[Adopted 3-13-1978 by Ord. No. 78-3 as Art. VIII of Ch. 52 of the 1977 Code]
The office of Municipal Attorney is hereby created for the Township of Pennsauken in compliance with N.J.S.A. 40A:9-139.
The individual appointed to the office of Municipal Attorney shall be licensed to practice law in the State of New Jersey.
The fixed term of office of the Municipal Attorney shall be for such term as is provided by law.
The Municipal Attorney shall provide those legal services to the governing body of the Township of Pennsauken which he or she is directed to so provide by such governing body.
The Municipal Attorney shall enter into a written contract with the Township of Pennsauken in compliance with N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq., within the following prescribed form and manner:
The contract shall set forth the fees to be charged for the services to be performed by the Municipal Attorney.
The contract shall be for the term of appointment of the Municipal Attorney, and no fees shall be paid for services or work performed until such contract is executed.
The contract shall provide for the submission of charges on at least a quarterly basis for services rendered by the Municipal Attorney.
In lieu of itemized charges for services rendered by the Municipal Attorney, the contract may provide for a total yearly fee to be paid to the Municipal Attorney for any and all legal services rendered by the Municipal Attorney on behalf of the Township of Pennsauken for a yearly period.
The contract shall be approved by the governing body prior to its execution.
The contract shall be executed by the Mayor and Township Clerk on behalf of the Township of Pennsauken and individually by the attorney so appointed to the office of Municipal Attorney.
The governing body may, from time to time by a duly adopted resolution, appoint a Special Municipal Attorney to render services as to a specific matter or matters whenever such a need arises. In such event, the Special Municipal Attorney shall enter into a contract with the Township of Pennsauken in compliance with the provisions of § 52-23 above, specifically designating the rate of fees to be charged and designating those services which are to be performed by the Special Municipal Attorney.