[Amended 12-11-2017 by Ord. No. 2016-13]
A. PLO Planned Laboratory-Office Districts are designed primarily to
provide for selected modern laboratory, office establishments and
other compatible uses which:
(1) Provide for attractive large-site, low-lot-coverage development in
areas where traditional business development would be inappropriate.
(2) Strengthen and diversify the Township's tax base.
(3) Are compatible with the character of the surrounding areas.
(4) Increase the effectiveness of the zoning district by providing the
capability for a mixture of complementary uses.
(5) Decrease the negative external effects of parking and traffic on
surrounding areas by providing the capability for a mixture of complementary
B. PLO Districts may be established and developed only in accordance with the special provisions of §
280-132 and subject to the regulations of this article and any other pertinent provisions of this chapter.
C. In PLO Planned Laboratory-Office Districts, the regulations contained
in this chapter shall apply.
[Amended 4-8-2013 by Ord.
No. 2012-09; 12-11-2017 by Ord. No. 2016-13]
A building or unified group of buildings may be erected or used
and a lot may be used or occupied for any of the following purposes:
A. Forty percent to 100% of the gross floor area may be used or occupied
for the following:
(1) Scientific or industrial research, testing or experimental laboratory
or similar establishment for research or product development, provided
that there is no commercial production or storage of any commodity
or substance except for storage necessary for scientific research.
(2) Office building, including medical, dental, professional and sales.
B. Subject to the requirements of §
280-64G, up to 60% of the gross floor area may be used or occupied for the following:
(1) Hotel, including extended stay, which may contain restaurant and banquet space. The restaurant and/or banquet space may include outdoor dining as permitted by §
280-115.4B. Hotel pools and indoor health/fitness/recreation centers shall be for the use of hotel guests only.
[Amended 11-22-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-08]
(2) Skilled nursing and/or senior assisted living facility.
(3) Senior independent living facility.
(4) Ambulatory care facility: a health care facility or a distinct part
of a health care facility which provides preventative, diagnostic,
and treatment services to persons who come to the facility to receive
services and depart from the facility on the same day, excluding medical
and dental office uses. All land development plans proposing an ambulatory
care facility shall be limited to no smaller than 969 square feet
per patient position yielding 103 patient positions per 100,000 square
feet of gross floor area.
C. Notwithstanding the minimum lot size of §
280-64A, properties with a total site area of less than 10 acres may be used or occupied as follows and may not be combined with any other principal use:
(1) Skilled nursing, senior independent living, and/or senior assisted
living facility, excluding drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities.
(2) Hotel, including extended stay, which may contain restaurant and banquet space. The restaurant and/or banquet space may include outdoor dining as permitted by §
280-115.4B. Hotel pools and indoor health/fitness/recreation centers shall be for the use of hotel guests only.
[Amended 11-22-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-08]
D. Accessory uses, which may include:
(1) Storage within a completely enclosed building in conjunction with
a permitted use.
(2) A cafeteria or other service facility located within the building and operated for the exclusive use of the occupants of the building. An accessory cafeteria may include outdoor dining as permitted by §
(3) A recreational area for occupants.
(4) Living quarters for watchmen, caretakers or similar employees.
(5) A parking structure, when constructed as an accessory structure for
the purpose of eliminating allowable surface parking. Parking structures
may be located wholly or partly within the principal building, attached
to and made a part of the principal building, or constructed as a
detached accessory structure. Parking spaces within structures may
be reduced to not less than nine feet in width by 19 feet in depth,
exclusive of aisles, for each motor vehicle.
(6) Restaurant accessory to a permitted principal use not including existing nonconforming uses. Outdoor dining is permitted in accordance with §
(7) Hotel rooftop dining as an accessory use to a hotel use containing a restaurant space with indoor seating, subject to the provisions of §
[Added 11-22-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-08]
[Amended 12-8-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-22; 12-11-2017 by Ord. No. 2016-13]
A. Lot area and width. Every lot on which a building or combination
of buildings is hereafter erected or used shall have a lot area of
not less than 10 acres, and such lot shall not be less than 300 feet
at the building line.
B. Building area. Not more than 30% of the area of any lot may be occupied by buildings and structures, and not less than 45% of the total lot area, exclusive of those areas within the public right-of-way, shall be devoted to landscaping and planted in accordance with Chapter
255, Subdivision of Land. Landscaped areas shall include nonimpervious areas devoted to stormwater management, required buffer areas, and landscaping for parking facilities.
