It is the intent of this article to regulate
all signs within the Township to ensure that they are appropriate
for their respective principal uses and in keeping with the appearance
of the affected property and surrounding environment and to protect
the public health, safety, morals and general welfare. In addition,
the intent of this section is to:
A. Encourage good design in the context of the overall
image and visual environment of the Township.
B. Enhance the appearance of the business community,
taking into account the nature of the use, and thus stimulate as well
as protect the economic vitality of the Township.
C. Provide for signage which is adequate but not excessive
and which displays a message through use of pictures, symbols and
logos for rapid comprehension by the public.
D. Prohibit the erection of signs in such numbers, sizes,
designs and locations as may create a hazard to pedestrians and motorists.
E. Avoid excessive competition for large or multiple
signs, so that permitted signs provide adequate identification and
direction while minimizing clutter, unsightliness and confusion.
F. Allow for the coordination of signs to reflect the
character of the architecture, landscape and visual themes which the
Township is supporting.
G. Promote signs which are designed utilizing clear,
crisp lettering and bold, uncomplicated symbols which will identify
a business or activity efficiently and also enhance the area where
they are located as well as the general appearance of the street or
H. Prevent sign overload and excessively large signs
which creates a visually chaotic and competitive situation within
the business community.
Any sign hereafter erected or maintained shall
conform to the provisions of this article and any other ordinance
or regulations of the Township of Radnor relating thereto.
Definitions. As used in this article, the following
terms shall have the meanings indicated unless otherwise expressly
A sign with action or motion, flashing, color changes requiring
electrical energy or electronic manufactured sources of supply, but
not including wind-actuated elements such as flags, banners or specialty
A temporary sign of workmen performing services at or alterations
to a building.
Any sign painted on or applied to a structure made of cloth,
canvas, metal or similar material which is affixed to a building and
projects therefrom. Such signs may or may not be fixed or equipped
with a mechanism for raising and holding an awning in a retracted
position against the building.
[Amended 2-16-1999 by Ord. No. 99-01]
A sign consisting of light weight, flexible material which
is supported by frame, rope, wires or other anchoring devices, which
may or may not include copy, logo or graphic symbols.
Any source of electric light, whether portable or fixed,
the primary purpose of which is to cast a concentrated beam of light
generally skyward as a means of attracting attention to its location
rather than to illuminate any particular sign, structure or other
A sign of permanent character, including a freestanding sign,
but with movable letters, words, logo or numerals indicating the names
of persons associated with or events, products or services offered
upon the same premises on which the sign is located.
A sign directing attention to a business, commodity service
or entertainment conducted, sold or offered upon the same premises
as those upon which the sign is maintained.
Copy containing or displaying letters, numbers or graphics
which is designed to be readily changed, as for a theater marquee,
gas station or similar use.
A sign, other than a commercial sign, posted to promote and
advertise an activity sponsored by the Township school district, church,
public agency, civic or charitable association or other similar noncommercial
A sign indicating that the premises are in the process of
subdivision or land development for residential and nonresidential
A sign designating points of ingress and egress to a property,
normally located at such points of ingress and egress.
A freestanding sign with two identical faces of equal sign
area which are back to back and more than two feet apart.
To build, construct, attach, hang, place, suspend or affix,
which shall also include the painting of wall signs or other graphics.
The exterior surface of a building up to the roof line.
An electrically lighted sign comprised of either:
A group of incandescent light bulbs hung or
strung overhead or on a building or other structure(s); or
Light bulbs not shaded or hooded or otherwise
screened to prevent direct rays of light from shining on adjacent
properties or rights-of-way.
A piece of fabric or other material of distinctive design
that is used as a symbol of a nation, state, city, agency or corporation
and which is usually displayed hanging free from a staff or halyard.
A sign whose illumination is not kept constant in intensity
at all times when in use and which exhibits changes in light, color,
direction or animation. Illuminated signs which indicate the date,
time and temperature will not be considered flashing signs.
A sign and supporting structure which is secured in the ground
and independent of any building, fence or other support. For the purpose
of this definition, "freestanding signs" may consist of the following:
GROUND SIGNA sign designed to be viewed at eye level or below within the immediate vicinity and which is intended to be designed and viewed as an architecturally unified and proportional element. Ground signs shall be constructed so that the maximum height from mean grade to the lowest area of the sign face does not exceed four feet.
