All structures which are structurally unsafe, unsanitary or not provided with adequate egress or which constitute a fire hazard or are otherwise dangerous to human life or which in relation to an existing use constitute a hazard to safety or health by reason of inadequate maintenance or of dilapidation, obsolescence, incompletion or abandonment are severally, for the purpose of this Part 1, unsafe structures. All unsafe structures are hereby declared to be illegal, and such illegality shall be abated by completion, repair or rehabilitation or by demolition in accordance with the procedures of this article.
The Building Inspector shall examine or cause to be examined every structure reported to him as unsafe or damaged and shall make a written record of such examination.
Whenever the Building Inspector shall find any structure or portion thereof to be an unsafe structure, he shall give to the owner, his agent or the person in control of such structure written notice stating the defects and requiring the owner, within a stated time, to abate the illegality pursuant to the provisions of this Article.
If the Building Inspector finds that there is actual and immediate danger of failure or collapse so as to endanger life, such notice shall also require the structure or portion thereof to be vacated forthwith and not reoccupied until the specified repairs and improvements are completed, inspected and approved by the Building Inspector. The Building Inspector shall cause to be posted at each entrance to any such structure a notice reading: "This structure is unsafe and its use or occupancy has been prohibited by the Building Inspector." Such notice shall remain posted until the required repairs are made or demolition is completed. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to remove such notice or to enter the structure.
In case the owner, agent or person in control of an unsafe structure cannot be found within the stated time limit fixed pursuant to § 65-25 or if such owner, agent or person in control fails or refuses to comply with the requirements of any notice given pursuant to § 65-25, the Village Attorney shall be so advised and shall cause to be instituted appropriate legal action to compel compliance.
If, in the opinion of the Building Inspector, an unsafe structure constitutes an imminent danger to human life or health, he shall, upon approval by the Village Board, promptly cause such structure to be made safe or to be removed. For this purpose he may at once enter such structure with such assistance and at such cost as may be necessary. He may vacate adjacent structures and protect the public by appropriate barricades or such other means as he may deem necessary, and for this purpose may close a public or private way.
All costs to be incurred under this Article shall be approved first by the Village Board and, if so approved, shall be charged to the owner of the premises involved and shall be collected in the manner provided by law.