[Adopted 11-11-1996 by Ord. No. 96-5]
In accordance with provisions of Section 2322, Act 60 of 1995, 53 P.S. § 67322, no railroad or street railway shall be constructed upon any Township road, nor shall any railroad or street railway crossings, driveway connections, gas pipe, water pipe, electric conduits, or other piping, be laid upon or in, nor shall any telephone, telegraph, or electric light or power poles or any coal tipples, or any other obstructions, be erected upon or in any portion of a Township road except under such conditions, restrictions and regulations specified by Hilltown Township for that purpose.
The Supervisors are hereby authorized and empowered to adopt such rules and regulations by resolution concerning construction of facilities, driveways, and occupancy of Township road rights-of-way. All such rules and regulations adopted by the Township shall be in conformity with the provisions herein, and all other applicable laws, and regulations of the administrative agencies of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
[Amended 5-24-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-4]
Each application shall be submitted to the Township in duplicate on forms prescribed by the Township. The application shall be accompanied by a fee set by the Board of Supervisors by separate resolution, and the applicant shall establish an escrow account with the Township to guarantee satisfactory restoration of the Township roadway and to cover the costs of Township inspections required by 53 P.S. § 67322.
A permit shall be issued to the applicant after all the aforementioned requirements have been filed and found in conformance to applicable rules and regulations of the Township.
[Amended 5-24-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-4]
Upon completion of the work authorized by the permit, the Township shall inspect the work authorized by the permit, and, when necessary, enforce compliance with the conditions, restrictions and regulations prescribed by the Township. In addition to such inspection, the Township Supervisors may reinspect the work not more than two years after its completion, and if any settlement of the road surface or other defects shall appear in the work contrary to the conditions, restrictions and regulations of the Township, it may enforce compliance therewith. If the applicant shall fail to rectify a defect which presents an immediate or imminent safety or health problem within 48 hours or any other defect within 60 days after written notice from the Township Supervisors to do so, the Township Supervisors may do the work and impose upon the applicant the costs thereof, together with an additional 20% of such costs, which may be recovered by an action in assumpsit in the Court of Common Pleas of Bucks County.
Any person who violates or permits a violation of this article shall, upon conviction in a summary proceeding brought before a District Justice under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, be guilty of a summary offense and shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000, plus costs of prosecution. In default of payment thereof, the defendant may be sentenced to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 90 days. Each day or portion thereof that such violation continues or is permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense, and each section of this article that is violated shall also constitute a separate offense.