The following construction improvements shall be required in all major subdivisions:
All new dedicated streets, all existing unimproved dedicated streets and all widened portions of improved existing streets shall be paved with one inch of FABC; the top course on 1 1/2 inches of FABC; the bottom course on six inches of gravel base course. In lieu of the gravel base course, the developer may select to substitute three inches of bituminous stabilized base course. The above pavement section shall apply to marginal, minor and collector streets only. Arterial streets shall be constructed of a pavement section determined by the Borough Engineer based upon traffic volumes and composition. When required by the Engineer, traffic striping shall be included.
All streets which are to be paved or widened shall have concrete curbs along all paved edges.
Concrete sidewalks along street frontages where curbing is required.
Shade trees every 50 feet along all street frontages.
One new street name sign at every street intersection.
Concrete control monuments at every corner of the outside boundary of the entire subdivision, at the intersection of the outside boundary of the entire subdivision with one side of all new and existing streets, at any two corners of every street intersection and at all other locations required by the Map Filing Law.[1]
Editor's Note: N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.9 et seq.
Stormwater collection system, including all appurtenant improvements, approved by the Borough Engineer.
Final lot grading and vegetative ground cover.
Grading, vegetative ground cover, equipment and other physical facilities in all park and recreation areas when such have been required by the Planning Board.
Sanitary sewage collection system connected to the existing Tuckerton Municipal Utilities Authority's system. Individual disposal systems shall be permitted only when specifically approved by all local and state agencies.
Public water distribution system with hydrants so located that no building within the subdivision shall be more than 600 feet from a hydrant. Individual water supply systems shall be permitted only when specifically approved by all local and state agencies.
Underground telephone service lines and underground electric distribution lines, together with an adequate streetlighting system approved by the Borough Engineer.
Traffic control signs and devices as shown on the preliminary plan and approved.
[Added 8-21-2006 by Ord. No. 11-2006; amended 3-1-2010 by Ord. No. 3-2010]
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, sidewalks and curbing shall be required along all street frontages as a condition relating to any minor subdivision, major subdivision, minor site plan or major site plan approval granted by the Land Use Board. The proposed curbing and sidewalk shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of § 231-42.
Payment in lieu of sidewalk and curbing.
Any developer seeking minor subdivision, major subdivision, minor site plan and/or major site plan approval may request a waiver of the requirement to install curbing and sidewalks along all street frontages of the subject property by agreeing to pay a sum to the Tuckerton Borough Pedestrian Safety Fund equal to the cost of said curbing and sidewalk. Said cost shall be determined by the Borough Engineer or the Land Use Board Engineer based on documented construction costs for public improvements prevailing in the general area of the municipality.
In determining whether to grant the requested waiver and accept a payment in lieu of the installation of sidewalk and curbing, the Land Use Board shall consider the following factors:
The presence or absence of curbing and sidewalks in the general vicinity of the subject property;
The practical difficulty as established by the applicant of installing such improvements in or adjacent to the subject property due to exceptional topographic conditions, drainage concerns and/or the deleterious impact to surrounding properties as a result of the installation of such improvements;
The recommendation of the Board or Borough Engineer.
Tuckerton Borough Pedestrian Safety Fund.
There is hereby established the Tuckerton Borough Pedestrian Safety Fund (hereinafter "fund").
Said fund shall be dedicated to pay for the cost of designing and constructing various pedestrian safety projects and repairs within the Borough.
All monies paid by developers in accordance with this section shall be deposited into said fund.
The Chief Financial Officer of the Borough is hereby directed to establish and maintain the fund and to make disbursements upon the request of the Borough Council for designated pedestrian safety improvements and repairs.
All the above improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the design standards contained in Article VII and the construction specifications contained in Article VIII of this chapter.