POLE SIGNA sign which is detached from a building and supported by no more than two poles or other structural supports which are architecturally dissimilar to the design of the sign.
Any sign for the control of traffic or for identification
purposes, street signs, warning signs, railroad-crossing signs and
signs of public service companies indicating danger or construction,
which are erected by or at the order of a public officer, employee
or agent thereof in the discharge of his official duties.
A wall sign indicating the name or address of a building
or the name of the management thereof.
A nonflashing or nontwinkling sign which has letters, figures,
designs or outlines illuminated by a lighting source as a part of
the sign.
A sign located within the interior of a lot, generally not
visible from the street or adjoining properties, which provides information
as to the location, interior operation and/or use of buildings or
Any sign located fully within the interior of any building
or stadium which is intended solely for information relating to the
operation of such building or stadium.
An older sign of artistic or historic merit, uniqueness or
extraordinary significance to the Township as identified by the Board
of Commissioners.
The height of a letter from its bottom to its top, including
any shadow lines and other forms of outlining.
A permanent, roof-like structure, supported by a wall of
a building but having no relationship to the roof structure, generally
designed and constructed for protection against weather.
Any sign attached to a marquee for the purpose of identifying
a movie theater or similar place of entertainment.
A memorial plaque or tablet, to include grave markers or
other remembrances of persons or events, which is not for commercial
or advertising purposes.
A sign capable of being readily moved or relocated, including
portable signs mounted on a chassis and wheels or supported by legs.
A wall sign which designates the name and address of an occupant
or group of occupants within any one building.
Any sign which has a valid permit, was erected prior to the
effective date of this article or any subsequent amendment hereto
and which does not otherwise conform to the provisions of this article.
Any commercial sign advertising a product, service, business
or activity sold, located or conducted elsewhere than on the premises
on which the sign is located.
[Amended 5-26-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-12]
A temporary sign relating to the election of a person to
a public office or a political party or a matter to be voted upon
at an election by the general public.
Any sign designed to be transported or moved, including but
not limited to signs designed to be transported by wheels, signs converted
to A-frames or menu and sandwich boards.
Any lot, building, business establishment or combination
thereof held under single lease or ownership.
A sign which is attached directly to any building wall and
which extends more than 12 inches from the face of the wall.
Any sign which is erected for any period of time to satisfy
requirements or regulations promulgated by any federal, state or local
governmental agency.
A temporary sign indicating the sale, rental or lease of
the premises on which the sign is placed.
A sign which revolves in a circular motion rather than remaining
stationary on its supporting structure.
Any writing, figure representation, logo, emblem, flag, lighting,
banner, device, letter, word or street clock-and-temperature announcement,
which shall include any announcement, declaration, display, illustration,
name identification, description or insignia, which is used to advertise
or promote the interest of any person or firm, which such representation
is placed in the general view of the public.
The area of all lettering, wording and accompanying designs
and symbols, together with the background on which they are displayed,
but excluding any supporting framework and bracing which are solely
incidental to the display itself, provided that the same do not contain
any such lettering, wording, designs or symbols. For the purpose of
this chapter, "sign area" shall be computed as a square or rectangle
drawn at the outer limits of the sign face.
Where the sign consists of a double face, only
one side shall be considered for the purpose of calculating total
sign area. Where both sides are not identical or where the interior
angle formed by the faces of a sign is greater than 45°, all faces
shall be considered in calculating total sign area.
Any spacing between signs designating different
or separate occupants or uses of a building shall not be included
in the computed area(s) of regulated signs.
The part of a sign that is or can be used to identify, advertise
and communicate information for visual representation which attracts
the attention of the public for any purpose. This definition shall
include any background material, panel, trim and color used that differentiates
the sign from the building or structure on which it is placed. The
sign structure shall not be included, provided that no message, display
or symbol is designed and included as part of the structure.
The distance from the highest portion of the sign, including
all structural elements to mean grade.
A supporting structure erected and used for the purpose of
identification or attracting attention, with or without a sign thereon,
situated upon any premises where a sign may be located. This definition
shall not include a building, fence, wall or earthen berm.
Any sign erected for a period of time not to exceed 30 days
in any one calendar year.
A display containing illuminated numerals flashing alternately
to show the time and the temperature.
