Where a claim has been filed against the City or against any of its
servants, agents, employees, boards or representatives for any cause whatsoever
demanding payment of a sum of money, the Comptroller of the City of Troy,
by the service of notice on the claimant either personally or by registered
mail, may require said claimant to appear and be sworn before him/her or before
one of the Deputy Comptrollers to be examined in connection with such claim
and, when so sworn, to answer as to any facts relating to the justness of
such claim and as to all the facts and circumstances surrounding the occurrences
or happenings upon which the claim is based including the extent and nature
of the damage or injuries for which the claim is made.
No action shall be commenced against the City or its servants, agents,
employees, boards or representatives unless the claimant has duly complied
with the request for examination by the Comptroller as herein set forth, and
failure to comply shall be deemed a complete and valid defense to any action.