[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of East Bradford 6-10-1975 by Ord. No. 32-1975. Other amendments noted where applicable.]
Vehicle and traffic regulations — See Ch. 104.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motorcycle, motorbike, minibike, trail bike, motorized bicycle, snowmobile or similar type vehicle on the sidewalks, footpaths, parks or real property owned by East Bradford Township, other than upon the public streets, roads and highways of said township.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motorcycle, motorbike, minibike, trail bike, motorized bicycle, snowmobile or similar type vehicle on any real property within East Bradford Township belonging to any person or persons, corporation or other type of entity, other than that owned by the operator of the type of vehicle hereinbefore described, or the parents thereof or the person standing in loco parentis thereto, unless said operator has obtained prior written permission to do so from the owner of said real property.
This chapter shall not apply to the operation of lawn-cutting equipment or snow-removal equipment.
The operator of any vehicle as hereinbefore described shall at all times wear a safety helmet while operating said vehicle. Such safety helmet shall have a fiberglass or plastic (polymer) outer shell and either high-density foam or a Styrofoam lining. It shall cover the entire cranium, the ears, the back of the head and the upper part of the neck.
No person shall operate a motorcycle, motorbike, minibike, trail bike, motorized bicycle, snowmobile or other similar type of vehicle unless such vehicle is equipped with an exhaust system, in good working order and in constant operation, to prevent excessive or unusual noise.
It shall be unlawful to use a muffler cutout or a bypass in a muffler on any of the vehicles which are the subject of this chapter. It shall also be unlawful to operate such a vehicle with a muffler from which the inner baffles have been removed.
No person shall operate a motorcycle, motorbike, minibike, trail bike, motorized bicycle, snowmobile or other similar type of vehicle anywhere in East Bradford Township that is:
Equipped with a muffler from which the baffle plates, screens or other original internal parts have been removed or altered;
Equipped with an exhaust system which has been modified in a manner which will amplify or increase the noise emitted by the motor of such vehicle above that emitted by the exhaust system originally installed on the vehicle;
Equipped with an exhaust system which has been modified or altered in any way from that furnished by the vehicle manufacturer; provided, however, that equipment equivalent to that originally used may be substituted when parts are replaced; or
Equipped with an exhaust system which has been repaired in any manner except for the substitution of like or equivalent parts.
It shall be unlawful for any parent or parents or the person or persons who stand in loco parentis to permit the operation of any vehicle as herein described by an operator under the age of 17 years in violation of this chapter.
The operation of any such vehicle as herein described by an operator under the age of 17 years in violation of the chapter shall be presumed to be with the consent of the parent or parents of such operator or the person or persons who stand in loco parentis.
In the event that a person is charged with a violation of § 107-4B, C or D of this chapter, the arresting officer or constable is authorized to seize and confiscate the vehicle at the time the alleged offense is committed in order to preserve the vehicle as evidence and to prevent the alteration of an allegedly illegal muffler.
When a seizure as authorized by this section has occurred, the offender, unless acquitted of the alleged violation of the appropriate sections of this chapter, shall pay, in addition to the penalties provided in § 107-8, a towing fee of $15 and a storage fee of $10 per day until said offender reclaims the vehicle.
Vehicles seized pursuant to authority of this section may be retained by the seizing authority for a reasonable period of time in which to accomplish the verification of a violation of this chapter. In every case, such period of time shall be at least 24 hours, but in no event shall such period of time exceed 72 hours, unless such longer period is due to inaction on the part of the owner in reclaiming his vehicle.
[Amended 12-11-1984 by Ord. No. 76-1984]
Any operator violating the provisions of §§ 107-1, 107-2 or 107-4 hereof, as well as any person permitting such violation under the provisions of §§ 107-5 and 107-6 hereof, shall, upon conviction in a summary proceeding, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $300 and costs of prosecution and, in default of payment of such fine, to suffer imprisonment for not more than 30 days.
In addition to all of the foregoing penalties, and not in substitution thereof, the operation of any motorcycle, minibike, trail bike, motorized bicycle, snowmobile or other similar type of vehicle in violation of §§ 107-1, 107-2 and 107-3 hereof is declared to be a public nuisance enjoinable in court of equity, and the Township Supervisors are authorized to prosecute an action in equity to enjoin the same.