[Amended 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. 413]
The intent of the LI Limited Industrial District is to provide for industrial and commercial facilities with appropriate standards so that they are compatible with the residential nature of the Township. The further intent of the LI Limited Industrial District is to allow the development of senior and affordable residential dwellings within walking distance of public commercial and professional areas, and direct access to public park amenities, by allowing for mixed-income (i.e., market rate and income-qualified) residential development in the Township. "Walking distance" shall be the measurement of 1/2 mile from the intersection of State Street and Main Street in Doylestown, measured by the direct line radius from the center of the intersection to the lot.
[Amended 10-19-1993 by Ord. No. 228]
A building or structure may be erected or altered, to be used either in whole or in part, and a lot may be used or occupied for any of the following uses and no other, provided that such uses, buildings or structure shall comply with such regulations as yard, lot sizes, lot width, building area and heights, impervious surfaces, easements, buffer yards, of street parking and other provisions as specified herein.
Uses by right. Any of the following uses shall be permitted, provided that the regulations of this chapter have been met:
Agriculture and horticulture
Senior affordable housing[1]
[Added 12-19-2023 by Ord. No. 413]
Commercial school
Recreational facility
Athletic facility
Day-care service
Municipal/government building
Medical office
[Added 1-17-2006 by Ord. No. 329]
Automotive body repair and paint shop
Utility operating facility
Emergency services
Non-tower wireless communications facilities, only when meeting the requirements of § 175-16F(4)(e)[1]
[Added 9-30-2014 by Ord. No. 373]
Mini warehouse/mini storage
Contract services
Fuel storage and distribution
Building materials sale
Equipment storage
Truck terminal
Food processing
Laundry, dry-cleaning or dyeing plant
Medical marijuana grower/processor
[Added 6-20-2017 by Ord. No. 383]
Outside storage
[Added 1-15-2019 by Ord. No. 394]
Wind energy facility and/or system
[Added 1-19-2010 by Ord. No. 352]
Editor's Note: See § 175-16B(16) for further regulations regarding senior affordable housing.
Uses by special exception. The following uses shall be permitted by special exception upon a finding by the Zoning Hearing Board that all criteria stated in § 175-138 of this chapter have been met:
Tower-based wireless communications facilities
[Added 9-30-2014 by Ord. No. 373]
Recycling facility
Signs, in accordance with Article XX of this chapter.
Uses permitted by conditional use:
[Added 8-21-2018 by Ord. No. 390]
Sales of consumer fireworks. Subject to compliance with all of the following regulations with respect to the use, as well as the general provisions regarding the special exceptions noted in § 175-138A(7) and (10), which said standards, although related to special exceptions, shall be applicable to conditional uses pursuant to this section. The following specific requirements shall be required:
Any structure containing quantities of consumer fireworks, as defined herein, exceeding 50 pounds shall be no closer than 150 feet to any building, state highway, railway, local street or alley, waterway, or utility right-of-way, including, but not limited to, any natural gas line.
All land development plans for the construction, use, or renovation of an existing building for the purpose of selling fireworks shall be reviewed by the Pennsylvania UCC Certified Plan Reviewer and the Doylestown Township Fire Marshal for compliance with all required fire safety codes, including, but not limited to, the International Fire Code.
Sale of fireworks shall be subject to compliance with all of the provisions of Pennsylvania Act 43 of 2017 pertaining to the sale thereof. Security and site management shall be provided 24 hours per day.
All sales of consumer fireworks shall be conducted only within a facility approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture pursuant to the Pennsylvania Fireworks Law.[2]
Editor's Note: See 72 P.S. § 9401 et seq.
All sales of consumer fireworks, as defined herein, shall be conducted only from a facility exclusively dedicated to the storage and sale of fireworks.
If the facility in which the sales of consumer fireworks are conducted is a temporary structure, it shall comply with the following regulations, in addition to the other regulations set forth in Subsections D(1)(a) through (f) above:
The temporary structure is located no closer than 250 feet from a facility storing, selling or dispensing gasoline, propane or other flammable products.