Any vehicle to which a sign is affixed in such a manner that
the carrying of such sign or signs no longer is incidental to the
vehicle's primary purpose.
Any sign erected against the wall of a building or display
on windows or doors or displayed with the exposed face thereof in
a plane parallel to the face of said wall, window or door and which
sign is mounted at a distance measured perpendicular to said wall
not greater than 12 inches.
Any business sign which is placed inside or upon a window
for the primary purpose of being viewed by the general public from
the exterior of the premises. Temporary show window displays shall
not be included within this definition.
[Amended 2-16-1999 by Ord. No. 99-01]
Except as may be hereinafter specifically permitted,
it shall be unlawful, after the effective date of this article or
any amendment thereto, for any person, firm or corporation to erect
any of the following signs within the Township of Radnor:
A. Any sign which by color, shape or location conflicts
with or resembles a traffic signal device.
B. Signs attached to a utility pole, parking meter, traffic
sign post, traffic signal or control device, street sign, historical
marker, tree or rock.
F. Signs erected without the permission of the property
owner or authorized agent.
G. Signs on awnings, except on the vertical face thereof
as provided herein.
H. Signs that create a hazard by obstructing the clear
view of vehicles and pedestrian traffic.
I. Signs painted on any wall surface.
J. Projecting signs, except as may be provided for within
this ordinance.
K. Animated signs, except time and temperature signs.
L. Illuminated tubing or strings of lights which outline
rooflines, doors, windows or wall edges when used for advertising
purposes, but excluding temporary signs for traditional seasonal decorations.
M. Any sign which obstructs free ingress to or egress
from a required door, window, fire escape or other required exitway.
N. Banners, pennants or balloons, except as may be otherwise
provided for within this article.
P. Sidewalk and sandwich signs.
Q. Abandoned or dilapidated signs.
R. Signs which exhibit statements, words or pictures
of obscene or pornographic subjects.
S. Internally illuminated signs, except as may be provided
for within this article.
T. Flashing signs, except time and temperature signs.
Y. Any sign inconsistent with provisions of this article.
The following signs shall be allowed without
a sign permit and shall not be included in the determination of type,
number, colors or area of permanent signs allowed within a zoning
A. Governmental signs as herein defined.
B. Real estate and development signs, subject to height,
area and number requirements as set forth in this article.
C. Political signs, provided that no sign shall be displayed
more than 30 calendar days prior to an election or for more than 10
days following the election for which it is erected.
E. Civic event signs subject to the following regulations:
[Amended 2-16-1999 by Ord. No. 99-01]
Signs shall be erected for not more than 30
calendar days prior to an event and shall be removed within 72 hours
following the event.
Total sign area shall not exceed 50 square feet
or a maximum height of 10 feet above grade.
Sign content shall clearly indicate the event
or celebration.
Signs shall be limited to a maximum of one for
each street frontage.
Signs shall not be displayed for more than 45
cumulative days in any one calendar year.
Signs located beyond the required front yard
setback which are not intended to be viewed by the general public
shall be exempt from this provision of the Code.
F. "No Trespassing" or similar on-premise signs, provided
that no sign shall exceed one square foot in sign area or be placed
at intervals of less than 150 feet.
G. Memorial and landmark signs erected within the definition
of this article.
H. Changeable copy, repainting, cleaning and other normal
maintenance and repair of a sign unless the sign structure, design,
color or lighting is altered.
I. Temporary signs, to include the following:
Artisans' signs, provided that such signs shall
not exceed six square feet for each sign face and are erected on the
premises where the work is being performed. Signs shall be removed
upon completion of active work.
Signs advertising garage or yard sales, provided
that no sign shall exceed nine square feet in sign area. Signs shall
be permitted only on the premises where the sale is to be conducted
and limited to one for each street frontage. Signs shall be removed
at the close of the garage or yard sale.
Temporary signs, which shall be limited to banners
made of cloth, light fabric or similar material, subject to the following
[Amended 2-16-1999 by Ord. No. 99-01]
Signs shall be securely fastened to the wall
of a building or may cover an existing freestanding sign only during
a period of sign repair or transition of owner and/or tenant.
Temporary signs shall not exceed the height
and area requirements for permanent wall signs in the district where
Temporary signs shall not be displayed without
prior approval from the Zoning officer and for more than 30 cumulative
days in any one calendar year.
