This chapter shall be enforced by the Police Department, Health Officer, Code Enforcement Officer and any and all other municipal officials deemed appropriate by the Borough of Oaklyn.
[Amended 5-12-2009 by Ord. No. 8-09]
Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction in the Municipal Court of the Borough of Oaklyn, or such other court having jurisdiction, be liable to a fine not exceeding $2,000, or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 90 days, or community service for a term not exceeding 90 days, or all of the above. Each day that a violation occurs shall be deemed a separate and distinct violation, subject to the penalty provisions of this article.
Each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase of this chapter is declared to be an independent section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase, and the finding or holding of any such portion of this chapter to be unconstitutional, void or ineffective for any cause or reason shall not affect any other portion of this chapter.