No person shall construct, maintain or operate a well or spring, the water of which is used for domestic purposes, whether for drinking, washing or other domestic use in a business establishment, without first obtaining permission from this Board so to do.
No person shall construct or maintain any well or other supply of water used for drinking or household purposes which does not meet the standards of quality and quantity as required by the New Jersey State Department of Health or which is so situated, constructed or maintained that it may become so polluted, except upon premises occupied exclusively by the owner or immediate members of the family.
No person shall sell or distribute water for drinking purposes in containers or devices without first obtaining permission from this Board so to do. Such person shall furnish to this Board such information as may be required by the Board concerning the source of the water supply and shall notify this Board immediately of any change of the source or water supply before selling or distributing any water from such new source of supply.
Where permission is granted by this Board to sell or distribute water for drinking purposes in containers or other devices, such person shall furnish this Board with samples for analysis in such manner as this Board may require.
All water dispensers, coolers, containers or devices used in connection with the sale or distribution of drinking water shall meet with the approval of this Board.
No impure ice or ice cut from a polluted pond, lake or stream and no ice manufactured from impure water shall be used or sold in this municipality; provided, however, that such ice may be used for cold storage or manufacturing purposes only upon the written permission of this Board.
No person shall sell any ice in this municipality without first obtaining a license therefor from this Board.