The position of Municipal Prosecutor which has heretofore been created by resolution is reestablished and recreated hereby. The Township Committee shall appoint the Municipal Prosecutor.
In accordance with the provisions of P.L. 1996, c. 95, § 14 (N.J.S.A. 2B:12-27), the Municipal Prosecutor shall be qualified as an attorney-at-law of the State of New Jersey in good standing, and shall represent the Township (or the Township as the representative of the state in connection with prosecutions involving violations of state law) in prosecutions in the Municipal Court, except that by resolution of the Township Committee the Township Attorney may be authorized and appointed as a Special Municipal Prosecutor to prosecute a municipal ordinance violation or violations in the Municipal Court. The Municipal Prosecutor, including any Special Municipal Prosecutor, shall have all the privileges and immunities enjoyed by the Attorney General of the State of New Jersey, the County Prosecutor, and their respective designees.
The Municipal Prosecutor shall be appointed for a term of one year from the date of appointment and may continue to serve in office pending reappointment or appointment of a successor.
The Municipal Prosecutor, and any Special Municipal Prosecutor, shall be compensated in range specified in the separate Salary Ordinance[1] of the Township from time to time adopted, and stipulated by resolution of the Township Committee.
Editor's Note: The Salary Ordinance is on file in the Township offices.