C. Building placement. No building or accessory structure shall be located
less than 150 feet from a street right-of-way line nor less than 200
feet from a side or rear property line and no surface parking area,
driveway, service or interior roadway, with the exception of approved
areas for vehicular access, shall be located less than 75 feet from
a street right-of-way or other property line.
D. Building size and spacing.
(1) Except for a mixed use development permitted under §
280-64G, the greatest dimension in length or depth of a building shall not exceed 160 feet, and no more than three buildings may be attached to each other, provided further that the facade of any building attached to another building be visibly offset from the adjoining building at an angle of approximately 90°.
(2) The distance at the closest point between any two buildings or group
of attached buildings, including accessory structures, shall not be
less than 45 feet.
(3) In no case shall the width of buildings or accessory structures or
the aggregate widths of buildings or accessory structures fronting
on a street on the same lot exceed 80% of the width of a lot.
E. Height regulations. Except for a mixed use development permitted under §
280-64G, no building or accessory structure shall exceed three stories or 38 feet in height.
F. Riparian buffer setback: 35 feet.
G. Mixed use. A building or unified group of buildings may include the uses specified in §
280-63A and
B and no other, subject to the following conditions:
(1) The minimum gross floor area of the B uses shall be 30% of the total site area. The maximum medical or dental office use shall be 30% of the gross floor area of the total site area. Ambulatory care facility uses shall be combined with a minimum 15% of gross floor area of the total site area of one or more of the uses described in §
(2) or
(2) No building shall exceed 85 feet in height. Buildings in excess of
three stories or 38 feet in height are subject to the following requirements:
Building Height (tallest building on site)
Maximum Building Area
Maximum Lot Coverage
Setback to Street ROW Line
Setback to Side and Rear Property Line Adjacent to
Residential Zoning District
Setback to Side and Rear Property Line Adjacent to
Nonresident- ial Zoning District
Setback to Side and Rear Property Line Abutting Railway
and Limited Access Highway
Less than or equal to 55 feet
Greater than 55 feet but less than or equal to 85 feet
(3) The gross floor area for all buildings on lots/properties existing
as of the date of this section shall not exceed 25,500 square feet
per acre of total site area.
(4) A parking garage or parking structure may have a height of up to
55 feet so long as such parking garage or parking structure does not
exceed the height of any building on the site.
(5) All other accessory structures shall not exceed 45 feet in height
as long as the accessory structure does not exceed the height of any
other building on the site.
(6) Financial subdivision. In connection with development of a mixed
use within the PLO District, individual lots may be created for purposes
of financing and/or conveyancing. Such individual lots shall not be
required to comply on an individual basis with the dimensional requirements
of this article, provided that the site and uses comply with such
requirements on an overall basis, and further provided that the deeds
conveying such separate lots contain covenants requiring the purchasers
to, at all times, operate and maintain such lots in good order and
repair and in a clean and sanitary condition; that cross-easements
for parking areas and all appurtenant ways, pedestrian access, and
utilities shall be maintained between such lots; and that such covenants
shall be subject to the approval of the Township. The purchaser of
any such lot shall execute and file with the Township a written covenant
agreeing to the forgoing conditions prior to purchasing.
(7) In the event that development requires an expansion of the right-of-way,
setbacks shall be measured from the proposed right-of-way line.
(8) The greatest dimension in length or depth of a building (as specified in §
280-64D) may be up to 350 feet, provided that:
The facade is constructed of brick, stone, architectural concrete,
architectural metal work, or articulated glass;
Is constructed with vertical and horizontal articulation; and
Is approved by the Township.
(9) The total site area for a mixed use development must be greater than
or equal to 10 acres. "Total site area" is the gross area of a lot
or lots as described in the deeds or from an actual survey but excluding
the area of any public or private street or rights-of-way as of the
date of this section.
All mixed use developments shall submit a transportation impact
and mitigation report to the Township as part of the land development
application. The transportation impact and mitigation report shall
address the following components for the proposed development:
A description of all improvements proposed along the frontage
of the property, including curbs, sidewalks, drainage, and utility
additions or extensions proposed as a result of the project.
A description of all improvements to adjacent intersections
or intersections within 1/2 mile of the proposed project designed
to mitigate the impact of the proposed development transportation
at full build-out of the site.
A description of all off-site transportation improvements proposed
by the developer or a description of proposed improvements to existing
public transportation facilities, including existing rail lines adjacent
to or within 1/2 mile to the site.
A description of transportation improvements proposed to be
constructed by the applicant as recommended in the Township's Comprehensive
No land development application shall be accepted or processed
by the Township without the submission of the foregoing transportation
impact and mitigation report.