For the purposes of this article, the following
terms shall have the meanings ascribed:
The noncommercial use of vacant City land for the purpose
of providing to the residents of the City of Troy the equal opportunity
to garden on lands which they do not individually own.
A piece of land appropriate for the cultivation of horticultural
products, including but not limited to herbs, fruits, flowers or vegetables.
The term "garden" shall include the process of so cultivating and
tending such a piece of land.
Any individual, corporation, partnership, community organization,
group, association, club or other legal entity.
To avail oneself of, or to employ without conveyance of title,
gardens on vacant City land by any person.
Which the City of Troy is authorized to hold,
however acquired, either in fee, by a lease or of a lesser interest,
including any contract or agreement with the owners; and
That is unused, unoccupied or idle, including
open space within the perimeter of a public facility or park.
Any person wishing to procure a permit shall
make and file application with the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation
on a form supplied by his/her office.
If it shall appear at any time that an application
was in any material respect false or misleading; that a person holding
a permit is in violation of any provisions of this article or any
other local or state laws, rules, regulations or ordinances that may
apply; or that the land designated in the permit has been allowed
to be wasted, damaged or otherwise misused or permitted to become
a nuisance, annoyance or danger to the general public, the Mayor and
Commissioner of Parks and Recreation may revoke said permit immediately
and the City of Troy may reenter and reoccupy the land.