[Amended 6-12-1989 by Ord. No. 89-23]
A. There are three stages in the procedure for approval
of subdivision and land development plans. These stages are necessary
to enable the Planning Commission and the Board of Commissioners to
have an adequate opportunity to review the submission and to ensure
that their formal recommendations are reflected in the final plans.
The separate stages of approval include the submission of an optional
sketch plan, a preliminary plan and a a final plan. These plans differ
in their purpose and required level of detail. The table below indicates
the recommended and required plans for the different types of submissions:
Plan Approval Stage
Type of Submission
Minor Subdivision
Major Subdivision
Land Development
Not required
B. Sketch plans shall require no more than a sixty-day
review period. The review process required for preliminary and final
plans shall include no more than 90 days, starting from the date of
the regular meeting of the Planning Commission next following the
date the application is accepted by the Township Engineer and ending
with the applicant being notified of the decision of the Board of
C. The submission of amended or revised plans, whether
in the form of a sketch, preliminary or final plan, shall constitute
a new application date, and the 60 or 90 days mentioned above for
the required review process shall begin upon the date of resubmission
of the amended or revised plans.
D. The presentation of a preliminary plan and a final
plan shall each be considered a separate submission, and the maximum
ninety-day review period may be required for each. A sixty-day review
period may be required for a sketch plan. No limitations for the action
of any public official or agency set forth in this article shall be
construed as mandatory.
E. The applicant is encouraged to meet informally with
the Township Engineer and the Director of Community Development to
obtain information regarding zoning and subdivision requirements and
development alternatives prior to the initial submission.