[Adopted 5-15-1984 by L.L. No. 2-1984 (Ch. 250, Part 3, of the 2003 Code)]
Planned Unit Development District No. 2 is hereby established in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Code of the Town of Thompson.
Editor's Note: Pursuant to L.L. No. 5-1984, planned unit developments commenced after the effective date of said local law are controlled by Part 1, Zoning, and, specifically, § 250-27.
The boundary and description of Planned Unit Development District No. 2 is fully set forth in the schedule titled "Boundary Description," which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof.[1]
Editor's Note: The description for Schneider Village (Planned Unit Development District No. 2) is on file in the office of the Town Clerk.
The purpose of this Part 3 is to establish in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan of the Town of Thompson a well-integrated and coordinated Planned Unit Development District which is sufficiently flexible to permit an orderly development responsive to the needs of the community and regulated to protect and safeguard and health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants thereof and adjacent thereto with a view to conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land in the district.
No buildings or other structures or land shall be located or used in Planning Unit Development District No. 2 except for:
130 one-family dwellings.
Accessory uses.
Recreational facilities, including athletic fields, tennis courts, swimming pools, playing courts and playhouse facilities.
No buildings shall be any higher than 1 1/2 stories above final grade.
The locations of buildings, parking, roadways and general layout within Planned Unit Development District No. 2 shall be substantially in accordance with the final site plan approved by the Town of Thompson Planning Board and subject to all conditions and requirements established by the Town Board of the Town of Thompson and the Town Planning Board.
There shall be a maximum of 130 single-family residential units.
Nothing contained in this Part 3 shall prohibit the maintenance of the land within the Planned Unit Development District in single ownership or, conversely, the transfer of ownership of individual dwelling units and land areas, provided that there shall be maintained, by way of owner associations, joint ownership, contracts, easements or permanent agreements, the required standards as set forth in this Part 3 for the use and benefit of the inhabitants thereof.
Interior roads shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of the engineers of the Town of Thompson, whose fees and charges for consultations and approvals shall be paid by the developer, and shall be constructed subject to the inspection and inspection approval of the Town Highway Superintendent.
All utility services shall be installed pursuant to approvals by the Town Engineer but shall in all events be underground and below frost level, including water and sewer distribution lines, electric service and telephone service (television cable, if any).
Necessary environmental approvals must be obtained prior to construction.
Necessary New York State Board of Health approvals relative to the public water distribution system must be obtained prior to construction.
The entire development must be connected to the Harris-Benmosche Pumping Station main lines so that the liquid effluent from the project is discharged into the sewer district, all to be pursuant to approved plans and supervision of the Town Engineer. The developer shall offer to connect the premises known as "Schneider Village," a project which shares a common boundary with the PUD, to the sewer line. The costs of the sewer line and connection as respects Schneider Village shall be shared as between said Schneider Village and the developer as they deem appropriate. The entire sewer line from such time as it leaves the premises of the PUD up until and including its interconnection to the Harris-Benmosche Pumping Station or the sewer line which said station services shall be offered by the developer for dedication to the Town and its sewer district without charge.
Development must start within three years of the date of adoption of this planned unit development and must be completed within a reasonable time, it must be consistent with the spirit and intent of this Part 3, and all plans must be prepared with competent professional advice. In the event that the development is not started within three years from the date of adoption of this Part 3, then this Part 3 shall automatically and without further action necessary on the part of the Town Board of the Town of Thompson expire, and the status heretofore granted as a PUD to the premises described in § 250-114 of this Part 3 shall automatically be included as part of the district in which the planned unit development was wholly included.
In cases where the developer has designed special groups of types of dwelling not conforming to the provisions of this Part 3, the Zoning Board of Appeals, after referral to and report by the Planning Board, may approve such nonconformity, provided that the average density does not increase, and further provided that the layout is not detrimental to the health and welfare of the community.
Unless otherwise specifically provided and to the extent that they are not inconsistent with this Part 3, all provisions of the Municipal Code of the Town of Thompson shall apply to this Planned Unit Development District.
The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to change the Official Zoning Map of the Town of Thompson by designating thereon the Planned Unit Development District hereby established.