[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Kiryas Joel 1-6-2004 by L.L. No. 1-2004.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This chapter was originally adopted as Ch. 108, but was renumbered to fit into the organizational structure of the Code.
The purpose of this chapter is to promote literacy by establishing a public library pursuant to § 255(1) of the Education Law.
There is hereby established the Village of Kiryas Joel Public Library, subject to the provisions of the Education Law. The Library shall be managed by a Library Board as hereinafter provided.
The Village Board of Trustees may appropriate moneys raised by tax or otherwise to equip and maintain the Library.
The Library Board shall have control over the expenditure of moneys appropriated to the library fund. The library fund shall be under the care and custody of the Village Treasurer.
The Village Board of Trustees may acquire real or personal property for Library purposes by gift, grant, devise, bequest or condemnation and may take, buy, sell, hold and transfer either real or personal property for Public Library purposes.
The payment or grant of moneys as appropriated for the Library shall invoke the provisions of federal. state and local law such that the amount appropriated by the Town Board of the Town of Monroe for a contract with the trustees of a cooperative library system, a free association library or with another municipal district or body having control of a public library shall be a charge upon the taxable property of that part of the Town outside of the Village of Kiryas Joel.
The Public Library shall be managed by a Library Board consisting of trustees according to § 260(1) of the Education Law. The number of appointed trustees shall not exceed five, each serving for a term of office of five years. The initial trustees' terms of office shall be so arranged that the term of one trustee shall expire annually.
No person who is a member of the Village Board of Trustees shall be eligible for the office of public library trustee.
The Library Board shall hold regular meetings at least quarterly. The Board shall fix the day and hour for holding such meetings.
Within one month of taking office, the first Library Board shall apply to the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York for a charter in accordance with the vote establishing the Library pursuant to § 261 of the Education Law.