, dated May 31, 1972.
The Joint Articles of Agreement for Fire, Rescue and Related Services, dated November 27, 1995, are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this chapter.
This chapter shall become effective five days following its adoption by College, Ferguson and Patton Townships and State College Borough.