[Adopted 9-5-1974(§§ 19-60 through 19-62 of Ch. 19 of the 1973 Code)]
The City Purchasing Agent, pursuant to § C-73 of the City Charter and § 1224 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, is hereby authorized to sell at public auction, to the highest bidder or bidders, under proper regulations, and after public notices thereof, abandoned vehicles impounded by the Police Department. These auctions shall take place as often as the Commissioner of Public Safety deems that a sufficient number of vehicles have been accumulated so as to make such auction a profitable venture for the City.
The said motor vehicles shall be sold "as is," to be removed by the bidder or bidders from the location so designated in the public notice of sale. They shall be sold for cash plus the cost of the advertisement.
This article does not apply to motor vehicles or equipment purchased with City funds and no longer needed for City use.