[Adopted 12-16-1963 (Ch. IX of the 1926 Code of Ordinances)]
As used in this Part 1, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The rent, rate or charge imposed or levied by the Village of Groton, New York, for the use of the sanitary sewer system or any part or parts thereof.
The sewer system owned and operated by the Village of Groton, and shall include the sewage treatment plant and disposal works, sewer pipes and all other appurtenances which are used or useful in whole or in part in connection with the collection, treatment or disposal of sewage, industrial wastes and other wastes and all extensions, additions and improvements which may be made to such system.
All revenues imposed hereunder, together with all interest and penalties thereon, shall be kept in a separate fund to be known as the "Sewer Rent Fund."
[Amended 4-5-1999; 12-15-2008 by L.L. No. 2-2008; 1-25-2010 by L.L. No. 1-2010; 12-20-2010 by L.L. No. 3-2011; 4-16-2012 by L.L. No. 4-2012; 4-15-2013 by L.L. No. 4-2013; 4-11-2016 by L.L. No. 1-2016[1]; 4-3-2017 by L.L. No. 3-2017[2]; 4-16-2018 by L.L. No. 2-2018[3]; 12-20-2021 by L.L. No. 3-2002[4]]
For the service rendered by the sewer system to the owners and other users of real property within the corporate limits of the Village connected with and served by the sewer system and for the payment of the cost of construction, operation, maintenance and repair of said system as hereinbefore defined, there is hereby established a scale of sewer rents which, except as otherwise provided herein, will be based upon the consumption of water used as indicating the extent of the use of said system.
The following scale of sewer rents is established and should be payable for each monthly period:
[Amended 3-20-2023 by L.L. No. 2-2023[5]]
For the first 400 cubic feet of water used in any monthly period or any minor fraction of 400 cubic feet of water used, the rate shall be $30.25, this being the minimum charge.
For all water used in any one monthly period in excess of 400 cubic feet and not exceeding 34,999 cubic feet, the rate for each 100 cubic feet or any minor fraction thereof shall be $7.25.
For all water used in any one monthly period in excess of 35,000 cubic feet, the rate for each 100 cubic feet or minor fraction thereof shall be $6.25.
Editor's Note: This local law also provided that the revised sewer rents be effective on and after April 1, 2023.
In any event, the minimum charge for each separate meter shall be $30.25 for each monthly period; except that when the amount of water used by any owner or occupant shall have reached at least 10,000 cubic feet in any one monthly period, then the minimum charge thereafter for such owner or occupant for each monthly period shall be computed by applying the scale of rents hereinbefore established to an amount equivalent to 75% of the highest number of cubic feet of water consumed in any one monthly period for a period of 24 monthly periods immediately preceding the monthly period for which the minimum charge is made.
[Amended 3-20-2023 by L.L. No. 2-2023[6]]
Editor's Note: This local law also provided that the revised sewer rents be effective on and after April 1, 2023.
The use of the sewage system, as indicated by the amount of water used, shall be based on readings of water meters, where installed. Any owner or occupant who does not use water supplied by the Village or is using water supplied by the Village but is also obtaining water from other sources and discharging the same into the Village sewer system shall make application, on a form to be supplied by the Village, for the use of a sewage meter, of a kind and size to be specified by the Village and obtained from the Village, to measure the amount of sewage discharging from the property. The Village shall have the right to inspect the installation of the meter prior to its use. Meters shall be installed, maintained and repaired at the expense of the applicant. All meters, whether water or approved sewage meters, are read monthly.
Meters will remain the property of the Village but the owner of the premises in which a meter is installed shall be entitled to permanent use of said meter, subject to the requirements of this Part 1 and subject to compliance with Part 1 by the owner or other users of the premises. Such owners shall be required to pay for such use a charge (referred to as a "meter charge") which shall be equivalent to the current cost to the Village of such meter. No part of the meter charge will be refunded upon any discontinuance of sewer service. If a sewage meter must be replaced due to the failure of the owner to properly use, operate or maintain same, a separate meter charge will be due for the replacement meter. If a sewage meter fails for any reason other than an owner's failure to properly use, operate or maintain the same, no additional meter charge will be due. For purposes of this section, negligent or intentional acts or failures to act that result in damage to a sewage meter shall be deemed to be a failure to properly use, operate or maintain the sewage meter, and the owner shall be responsible for any such negligent or intentional acts by the owner or any other person other than an agent of the Village acting in his or her capacity as agent of the Village. Meter charges shall be deemed to be part of the sewer use charge and shall be included in the sewer use bill issued by the Village with respect to the premises.
For the period in which no sewage meter is installed and operating on any property or cannot be installed thereon, or if such sewage meter has ceased to register or has registered inaccurately, the charge for the use of the sewerage facilities shall be based on such equitable basis as the Village may determine, which shall take into account previous usage and charges, if any, and all other pertinent information and factors in the discretion of the Village.