J. Regulatory signs as required.
K. Address signs. All buildings in all zoning districts
shall be required to display the address of the property in such a
fashion as is clearly visible from the street and which is in accord
with the provisions of this article. The area of an address sign shall
be exempt from the computation of the total permitted sign area, provided
that the sign does not contain any advertising, trade names or logos.
M. Interior signs as herein defined.
N. Logo and operating instructions for an automatic teller
or money access center when located on the machine.
O. Any other sign as may be provided for within this
P. Flags, which shall be subject to the following regulations:
[Added 2-16-1999 by Ord. No. 99-01]
Flags which display a business or corporate
logo or are used for the purpose of advertising a business or commodity
shall be considered a permanent sign and subject to the sign area
requirements of this article.
Flags shall not exceed a height of 35 feet above
grade when attached to a freestanding pole, or extend above the first
floor when attached to a building.
Seasonal flags which display a noncommercial
message shall not be subject to the requirements of this article.
The following types of signs and no others shall
be permitted within Agricultural Conservation, Residential and Planned
Apartment Zoning Districts, except as provided for otherwise within
this article:
B. Signage for estates, farms, churches, recreation areas
and other permitted nonresidential uses, provided that:
The total sign area shall not exceed 15 square
feet and the sign height of any freestanding sign shall not exceed
eight feet above mean grade.
No more than one sign shall be placed on premises
held in single and separate ownership, unless such premises front
on more than one street, in which case one sign may be located along
each street frontage, provided that a minimum street frontage of 150
feet is maintained between signs.
C. Signage for multifamily dwellings and residential
developments, provided that:
The sign area shall not exceed 15 square feet
and, if freestanding, shall not exceed a sign height of six feet above
mean grade.
No more than one sign shall be placed on premises
held in single and separate ownership, unless such premises front
on more than one street, in which case one sign may be erected along
each street frontage.
In any multiple-family development in which
a rental office is located, one wall sign not to exceed six square
feet in sign area shall be permitted. The sign shall be nonilluminated
and shall indicate only the name of the development, the presence
of a vacancy, business hours, address and telephone number of the
D. Real estate signs, provided that:
The sign area shall not exceed six square feet
for each exposed face and, if freestanding, shall not exceed a sign
height of four feet from mean grade. Signs shall be removed within
15 days from the date of sale.
No more than one sign shall be placed on premises
held in single and separate ownership, unless such premises front
on more than one street, in which case one sign may be erected along
each street frontage.
A maximum of two off-premises directional signs,
not to exceed a sign area of three square feet, designating an open
house shall be permitted. Signs shall contain only directional information
and the name of the real estate agent or individual holding the open
house. Signs shall be erected and removed on the day of the open house
and shall not be located so as to obstruct pedestrian or vehicular
traffic or be attached to a utility pole, off-site building, tree
or other natural feature.
Signs shall be nonilluminated and exempt from
permit requirements.
E. Development signs, provided that:
The sign area shall not exceed six square feet
and a sign height of eight feet above mean grade.
No more than one sign shall be erected for each
500 feet of street frontage.
Signs shall be nonilluminated and exempt from
permit requirements.
No sign shall be erected until final approval
of the development has been granted by the Board of Commissioners
and shall be removed upon completion of active work.
The following types of signs shall be permitted
within Commercial Office (CO) and Commercial (C-1, C-2, C-3) Zoning
A. Any sign permitted in residential districts which
relates to a use permitted in the district.
B. Real estate and development signs advertising the
sale, rental or development of premises, provided that:
The sign area shall not exceed eight square
feet and, if freestanding, shall not exceed a sign height of eight
feet above mean grade.
No more than one sign shall be erected for each
500 feet of street frontage.
Signs shall be nonilluminated and exempt from
permit requirements.
Off-premises signs advertising the sale, rental or development of premises shall be prohibited within these districts, except as provided for in §
[Amended 5-26-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-12]
C. Business or related signs in accordance with the following
Sign area. The total sign area of all signs
placed on a lot or facing any one street frontage of any one premises
shall not exceed two square feet for each linear foot of building
frontage. Nontemporary window signs shall be included in the computation
of total permitted sign area. The total area of all window signs,
including both temporary and nontemporary window signs, shall be limited
to 20% of the glass area.
