[Adopted 7-13-1988 by Ord. No. 88-23]
It is the legislative intent of the Township Committee of the Township of Pennsauken to require the payment of delinquent taxes as conditioned for the issuance or renewal of any license or permit issued by the Township of Pennsauken.
[Amended 12-30-2002 by Ord. No. 02-32]
No license or permit issued by or requiring approval by the Township of Pennsauken shall be issued to any applicant if the aforesaid applicant, whether said applicant be a person, partnership, sole proprietorship or corporation, is delinquent in any property taxes or assessments on the property wherein the business or activity that is the subject of the license or on which a licensed activity or business is or will be conducted for which license or permit is sought or wherein the business or activity is to be conducted within the Township of Pennsauken, unless said delinquent taxes are paid to current date prior to the issuance or renewal of any aforesaid license or permit.
In addition, in the event that any licensee or permittee of any license issued by the Township of Pennsauken, or any licensee owning any license or permit in the Township of Pennsauken, has failed to pay the taxes due on the property for at least three consecutive quarters, wherein the licensed business or activity is conducted, shall, upon a hearing consistent with due process standards, have the aforesaid license or permit revoked for nonpayment of property taxes pursuant to this article.
This article shall not apply nor include any alcoholic beverage license or permit or permit issued pursuant to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act (N.J.S.A. 33:1-1 et seq.).