[HISTORY:[1] Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Head-of-the-Harbor 7-9-2014 by L.L. No. 4-2014. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: Former Ch. 73, Piers, adopted 1-14-1989 by L.L. No. 2-1989, as amended, was repealed 8-18-2010 by L.L. .No. 6-2010.
The purpose of this chapter is to identify personnel authorized to enforce the provisions of all chapters of the Village Code.
In supplement of any existing enforcement provision of any chapter of the Village Code, including by way of illustration not limitation, §§ 53-3B and 53-4 (Alarms), 55-5 (Alcoholic Beverages), 65-31 (Building Construction), 76-5 (Dogs and Other Animals), 92-9 (Fires, Uncontained), 109-3 (Hunting), 111-9 (Lights, Outdoor), 113-5 (Mining), 116-6 (Noise), 122-2 (Swimming and Bathing), 122-4 (Injury or Destruction to Trees or Other Property), 122-6 (Structures in Public Highways), 123-5 (Firearms), 125-2 (Peddling and Soliciting), 136-17 and 136-18 (Solid Waste), 151-4 (Trespassing), 157-5 and 157-6 (Vehicles, Off-Road) and 165-46, 165-133, 165-135 (Zoning and Land Development) and the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code, any Public Safety Ordinance Inspector and/or Fire Marshal acting pursuant to an intermunicipal agreement (IMA) between the Village of Head-of-the-Harbor and the Town of Smithtown shall be an additional person authorized individually and/or in cooperation with the Building Inspector or members of the Police Department to enforce all Code provisions of the Village Code susceptible to enforcement.
Any Public Safety Ordinance Inspector and/or Fire Marshal acting under the authority of this Chapter 73 shall be authorized to take all steps required to enforce the Village Code.