Wall signs. The total sign area of all wall
signs placed on any one premises shall not exceed two square feet
for the first 15 linear feet of building frontage, plus one square
foot of sign area for each additional foot of building frontage, up
to a maximum sign area of 50 square feet. No wall sign shall exceed
a sign height of 15 feet above the existing grade or project above
any cornice, parapet wall, roofline or building facade. When a building
has frontage on more than one street, the sign area of all wall signs
along each street shall be limited by the amount of frontage along
that street.
Awning signs. Awning signs shall be permitted and shall be included in the computation of total permitted sign area. Signs shall display only the business name, proprietor, property address or business telephone number. Letters, logo and numerals, not exceeding a height of eight inches, shall be located on the vertical face and within 14 inches from the base of the awning. Illumination of awning signs shall be subject to approval by the Design Review Board and consistent with §
280-125D of the Code. The minimum clearance between the awning and grade shall be not less than seven feet.
[Amended 2-16-1999 by Ord. No. 99-01]
Marquee signs. Theater or movie marquee signs containing changeable copy shall be permitted in addition to the otherwise permitted sign area for the use, provided that the total sign area shall not exceed 200 square feet. Such signs shall be required at all times to maintain a minimum vertical clearance of 10 feet. Marquee signs shall be exempt from the lighting requirements as set forth in §
Freestanding signs. For each commercial building,
shopping center, office building, public use building, mixed-use development
or group of contiguous buildings under one ownership or control, one
freestanding sign shall be permitted. Where the premises has more
than one street frontage, one freestanding ground sign shall be permitted
for each street frontage. Where a property has more than one point
of ingress and egress designated for public use along a street frontage,
two freestanding signs along the frontage shall be permitted, provided
that both are ground signs. A minimum street frontage of 150 feet
shall be maintained between signs.
[Amended 2-16-1999 by Ord. No. 99-01]
Area and height regulations.
Pole signs. Pole signs shall not exceed a sign
area of 25 square feet or a sign height of 15 feet above mean grade.
Ground signs. Ground signs shall not exceed
a sign area of 30 square feet or a sign height of eight feet above
mean grade.
Sign contents. A freestanding sign shall contain
only the name, address, logo and/or telephone number of the permitted
Location. Freestanding signs shall not be located
within the right-of-way and shall be set back a minimum distance of
10 feet from the street cartway. No sign shall be so located as to
present a hazard to motorists or pedestrians.
Gasoline service stations. Gasoline service
stations, commercial motor vehicle service stations, including locations
offering both the sale of gasoline and related products, as well as
other retail products from the same location, shall be permitted signage
subject to the following regulations:
Wall signs. One wall sign not to exceed 25 square
feet in sign area shall be permitted for each principal building.
Where a building fronts on more than one street, one wall sign may
be erected along each street frontage. Additional wall signs identifying
service provided on the premises shall be permitted, provided that
such signs shall not exceed 10 square feet in sign area and are located
directly above the area where service is performed. In no case shall
a wall sign be higher than 15 feet above existing grade or project
above any cornice, roofline, parapet wall or building facade.
Freestanding signs. Gasoline service stations
shall be permitted a maximum of one freestanding ground sign for each
Area and height regulations. Freestanding signs
shall not exceed a sign height of 10 feet above mean grade or a sign
area of 30 square feet, except that where gasoline is offered for
sale, an additional 20 square feet of sign area shall be permitted
for pricing information.
Sign contents. A freestanding sign shall contain
only the name, address, logo, pricing information and/or telephone
number of the permitted use.
Location. Freestanding signs shall be located in accordance with Subsection
C(5)(c) above.
Exempt signs. The following signs shall be allowed
without a sign permit and shall not be included in the determination
of type, number or area of permanent signs permitted for gasoline
and motor vehicle service stations:
Signs on pump islands, to include company logo,
and signs to identify self-service or full-service locations, price
information, fuel availability, octane levels and similar signs. Signage
and company logo shall be prohibited on canopies located above pump
Any other sign required by fire and safety regulations.
Automobile dealership signs. Automobile dealerships
shall be permitted signage subject to the following regulations:
Sign area. The total permitted sign area shall be computed in accordance with Subsection
C(1) above.
