[Added 6-21-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-24]
The purpose of transit-oriented development (TOD) shall be to provide for compact development or redevelopment of multiple dwellings when located close to a public mass transit opportunity, including surface or rail transportation. TOD shall be designed and located to encourage residents and workers to drive their cars less, to walk more, and to utilize available mass transit. These developments or redevelopments shall generally be of moderate or high density, located along major corridors, and similar in scale and density to existing structures within the area. The primary characteristic of TOD is higher density provided by way of increased building and coverage allowances. The following conditions shall apply for any development or redevelopment based on TOD:
Shall be located within 1/4 mile of a public mass transit opportunity.
Shall have frontage on an arterial cartway.
Shall be located in proximity to similar uses and densities.
Shall be located within 1/2 mile of a business district as defined in the 2003 Comprehensive Plan.
Shall be subject to land development approval and submission of a transportation impact study, as required by Chapter 255, Subdivision of Land.
Shall have a minimum lot size of not less than two acres.
A building or unified group of buildings may be constructed or used and a lot may be occupied for the following purposes:
High density multiple-family development, subject to the density, lot area, height, setback, buffer and other requirements as set forth in this article.
Accessory uses on the same lot and incidental to the foregoing permitted use, which shall include:
Management office to provide services exclusively for the development.
Private garage or required off-street parking area.
Home occupations, subject to the provisions of Article XX, § 280-115.1.
Signs as may be permitted by Article XXI, Signs.
The following uses, only when authorized as a special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board of Radnor Township, subject to the general standards prescribed in § 280-145:
[Added 3-14-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-10]
Student home, subject to the general standards and provisions of § 280-115.2.
The following regulations shall apply to every building hereafter erected or used as a multiple dwelling, apartment house or multiple-dwelling group; in the case of a multiple-dwelling group, the group of buildings as a unit shall comply with the provisions of this section:
Lot area and width. Every multiple dwelling or permitted apartment use shall have a lot area per dwelling unit, or in the case of a multiple-dwelling group, an average lot area per dwelling unit of not less than 2,100 square feet. No minimum lot width shall be required under this subsection.
Building area. Not more than 70% of the area of each lot may be occupied by buildings or other impervious surfaces.
Front yard. There shall be a front yard on each lot of not less than 30 feet in depth, in which no building or required off-street parking spaces shall be located.
Side yards. There shall be two side yards for each multiple dwelling or permitted apartment use, neither of which shall be less than 20 feet in width.
Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard on each lot which shall not be less than 25 feet in depth.
Height. A building or structure shall not exceed four stories and shall not exceed 40 feet in height, except that no accessory structure shall exceed 20 feet in height.
Building size. The greatest dimension in length or depth of a building shall not exceed 160 feet, except when such building contains visibly offset architectural features, subject to approval by the Design Review Board, at an angle of approximately 90°.
Accessory buildings. A private garage or other accessory building may be erected within a rear or side yard if separated at least 10 feet from the main building, provided that no such building shall be located less than three feet from a rear or side yard. Where a buffer planting strip is required, no building shall be located therein.
Along each side or rear property line which directly abuts a residence area not devoted to apartment use in the district or in an adjoining district or municipality, a buffer planting strip of 10 feet as defined in § 280-4 shall be provided and maintained. The composition and location of the buffer planting strip shall be subject to approval by the Shade Tree Commission.
Off-street parking. Off-street parking shall comply with the requirements of § 280-103.
Sidewalk access shall be provided and maintained to any new development or redevelopment of buildings. Sidewalks shall comply with Township specifications and be located to provide pedestrian access to an existing sidewalk to encourage use of mass transit.
All applicants for development under § 280-36.1 shall be subject to review and approval by the Design Review Board.