[Adopted 10-27-1959]
Any house, store, shop or other building in which gaming is allowed or carried on or in which instruments or devices for gaming are kept or which shall be used as houses of ill fame or assignation or in which disorderly persons shall be allowed to assemble and be guilty of turbulent, noisy or disorderly conduct shall be deemed "disorderly houses." Billiard and pool tables therein shall be deemed instruments and devices for gaming, and playing thereon shall be deemed gaming whenever any money shall be made to depend upon the result of any playing thereon or whenever used or played upon by any person under the age of 16 years. Any person owning or keeping such table and allowing the same to be used under the circumstances herein mentioned or any person guilty of keeping such disorderly house shall be guilty of disorderly conduct.
Editor's Note: For related provisions, see Ch. 58, Games of Chance.
Any person guilty of the following acts and offenses shall be deemed disorderly persons and guilty of disorderly conduct:
All persons found intoxicated in the streets of said Village or in any public place in the Village.
All persons guilty of noisy, riotous or disorderly conduct to the disturbance of the quiet of said Village.
All persons who shall disturb any meeting or assemblage of people lawfully convened in said Village.
All persons who shall publicly use any profane or obscene language in any street or public place in said Village.
All persons bathing in the nude in public.
All persons broadcasting through loudspeaking amplifiers without a permit from the Board of Trustees.
All persons playing ball in the streets or on other Village property.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection H, which immediately followed this subsection and dealt with skateboards and roller skates, was repealed 3-12-1996 by L.L. No. 2-1996. See now Ch. 76, Skateboards, In-Line Skates and Roller Skates.
[Amended 8-24-1982 by L.L. No. 4-1982]
Any person committing an offense against any provision of this article shall be punishable as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article II, General Penalty.