Wall signs. The total sign area of all wall
signs placed on any one premises shall not exceed a maximum sign area
of 60 square feet. Additional wall signs identifying automotive service
provided on the premises shall be permitted, provided that such signs
shall not exceed 10 square feet in sign area and are located directly
above the area where service is performed. In no case shall a wall
sign exceed a sign height of 15 feet above the existing grade or project
above any cornice, roofline, parapet wall or building facade. When
a building has frontage on more than one street, the sign area of
all wall signs along each street shall be limited by the amount of
building frontage along that street.
Freestanding signs. Automobile dealerships shall
be permitted freestanding signs subject to the following regulations:
Number and type.
[a] Primary ground sign. Each location
shall be permitted one freestanding ground sign for the purpose of
identification. Signs shall not exceed a sign area of 30 square feet
or a sign height of 10 feet above mean grade. Where a dealership has
more than one street frontage, one ground sign shall be permitted
along each street for the purpose of identification.
[b] Secondary ground sign. A second
ground sign shall be permitted only if used or pre-owned automobiles
are being offered for sale or if there are two or more automobile
makes being sold from the premises. Signs shall not exceed a sign
area of 30 square feet or a sign height of 10 feet above mean grade.
[c] Distance between signs. A minimum
street frontage of 100 feet shall be required between all ground signs.
[d] Location. Freestanding signs shall be located subject to the requirements of Subsection
Sign content. Signs shall contain only the name
of the permitted use, business logo, address and/or telephone number.
Location. Freestanding signs shall be set back as required by Subsection
Directional signs. Directional signs shall be
permitted subject to the following regulations:
[Added 2-16-1999 by Ord. No. 99-01]
Signs shall not exceed four square feet in sign
area or a sign height of three feet above existing grade. Signs may
be illuminated but shall not blink, flash or be animated. Trade names
and logo shall be permitted to the minimum extent necessary.
Instructional signs. Instructional signs shall
be permitted subject to the following regulations:
[Added 2-16-1999 by Ord. No. 99-01]
Signs shall not exceed 30 square feet in sign
area or a sign height of six feet above existing grade. Signs may
be illuminated but shall not blink, flash or be animated.
Signs located on nonconforming use premises
shall be limited to the sign regulations of the district where the
use is first permitted and shall be subject to all other requirements
of this chapter, provided that any freestanding sign located on the
premises shall be limited to a ground sign.
The following restrictions and regulations shall
be applicable to all permanent signs as permitted by this article,
unless otherwise specified:
A. Materials.
Signs shall be constructed only from wood, metal,
stone or other appropriate material which have the general appearance
of structures composed primarily of wood, metal or stone, with painted,
engraved or raised messages. Sign materials should be consistent with
and compliment the original construction materials and architectural
style of the building facade on which they are to be displayed. For
this reason, natural materials such as wood, stone and metal are most
appropriate. If plywood is used, medium density overlay (MDO) shall
be used as a minimum grade.
Neon window signs. Neon window signs utilizing
custom shapes, designs and colors shall be permitted, provided that
the signs compliment and add character to the business establishment.
B. Lettering. Lettering styles should compliment the
style and architecture of the building on which they appear. Traditional
block and curvilinear styles which are easy to read are preferred.
C. Color. Each sign so erected shall contain a maximum
of four colors, including black and white. In selecting the principal
colors for a sign, colors which compliment the general tone of the
building should be used. Business logos shall not be included in determining
the maximum number of colors.
D. Illumination. Where permitted, signs shall be illuminated
only as authorized in an appropriate sign permit by a steady, stationary
light of reasonably minimal intensity. Light sources shall be shielded
from all adjacent properties and streets and shall not be of such
intensity as to cause glare hazardous to pedestrians or motorists.
Signs using internal illumination shall be designed so that when illuminated
at night, only the letters and logos of the sign are visible. No light
shall emanate through the background, the borders, sides or any other
surface of the sign or its supporting structure. Individual, solid
letters with internal lighting tubes which backlight a wall in a halo
effect shall be permitted.
E. Electrical connections. The electrical supply to all
exterior signs, whether to the sign itself or to lighting fixtures
positioned to illuminate the sign, shall be provided by means of concealed
electrical cables. Electrical supply to freestanding signs shall be
provided by means of underground cables. Applications for electrical
permits shall be filed at the time of the sign permit application.
F. Nuisance. No sign shall create a public nuisance by
emitting smoke, sound, vapor, particle emission or odors.
