A use, building or structure which is lawfully in existence at the effective date of this chapter and shall be made nonconforming at the passage of this chapter or any applicable amendment thereto may be continued, except as otherwise provided herein.
No existing use, structure, building or premises devoted to a nonconforming use shall be enlarged, extended, reconstructed or structurally altered, except when changed to a conforming use or when required to do so by law as follows:
Normal maintenance and repair of a structure containing a nonconforming use is permitted, provided that it does not extend the area or volume of space occupied by the nonconforming use and does not increase the number of dwelling units, and further provided that a structure shall not be repaired if it had been damaged to an extent exceeding 50% of its assessed value.
Nothing in this chapter shall prevent the strengthening or restoring to a safe or lawful condition any part of any building or structure declared unsafe or unlawful by the Construction Official or other authorized state or Borough official.
Change of title or ownership does not discontinue a nonconforming use.
Notwithstanding the provisions set forth in this section, a nonconforming single-family dwelling which complies with the use requirements of this chapter and is nonconforming because of height, area, yard and/or parking requirements may be enlarged or extended, provided that any such enlargement, extension or alteration shall conform to the presently existing requirements of this chapter and that such requirements are not further violated.
A nonconforming use shall be considered to be abandoned if there occurs a cessation of the use for a period of one year and/or for any longer period of time, and such nonconforming use shall not thereafter be revived.
Any nonconforming building or structure lawfully under construction on the effective date of this chapter, pursuant to plans filed with and approved by the Construction Official and approved by all other municipal boards and agencies as required under law, may be completed and may be used for the nonconforming use for which it was designed, to the same extent as if such building had been completed and had been in use on the effective date of this chapter, provided that such building or structure shall be completed within one year after the effective date of this chapter.