The AH-1 District encompasses the following properties, as identified
on Borough Tax Maps: Block 206, Lots 1 and 2.
One hundred percent of the total dwelling units developed in the AH-2 District shall be set aside as rental housing for very-low-, low- and moderate-income households, in accordance with the provisions of this article and subject to Chapter
39, Affordable Housing, of the Borough Code, provided, however, that one non-deed-restricted unit may be provided for an on-site superintendent.
The following standards and bulk regulations shall apply to
permitted uses in the AH-2 District:
A. Density. The maximum number of dwelling units permitted in the AH-2
Zone shall be 50 affordable dwelling units, plus one on-site non-deed-restricted
unit for occupancy by a building superintendent.
B. Buffer area.
A minimum buffer area of at least 75 feet shall be provided
from all external lot lines, except that portion which fronts upon
an external street or right-of-way and except that portion which abuts
deed-restricted open space. Such buffer area shall be kept in its
natural state where wooded, and when natural vegetation is sparse
or nonexistent, the landowner may be required to provide a year-round
visual screen as determined by the approving authority.
No principal or accessory use or structure, including, without
limitation, off-street parking and loading areas, shall be permitted
within the required buffer area; but the approving authority may,
upon a finding of reasons thereof, permit a portion of a buffer area
to be used for utility easements or streets to ensure access to or
from adjacent property.
In no case shall a buffer area be utilized for any active recreational
C. Area, yard and bulk requirements.
The following area, yard and bulk requirements shall apply to
permitted uses in the AH-2 Zone:
Minimum lot area: two acres.
Minimum lot width: 100 feet.
Minimum front yard: 40 feet.
Minimum side yard: 75 feet.
Minimum rear yard: 10 feet.
Minimum distance between buildings:
[1] Front-to-front units: 60 feet.
[2] Back-to-back units: 60 feet.
[3] Front-to-back units: 60 feet.
[4] Front-to-side units: 45 feet.
[5] Side-to-side units: 30 feet.
[6] Side-to-back units: 30 feet.
Maximum building height: four stories; 60 feet.
Maximum building coverage: 25%.
Maximum impervious coverage: 60%.
Parking requirements.
Notwithstanding anything in §
101-62A to the contrary, there shall be at least 1.8 off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit for all uses in the AH-2 Zone.
Notwithstanding anything in §
101-62B to the contrary, off-street parking may be located in a required front yard, provided that such parking shall be set back minimally five feet from all external lot lines and further provided that such parking shall not encroach within any sight triangles.
Off-street parking shall be set back minimally five feet from