G. Sign removal. Any sign which no longer advertises
an existing business conducted on the premises shall be removed by
the owner of the sign. The Zoning Officer, upon determining that such
business operations have ceased while a sign remains, shall notify
the owner of the premises, in writing, to remove said sign within
30 days from the date of such notice. Upon failure to comply with
such notice within the prescribed period, the Zoning Officer is hereby
authorized to remove or cause removal of such sign and to collect
the cost of such removal, together with any penalties, from the owner
in a manner provided by law.
H. Signs on multiple tenant buildings. Where a permit
is required for any new sign, or change of existing signage in a multiple
tenant building, the Township shall have authority to require the
owner of such building to submit for approval a sign plan for the
entire building. Such a plan shall be submitted and approved prior
to, or at the time of application for any new or change of existing
signage. All signs shall be consistent with the plan, unless otherwise
approved by the Design Review Board.
[Added 2-16-1999 by Ord. No. 99-01]
[Added 5-26-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-12]
A. Off-premises signs shall be permitted within the following zoning districts when authorized as a special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board, subject to the general standards prescribed in §
The Wayne Business Overlay District (WBOD); and
The C-3 Zoning District, provided that it has frontage on the
Amtrak/SEPTA right-of-way line.
B. In addition to permitted signs within commercial districts as set forth in §
280-122 of this chapter, only one off-premises sign may be erected per parcel. Off-premises signs may only be permitted when authorized as a special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board, subject to the general standards prescribed in §
280-145, and the Zoning Hearing Board may, in approving any such special exception application, modify §
280-125A and
C as necessary to permit a reasonable use of a property for an off-premises sign under this article.
C. Off-premises signs may be permanent, freestanding signs erected upon
the ground or may be erected upon, applied to, attached to and/or
supported by a building or other structure. No painted off-premises
signs are permitted.
D. Setbacks.
Within the WBOD District, no off-premises signs, or part thereof,
shall be erected or maintained closer than 100 feet from any adjacent
residential zoning district.
Within the C-3 Zoning District, as described in Subsection
A of this section, the setback for off-premises signs shall be 100 feet from any adjacent residential zoning district and a minimum of 20 feet from the Amtrak/SEPTA right-of-way line.
No off-premises sign shall be located within the right-of-way
of any street and shall be set back a minimum distance of 10 feet
from the street cartway. No signs shall be so located as to present
a hazard to motorists or pedestrians,
E. No off-premises signs shall be located closer than 100 feet to any
other off-premises outdoor advertising sign, such measurement to be
made between the two nearest points located on any portion of the
F. No off-premises sign shall be permitted to exceed a maximum area
of 64 square feet, including border and trim, but excluding supports.
A sign having two identical or different signs back-to-back or a V-shaped
sign with a horizontal angle not greater than 45º is permitted
to have a maximum area of 64 square feet on each side for a total
maximum area of 128 square feet.
G. No off-premises sign, or part thereof, shall be taller than 15 feet
if a freestanding sign as measured from existing grade and no taller
than 15 feet if erected upon, applied to, attached to and/or supported
by a building or other structure.
H. An off-premises sign structure may contain only one sign or advertisement
per face.
I. Lighting. Off-premises signs shall conform to the lighting standards as set forth in §
J. No revolving or electronic off-premises signs, including, but not
limited to, flashing signs, signs with intermittent illumination,
signs with mechanically or electronically changing messages, or electronic
digital signs, shall be permitted. No mobile off-premises signs shall
be permitted.
K. Design Review Board. All off-premises sign applications shall be
reviewed for a recommendation by the Design Review Board prior to
special exception application to the Zoning Hearing Board.
L. All off premises signs shall be maintained in good condition. The
structural components of the sign shall be maintained to ensure their
integrity and to prevent the possible collapse of the sign. Any damage
to the structural components shall be repaired within 24 hours. Signs
having ripped, defaced or partial advertisements shall be immediately
repaired by having the advertisement restored to its original condition,
removed or covered.
Any person who fails to comply with any or all
of the requirements of this article or who fails to or refuses to
comply with any notice, order or direction of the Director of Community
Development made hereinunder shall be guilty of an offense and, upon
conviction thereof, shall pay a fine to the Township of Radnor of
not less than $100 nor more than $500 plus costs of prosecution. Each
day during which any violation of this article continues shall constitute
a separate offense and shall be punishable as such.