Special standards applicable to development of the A1, A2 and A3 Districts only are set forth in the Chapter 305, Subdivision of Land and Site Plan Review, § 305-12I, to expedite the production of lower-income housing. These standards are deemed to be the minimum necessary for public health, safety and welfare and remove standards which may be desirable to achieve but which may also be cost-generating to a developer of lower-income housing and thereby inhibit its production. Any provision of this chapter or any other ordinance which is in conflict with the affordable housing standards of the Subdivision and Site Plan Ordinance[1] and which imposes restrictions or limitations not required for health and safety shall be inapplicable to the A1, A2 and A3 Districts.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 305, Subdivision of Land and Site Plan Review.
Rules and regulations covering the number of affordable dwelling units required in the affordable housing districts, eligibility standards, definition of "affordability," relief from requirements, subsidies, convenants and controls on sales and rentals and foreclosure are specified in the Affordable Housing Ordinance of the Borough of New Providence.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 275, Affordable Housing.
Designation. A minimum of 15% of the land in the A1 District and 20% of the land in the A2 and A3 Zones shall be designated as conservation area, open spaces, recreation space and/or common open space. Up to 25% of the designated common open space may consist of natural or man-made water bodies. The common open space shall exclude private patios and any area located between the front of a building and street, front yard or common parking area.
Use. All property owners and tenants in the development shall have the right to use the common open space and any recreational facilities located on the site.
Maintenance and ownership. The regulations concerning the maintenance, control and ownership of common open space and common elements of Chapter 305, Subdivision of Land and Site Plan Review, § 305-12G and H shall apply.