Editor's Note: This local law also provided that the revised sewer rents be effective on and after May 1, 2016.
Editor's Note: This local law also provided that the revised sewer rents be effective on and after May 1, 2017.
Editor's Note: This local law also provided that the revised sewer rents be effective on and after May 1, 2018.
Editor's Note: This local law also provided that the revised sewer rents be effective on and after January 24, 2022.
[Amended 7-17-1989 by L.L. No. 4-1989; 12-10-1990 by L.L. No. 2-1990; 4-15-1991 by L.L. No. 2-1991; 4-15-2013 by L.L. No. 4-2013]
Sewer rents shall be due and payable at the office of the Village Clerk. Sewer rents shall be billed monthly. Sewer rent bills shall be due and payable on the due date designated on the bill. If a sewer rent bill is not paid on or prior to its due date, a late payment penalty in the amount of 10% of the amount of the bill will be added to, and become a part of, the amount due.
[Amended 12-20-2021 by L.L. No. 3-2002]
While bills will be delivered or mailed by the Village Clerk, the failure of any owner or other user to receive a bill promptly shall not excuse nonpayment of the same when due as herein provided, and in the event that the owner or other user fails to receive a bill promptly, he shall obtain the same at the office of the Village Clerk.
The Village Clerk, or other person authorized by the Board of Trustees, shall keep a record of all owners of real property within the Village of Groton, and bills shall be mailed to the owners of such property at the same address to which Village tax bills are mailed, unless the owner of the property shall direct the Village, in writing, on forms which can be obtained from the Village Clerk's office, to mail such bills to him or to his agent at any other address. If bills for sewer rents and charges are mailed to a person other than such owner and such bills are not paid, such owner shall nevertheless be liable for the payment of all sewer rents and charges, including penalties and interest.
If sewer rents or charges are not paid within 60 days from the date on which they are due, the Board of Trustees may cause a notice to be delivered or mailed to the owner, addressed as provided for in Subsection C above, and to the occupant of the premises, addressed at the premises, stating the amount due and demanding payment thereof within a period of at least 10 days of the date of the notice and stating that if such payment is not made, the water service or the sewer service, or both, shall be discontinued without further notice, and at the expiration of such period, the Board of Trustees or the duly designated employees or officers of the Village may enter on said premises and cause the water service or the sewer service or both to be disconnected and discontinued. A charge of $25 will be made for discontinuing and $25 for reconnecting each of such services on account of nonpayment of sewer rents, the collection of which charge or charges shall be made and shall be enforceable in the same manner as sewer rents.
A separate charge shall be made and a separate bill shall be rendered for each water meter or sewage meter when there is more than one such meter on any one property or structure. Each unit for which there is a separate water or sewage meter shall be deemed to be a separate sewer service account and will be billed separately even if there is but one sewer connection with the structure or property in which said unit is located.
The minimum charge for sewer rentals established by this Part 1 shall be charged even if the property is unoccupied and no consumption of water is shown on the water meter or if no sewage is discharged into the sewer system.
[Amended 7-17-1989 by L.L. No. 4-1989]
A charge of $25 each will be made whenever a sewage meter is connected, disconnected or reconnected.
A charge of $25 will be made whenever any water meter is disconnected or reconnected because of nonpayment of sewer rents or other charges relating to the use of the sewer system.
[Added 7-17-1989 by L.L. No. 4-1989]
The charges provided in §§ 165-4D and 165-5 of this Part 1 are each separate charges, the collection of each of which is authorized by this Part 1.
The Board of Trustees may bring an action, as upon a contract, to collect sewer rents in arrears, including any penalties and interest, which may from time to time be adopted, from any owner or occupant served by the sewer system or from any other user of said system.
Sewer rents shall constitute a lien upon the real property served by the sewer system, and such lien shall have such priority over and superiority to every other lien or claim as is permitted by law.
The collection of such sewer rents and the enforcement of any such lien shall be in accordance with the statutes pertaining to such collection and enforcement.
Any costs and expenses or other charges incurred by the Village of Groton because of any repair or other work to the sewer system or otherwise for which the owner of any property served by or connected with the sewer system is obligated under this Part 1 or any other ordinance, statute or provision of law shall be collected in the manner provided for the collection of sewer rents in this section and shall be a lien upon the property and enforceable in accordance with the provisions of this Part 1.
Any duly authorized officer, employee, contractor or agent of the Village or other person duly authorized by the Village shall be permitted to enter on any property at reasonable hours for the purpose of reading meters, inspecting, disconnecting, repairing or for any other purposes reasonably necessary to carry out the provisions or purposes of this Part 1.