An evacuation plan is posted in a conspicuous location for a temporary structure in accordance with NFPA 1124.
The outdoor storage unit, if any, is separated from the wholesale or retail sales area to which a purchaser may be admitted by appropriately rated fire separation.
The temporary structure complies with NFPA 1124 as it relates to retail sales of consumer fireworks in temporary structures.
The temporary structure is located one of the following distances from a permanent facility licensed to sell consumer fireworks under the Act of May 15, 1939 (P.L. 134, No. 65), referred to as the Fireworks Law, at the time of the effective date of this subsection:
Prior to January l, 2023, at least five miles.
Beginning January 1, 2023, at least two miles.
The temporary structure does not exceed 2,500 square feet.
The temporary structure is secured at all times during which consumer fireworks are displayed within the structure.
The temporary structure has a minimum of $2,000,000 in public and product liability insurance.
The sales period is limited to June 15 through July 8 and December 21 through January 2 of each year.
Consumer fireworks not on display for retail sale are stored in an outdoor storage unit.
Limitations. The sale of consumer fireworks from the temporary structure is limited to the following:
Helicopter, aerial spinner (APA 87-1,
Roman candle (APA 87-1,
Mine and shell devices not exceeding 500 grams.
Storage of consumer fireworks shall be permitted only as an accessory use to the sale of consumer fireworks on premises.
The facility from which fireworks are sold, whether permanent or temporary, shall comply with the on-lot dimensional, area and parking regulations of the LI Zoning District, including, but not limited to, setbacks and buffers.
[Amended 12-7-1999 by Ord. No. 280]
The following minimum dimensional requirements shall apply, unless otherwise specified in Article IV for a specific use, in which case the requirements of Article IV shall apply:
Minimum lot area: three acres.
Minimum lot width at building setback line: 200 feet.
Maximum impervious surface coverage: 40% of net buildable site area.
Maximum building height: 35 feet.
Minimum yards:
Front: 100 feet.
Side: 50 feet each.
Rear: 50 feet.
NOTE: Where a property abuts a residentially zoned district, the required side and rear yards shall be 100 feet.
Modifications permitted when transferable development rights are used. The following modifications are permitted to be made to the lot area and dimensional requirements:
Maximum impervious surface may be increased from 40% to not more than 50% where TDRs are transferred to the site in accordance with this chapter. For every 3,000 square feet (or portion thereof) of impervious surface added beyond 40%, one transferable development right (TDR) must be acquired and transferred to the site.
Front yard setback may be reduced by not more than 50 feet. For every five feet (or portion thereof) of reduction in front yard setback, one transferable development right (TDR) must be acquired and transferred to the site.
No product or goods shall be publicly displayed on the exterior of the premises.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection E, regarding public water and newer facilities, was repealed 12-5-2000 by Ord. No. 297.
All utilities shall be placed underground.
The following industrial uses are specifically prohibited:
Abattoir or stockyard.
Chemical manufacture as follows: acetylene, aniline, dyes, ammonia, carbide, caustic soda, cellulose, chlorine, carbon black and bone black, cleaning and polishing preparations, creosote, exterminating agents, hydrogen and oxygen, industrial alcohol, nitrating of cotton or other materials; nitrates of an explosive nature; potash, plastic materials and synthetic resins, pyroxylin, rayon yarn, hydrochloric, picric or sulphuric acids and derivatives.
Incineration or reduction of garbage, offal and dead animals, except by municipal agencies on municipally owned lots.
Leather and fur tanning, curing, finishing and dyeing.
Manufacture of asphalt, charcoal and lampblack, coal, coke and tar products, explosives, fertilizer, glue, size and gelatin, ink, linoleum and oilcloth, matches, paint, varnishes and turpentine, rubber, caoutchouc, gutta percha (including processing), soap, starch, shoddy and waste products.
The reduction, refining, smelting and alloying of metal and metal ores.
Refining of petroleum or petroleum products.
Distillation of wood or bones; fat rendering.
Reduction or processing of wood pulp or wood fibers.